The House that Ruth Built to be Demolished!

Bidding farewell will be an all-day affair | — The curse that once haunted the Bosox now comes to NYC. It is no coincidence that Boston began their new found winning ways once this new stadium idea emerged. The Yankees will not win another world championship for 100 years. You watch.

Before the Yankees take the field for Sunday’s Yankee Stadium finale, they are inviting their fans to take the opportunity do so for one last memorable walk around the storied playing field.

The Yankees have announced that gates at Yankee Stadium will open at 1 p.m. ET on Sunday, allowing fans to visit Monument Park for a final time before it is relocated in its entirety to the new Stadium for 2009.

Be there or be square.

Previous post about this folly here.

New Joint. Appears to be enclosed within San Quentin.

  1. Montanaguy says:

    I spit in the general direction of the Yankees.

  2. Grandpa says:

    I was raised 20 miles from Yankee Stadium and have been to many games there during my younger days. It’s difficult to put to words the feelings I have about what is happening. What the Arabs don’t knock down we tear down or give it away. Something has to change.

  3. Montanaguy says:

    Sorry Grandpa, now I feel horribly guilty… it’s just that, well… the Red Sox have my heart.

  4. chuck says:

    Yankees suck.
    Rangers suck.
    Giants suck.
    Islanders suck.

    Oh, and Toronto sucks.

  5. Thomas says:

    Unlike the NFL, you can spend your way to success in MLB. The Yankees will eventually win another championship simply because they can outspend everyone. That said, who cares? No one outside of the NE corridor cares about baseball when football is on.

  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    When I first read the title I thought it was about the battered women’s shelter called House of Ruth that was a great place to pick up chicks and then I realized it was about the Yankers.

  7. psmith says:

    If you want to feel a curse, try being a Pittsburgh Pirates fan. This year we tied the record in any pro sport with 16 years of losing seasons. Why? It is not because we lost Barry Bonds, It was because we lost the ability to hold a Bonds caliber player due to revenue differentials. Baseball is a buyers market, so New York with it’s new publicly funded stadium will be stronger next year.

  8. Springheel Jack says:

    The Mariners will CRUSH the Yankees…in about seven year.

  9. The first thing I thought of when I looked at the pic of the “old” Yankee Stadium was that it somewhat resembled a bedpan. Coincidence, given their lame season this year? I think not.

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The Yankees are evil.

  11. Uncle Patso says:

    # 2 Grandpa said, in part:

    “What the Arabs don’t knock down we tear down or give it away.”

    Cities tend to eat themselves, the bigger the faster (sorta like stars). After 30 to 50 years, the turnover is better than 85-90%. Everything — buildings, neighborhoods, businesses, schools, even churches. It must be extremely costly for all those old European cities to keep so many ancient ruins. Not that big a problem in the U.S. Hardly anything around that’s more than 200 years old. Actor-commedian Billy Connolly tells about the town called New Bridge in Scotland, where the _new_ bridge is now a thousand years old…

  12. MikeN says:

    How much taxpayer money went into this?

  13. Personality says:

    #12- a lot. But, New Yorkers are so stupid, they would cut off an arm for baseball.

  14. stopher2475 says:

    “How much taxpayer money went into this?”
    I think the taxpayers are kicking in about 850 million for the privelege of buying Steinbrenner a new stadium with less seats and quadruple ticket prices. I just don’t get it.

  15. GRtak says:

    The old Tiger stadium is in the process of being demolished. Now yankee stadium will go that way. Wouldn’t it be better to upgrade the old stadiums and hold onto some history? I wonder how much NY taxpayers forked out for the both stadiums.

  16. Glenn E. says:

    So as I heard this on the news last night, a certain joke came to mind.

    Why did the Yankees cross the road? Hmmm, how about because Bloomberg is a chickensh*t major.

    This move is hardly that unusual, considering it’s New York City. Wall street brokers like to “stir” stock portfolios, just to up their sales commissions. So this is just moving a ballpark from one old property to a newer one. You can bet Bloomberg or a relative or buddy of his, has a financial stake in it.

  17. MikeN says:

    The Red Sox were never cursed.
    The Yankees real curse is the curse of Derek Cheater. In the 2001 World Series he was grabbing players left and right.

  18. What a fracking waste. The world (particularly the US) is going to hell in a handbasket, and the most important thing NY can find to do with its disposable income is to spend hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars (real estimate, #1,200,000,000.00) to redo a stadium where people pay obscene prices to watch stupifyingly overpaid grownups play a little boys’ game.

    They could have put the money into the school system, or programs to retrain people whose jobs have been sent to China and India and South America and other third-world sweatshops.

    But no. Peanuts and Cracker Jacks.

    Well, it’s one, two, three strikes and you’re out, and I’d say we’re pretty close to being out.

  19. Judge Jewdy says:

    I went to a Yankees game and just had enough money for a hot dog and two beers. I only had $80 on me.

  20. Glenn E. says:

    Looking at the two stadiums in the photos (Ok, new one is only a model) it strikes me the new one isn’t that much bigger than the old one. Mostly it’s a different shape, has those expensive projector displays, and probably some really nice Skyboxes for the rich and famous. All part of sticking it to the taxpayers, for what some private business desires, that the State endorses. Meanwhile, the Flushing Meadows Queens area, once home of the NY Worlds Fairs, continues to fall into ruin. Except for what the Tennis business invests there, the rest is a shambles. NY could spend a fraction of what it’s blowing on Bloomberg’s stadium, to revitalize this place.

  21. #20 Glenn E.

    >>it strikes me the new one isn’t that much
    >>bigger than the old one.

    It’s not just “not bigger”, it’s smaller. The House That Ruth Built” seats 57,545; the new one seats 51,000 (that’s 6,545 FEWER seats).

    And to boot, they’re destroying a perfectly good, large (22 acres) park and replacing it with a bunch of shitty little parks, some miles away.

    All to build an un-needed stadium where people pay obscene prices to watch stupifyingly overpaid grownups play a little boys’ game.


  22. Joey says:

    LOL people are saying Yankees are evil? They are the most professional and polite team in baseball. And majority of the fans are good.

    Boston Red Sox: Evil is their city officials, cops, team, fans bully and do harm to others. Red Sox fans actually tried to put voodoo curse on new stadium. They are sick pieces of crap. Ben Afflect is garbage like all Red Sox fans. If Boston was blown up, you wouldn’t have to worry because all them are bad, no lost.


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