Keeping a cell phone on talk mode in a pocket can decrease sperm quality, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic. “We believe that these devices are used because we consider them very safe, but it could cause harmful effects due to the proximity of the phones and the exposure that they are causing to the gonads,” says lead researcher Ashok Agarwal, the Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine.

In a previous study, Agarwal and his team found that men who used their cell phones more than four hours a day had significantly lower sperm quality than those who used their cell phones for less time. Those findings were based on self-reported data from 361 subjects.

Agarwal emphasized that it is far too early for men to start changing cell phone carrying habits, noting that his own cell phone was in his pocket as he talked to CNN.

Our study has not provided proof that you should stop putting cell phones in your pocket. There are many things that need to be proven before we get to that stage,” he said.

Hopefully, the noisy git who babbles all day long through his electronic tether may be less likely to reproduce his demented species. Or something like that.

Thanks, K B

  1. Rowena says:

    We could tie these last 2 posts together and see if we can get Fraidy-Cat Conservatives to carry their cellphones around in their pants.


    They need to have something useful in their pants.

  2. SparkyOne says:

    So is it the vibrate mode that is the cause?

  3. Montanaguy says:

    Fianlly, we’re finding a male birth control device.

  4. Thinker says:

    Too funny! Just stick it in your back pocket!

  5. Improbus says:

    Ah, natural selection at work. Maybe in a few generations people will be less talky.

  6. iamanasshole says:

    Cell phones put out non-ionizing radation at a low level. Non-ionizing radation is known to cause damage, so this would seem to be common sense.

    Higher frequencies are more damaging as is higher power.

    The question; Is the level of radiation from a cell phone actually enough to cause damage and if so over what amount of exposure.

  7. becagle says:

    #4 Thinker,

    More than likley, there will be a report that says carrying them in you back pocket will cause “Butt Cancer”.

    I don’t even want to think about some of the video I’ve seen on the internet with cellphones in some really wrong places…

  8. Lou says:

    Should send free phones over to the middle east.

  9. Dave W says:

    He’s hot! And I don’t mean gamma rays.

    But as it goes, anyone talking four or more hours a day on a cell phone already exhibits signs of a brain disease. Perhaps the researchers have confused cause and effect.

  10. Noel says:

    I hope this turns out to be true, it could save me a vasectomy.

  11. FudgieTheWhale says:

    The picture should be Don Johnson from A Boy and his Dog. Also I think that a little radiation would improve Dvorak’s sperm. Wake them up a little bit anyway, they are constantly nodding off. Hey you sperm, stop taking a nap on my lawn!

  12. Special Ed says:

    Wha? I’ve never come on my cell phone.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Ha! since I’m gay I don’t give a damn about it.

  14. Special Ed says:

    Good grief! This is about cell phones and all you fudge packers can think about is making this guy air tight.

  15. soundwash says:

    not for nothing but this is very old news..

    since that advent of radar and slightly before..(read the 1940’s+)….there have been many studies on ELF and microwave effects on biological entities..(like us mammals)

    there is empirical and clinical data (we’re talking 30yrs+ worth on thousands of
    subjects/patients) the pretty much goes beyond a shadow of a doubt in proving that much much of the vast sea of ELF, RF and Microwave energy that we emit from everyday use of hundreds of electrical and electronic devices has many detrimental effects on the biological process of mammals, -right down to the DNA level.

    in brief *cough*
    starting in the 1950′ the Navy had been experimenting with various radio transmission concepts (mainly ELF at the time) to use for communicating with submarines. -anyway at the same time, (actually even years prior the russians were also experimenting
    with various transmission technologies and more importantly, the effects of radar (microwave) frequencies on humans.

    -apparently alot of abnormalities had been showing up in Radar operators as well as other peoples that worked around high energy emission sources..

    this *in part* prompted to the Russians to start a ver long term study monitoring/doing clinical trials on thousands of workers who were exposed to these emissions sources…as well as doing specific studies on RF emissions
    in relation to its effects, if any on biological processes.

    in various studies spanning 3-+ years, they discovered many correlations between
    ELF/RF/Microwave energy and its effects of mammals that they were also able to constantly repeat in the lab..

    -meanwhile the Navy (who had contacted private scientists as will as the their own standard “partyline” lab rats)had found similar results, whose studies in the long run where altered to reflect more “favorable” outcomes..

    alot of this data came out in Project Sanguine/Seafarer which was one of the navy’s projects to engineer huge ELF loop antennae create ELF (extremely low frequency signals that would be used to communicate with submarine. (low frequencies can travel vast distances through dense mediums like water as well as the earth with little loss in signal strength and quality.

    (-due the extremely long length of ELF waves…something like 25miles plus, elf antennas need to be extremely long and require alot power..if you think about it..high voltage power lines are almost perfect for use as ELF antennae…and its been discovered that you only need a few *microwatts” of power in key frequencies to effect biological processes in a negative way..

    (fwiw: some frequencies are also beneficial to biological processes)

    (wales talk demonstrates this fact quiet well…being able to communicate with other wales hundreds of miles away by sending out low frequency sounds into the water..)

    anyway…i could only find a few links that relate to sanguine…i’ll provide more info/proof tomorrow…i have chronic, major back pain that is acting up and have to lie down..

    long story short.. i think it was 1970, that the Russians offered up a ton of all their data and findings that sbacks up all this stuff and *alot more* in a report they presented to us at a Warsaw peace conference or some such..i think we ignored it or treated it as propaganda..

    i have to go…more tomorrow if anyone cares..


    some links of interest:

    “WE NEED A SCIENCE COURT” ((from 1985) talks of sanguine)

    -just found what looks like a full transcript
    of a chapter from a book i read years ago that i’m recalling some of this stuff from..its an outstanding read..(the whole book) -highly recommended..

    “Invisible Warfare”


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