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He is still on the air? I am surprised he can still get intelligent guests.
Bill O’Reilly acting like an idiot. And the point is?
#1 “I am surprised he can still get intelligent guests.”
He doesn’t, he had Obama on 3 times in the last week as no one who’s intelligent will appear…
It’s one thing to question and criticize how a law is written, it’s quite another to question this intelligent and trained professional that studies law… which is what Bill is doing here. Can he do anything BUT argue with people?
What a block head. It was like they were having 2 different arguments.
Bill is responsible for one good thing: Colbert Report
Liked her correction when he switched from “information” to “money” to try for the EZ KO.
“Don’t tell me, I know the law!”
“Yes, but the viewers don’t”
Great job Megyn, but it’s time to work up your resume, ’cause nobody one-ups poppa bear on his show Goldilockes.
It’s good to know that someone in the media is willing to put the Supreme Court in it’s place.
I like Bill O. He is a good entertainer and keeps dangerous people off the streets at night.
I saw this exchange live. He was so busy “bloviating,” he didn’t even come close to getting the difference between trafficking in stolen property and repeating personal information. His producer should use this as a lesson for him to pay attention to his guests if he wants to keep himself from looking like a dolt.
P.S. Save your breath with additional comments about him looking like a dolt. I know where you’re going.
Bill-Oh would get a lot further along if he would stop yelling at his guests even when they are agreeing with him and if he would rephrase his talking point as “the law should” rather than “the law does.”
It will be fun to see if a good night’s sleep allows him to learn anything from his expert guests, or if indeed he kicks goldielocks out. He allows a minor level of disagreement, but not usually a direct as he got here.
Opinion Commentary has its limits.
She kept saying “news worthy”, personal pictures of Palin’s kids news worthy?
Someone hacking into someones email, no matter how easy it was, is news worthy, but I don’t think posting stolen pictures and stuff qualifies as news worthy.
It may be a matter of spliting hairs, but still, the websites knew they were stolen and I feel they should be held accountable to some extent.
By the way, I like seeing Bill get a little of what he usually gives out.
What Bill doesn’t get is that no one “stole” anything. Sarah Palin still has all of her emails and she can read them any time she likes.
But why do they call what the kid did “hacking?” People reset passwords all the time. The kid did what yahoo email is designed to do. Anyone could have done it, even me if I had thought of it first.
And why was Palin conducting state business using a yahoo email account? Shouldn’t she be using her Alaska state email? Enquiring minds want to know.
#13 “What Bill doesn’t get is that no one “stole” anything. Sarah Palin still has all of her emails and she can read them any time she likes.”
Try using that argument if you are busted copying & distributing music, movies, books, etc.
You’d be rooming with buba (not B. Clinton)
So you won’t mind if I reset your email account and read your mail? Oh by the way, please tell me your home’s address and when you’ll be gone (in case I want to inspect your property). Maybe I’ll change the locks too.
Would that be OK?
I don’t know what that is I have never seen that, to play us out, what does that mean to play us out I don’t know what that means…
Hey if she doesn’t have anything to hide, she shouldn’t worry right?
Fucking hypocrites.
There is a difference between theft and piracy. If you get arrested for file sharing it will be for copyright violation not theft.
#15- you’re making the same argument that Billie did with the $50 bill. And she clearly differentiated between the hacker and the website, so if you reset an email account yes, you will be liable.
#14 Bill was equating breaking into someones email with stealing $50 from their US mail. If I steal $50 from your mailbox, you will not have the $50.
Palin still has her emails.
And as a seller of intellectual property, I am very familiar with copyright law. Which, for your information, is not applicable here.
But tell me, isn’t it illegal in Alaska to conduct any state business using a yahoo email account instead of your state email? If so, then your hero Palin is guilty of wrongdoing.
#18 “There is a difference between theft and piracy. If you get arrested for file sharing it will be for copyright violation not theft.”
And you get put in the same cell.
#3: Nice, but if Obama isn’t intelligent what’s McCain?… There’s been a lot of talk, but I haven’t heard even the most crazy of the McCain supporters suggest he is more intelligent than Obama. Naval aviators are brave and all, but Naval Aviator vs. Constitutional scholar? Sorry, when it comes to IQ, Obama wins.
Although it’d be nice if we could just elect whoever wins an IQ test, but there’s more to it. If the John McCain in the current campaign were the same John McCain from twelve years ago, I’d have a difficult decision to make. I’ve found my decision to back Obama has been getting easier and easier as the campaign goes on. I’m just seeing more lying and mis-representation coming out of the McCain campaign. If I’d been a McCain supporter I would be really disappointed in his campaign. As someone who bills himself as the “straight talk express” it seems the train has come off the track…
#22 “Although it’d be nice if we could just elect whoever wins an IQ test. . .”
No one wants to watch an IQ test. Instead I propose a game of one-on-one, Obama vs Palin. They’re about the same age, both fairly athletic. We could even spot Palin a few points to make up for Obama’s height advantage.
This would save us all from those irritating election TV commercials between now and Nov.
What Billy-O wasn’t talking about is what was in Palin’s email, which was the reason analymous hacked into it. WikiLeaks has published her inbox directory, and while roughly 3/4s of the email seems clearly personal, there are many that are clearly NOT personal emails. It is illegal for Palin to use her personal email to bypass the Alaska state gov’t email system for the conduct of state business, which she most likely has done.
Even more interesting are some of the specific emails her in-box (so far we can only see the subject lines). DPS (related to Troopergate?), several discussing government ethics inquiries, and others suggest that her motives were clear for those topics she chose to use her personal email for — topics she didn’t want preserved on the gov’t email system. This is not just a case of “oh, it’s late at night, I’ll just send you this from home using my Yahoo account…”, these emails suggest clear intent!
I kept waiting for Megyn to break out into a “I can’t do it… We’ll do it live. Fuck it! The fuckin’ thing sucks!!”
OOH! OOH! Star Trek TOS.. The Gamesters of Triskelion! I’d pay to see Palin in a mylar bikini.. and she wouldn’t have to change her hairdo much either. God, I hope there’s at least one of you that gets the reference…
#14 – O’Furniture
>>Try using that argument if you are busted
>>copying & distributing music, movies, books,
In that case, you are “stealing” something with commercial value.
Except for the public’s interest in wtf Palin was doing conducting official state business using a Hotmail account (and the nonexistent chance that she might have sold the e-mails HERSELF and would thus be deprived of financial gain), there’s no money to be made here.
#15 – Love child, love child, never meant to be
>>So you won’t mind if I reset your
>>email account and read your mail?
Sure I’d mind.
And if I were using a Hotmail account on the sly to cover up things that I was doing in my official capacity of governor of my state, to circumvent freedom of information and government transparency statutes, I’d be DAMNED PISSED OFF.
Oh well. Too bad. So sad. Sarah got caught being naughty, and now the neocons supporting McBush have the FBI, the Secret Service, and every other Federal law enforcement agency tracking down this “perpetrator”.
And it sure is taking a lot of attention away from the REAL ISSUE, which is wtf was she doing using those clandestine email accounts for official business in the first place??
#24 – GregA
>>It is illegal for Palin to use her personal
>>email to bypass the Alaska state gov’t email
>>system for the conduct of state business,
>>which she most likely has done.
Of course. That’s why the right-wing “drive-by media” are focusing on nonsense like who hacked Sarracuda’s account and what liability the web site has (if any) for posting the copied messages.
Mission not quite accomplished, O’Reilly et al. We’re still watching and waiting for answers.
Let’s just hope they’re more forthcoming than the answer to “what was the rectangular object under Dumbya’s jacket during the ’04 debates.
Maybe Bill was just mad about this?