Details describing how someone hacked into Sarah Palin’s Yahoo Mail account emerged on Thursday, and it appears to have been done with little more than social engineering.
Since Tuesday, anonymous posters using a forum on the 4Chan.org Web site have been circulating password-protected zip files containing the contents of the now-deleted e-mail account once belonging to the Republican vice presidential candidate.
Like most Web account services, Yahoo Mail provides an option to reset or recover one’s user name and password. What is unclear is how the account recovery was rerouted from the alternative e-mail address chosen by Palin to a secondary e-mail address.
When Yahoo Mail prompted for Palin’s birthday, one poster said it took only 15 seconds on Wikipedia to answer that question. When it prompted for ZIP code, Wasilla, Ala., has only two ZIP Codes. As for Palin’s personal security question “Where did you meet your spouse?” that did slow the process down. The poster claimed it took several tries but eventually hit upon the correct answer: Wasilla High.
Tee hee.
Update: Inkadentally, the leading suspect in the crack – I wouldn’t call it a hack, especially – is a college student named David Kernell.
He changed Palin’s password to “popcorn”. Whadda you think?
#26, Cow-Paddy,
If you looked a little further than FOX Spews you might have found this.
Apparently the Washington Times published this quote:
Tennessee state Rep. Mike Kernell, Memphis Democrat, last night disputed published newspaper reports, including one in the Tennessean that said his son was the focus of the Palin hack investigation.
“I talked to David today and he has not been contacted, not a target by any federal group, any investigation,” Mr. Kernell told The Washington Times on Thursday night. He was answering phones at his office late into the evening to clear up inaccurate media reports, he said.
When asked whether his son is involved in the case in any way, Mr. Kernell said: “I can’t talk about my son. I can just tell you no one has contacted him or I about this.”
#31 Mr. Confusion said, “If you looked a little further than FOX Spews you might have found this.”
There is a little thing called a link in my post. I guess you don’t know how to use them…
The Tennessean.com is Fox news? What a tool.
# 26 Paddy-O
“I’m sure Rep. Mike Kernell is very proud of his son.”
Whoa there boy! There is not one word from the FBI or Secret Service confirming that he did it. They haven’t even labeled him as a suspect.
Until the FBI or Secret Service comes out and says “He admitted” or “We has sufficient evidence” This is nothing more than WILD speculation.
Anyone can post to a blog and say they did it and then give another persons email. Hell on this blog people pretend to be other people all the time. Ask Mr. Mustard.
Not saying he didn’t do it. Just saying it is a bit early with no conformation other than he is being talked to about it. Suppose they gave your email out instead. Do you think the Secret Service and FBI would like to talk to you? I bet they would.
Now to the issue of children.
If you want to blame Rep Kernell for his sons actions then is Sarah Palin responsible for her daughter having pre marital sex? I remember some of you right wingers saying she can’t control everything her daughter does therefore she is not responsible. Come on show me some hypocrisy.
Some of you right wing asshats might have to do a little apologizing if it turns out this kid had nothing to do with it.
You better pray he did it because if he didn’t you are going to pay a very large penalty for the false accusations. I read a number of rightwing blogs last night in a fervor about this. The best part is they had nothing but their own reports to each other as evidence. They said some pretty harsh stuff about this kid and his dad. Some of it ranged into the death threat area. All on nothing more than speculation. Yeah us liberals are the hate mongers.
You better pray it’s true.
#33 “If you want to blame Rep Kernell for his sons actions”
??? Where did I say that?
Also, I don’t know how to contact Eideard but he named the REP as a suspect, not his son, David.
Eideard should correct that.
[Fixed. Thanks. 🙂 ]
# 35 Paddy-O
“??? Where did I say that?”
Oh fucking please!!!! Post #26??????
Yeah that wasn’t your intent..
“REP as a suspect, not his son, David”
The FBI and Secret Service have named NO ONE as a suspect at this time. As of this morning none of them had contatced either Rep. Kernell nor his son. So lay off until they do. Otherwise you might end up with a great deal of egg on your face.
#36 “Otherwise you might end up with a great deal of egg on your face.”
Sorry, just posting what the news is saying. Egg will be on the reporters faces, if any.
# 37 Paddy-O
No you are promoting it because it fits the right wing agenda.
He may be guilty but lets remember that all those right wing bloggers, where the story orginated from, a claiming it before the Secret Service or the FBI have made and statement about the matter. NO EVIDENCE other than what they say to each other.
Think about that for a minute.
#38 “No you are promoting it because it fits the right wing agenda.”
What are you babbling about? I have no clue what party the alleged purp belongs to. Do you?
# 39 Paddy-O
“What are you babbling about? I have no clue what party the alleged purp belongs to. Do you?”
Really? Then why did you feel the need to point out his dad was a Democrat Rep. from TN. Are you saying that you didn’t think his son was also a democrat? Your so full of shit that it is oozing all over your keyboard.
#40 “Are you saying that you didn’t think his son was also a democrat? ”
No idea. Teens often rebel against their parents. Look at Reagan’s kids.
Do you know what his political affiliation is?
# 41 Paddy-O
It smells like a Mexican bull ring in here. Please stop dropping your bullshit.
So, if you don’t know, why was it important that you point out his dad is a Democrat? If he could be a Republican why the need to point out his dad wasn’t.
#42 “So, if you don’t know, why was it important that you point out his dad is a Democrat?”
Because as this involves an attack on a political candidate it is news worthy. Hence, the news media mentioning it and me paraphrasing it.
Please complain to the news outlets, not me for reporting what they posted.
Again, do you know his political affiliation?
# 43 Paddy-O
“Because as this involves an attack on a political candidate it is news worthy. ”
You didn’t think it was important to mention that the kids politics may differ then? No, instead you decided to use his dads status so you could lay blame at the feet of the Democrats. You asshole!
“Again, do you know his political affiliation?”
No, I don’t and since all the news about him originates from right wing blogs I don’t think I will get an accurate report about that for a while.
That is……if he is even involved in the matter to begin with.
The kid could have done it. Therefore he must have done it. Same logic used by moon-landing hoax believers.
#44 “No, I don’t and since all the news about him originates from right wing blogs I don’t think I will get an accurate report about that for a while.”
The two links I provided are from right wing blogs?
Are you illiterate, or do you just not read what is posted?
# 46 Paddy-O
“The two links I provided are from right wing blogs? Are you illiterate, or do you just not read what is posted?”
Perhaps you you are the illiterate one. Do you understand the meaning of the word “originates”?
All the info they are using did not come from the FBI or Secret Service. It is directly traceable back to right wing bloggers website.
#47 “Do you understand the meaning of the word “originates”?”
Sure do. Do you understand backing up your argument? Links?
# 48 Paddy-O
“Sure do.”
No you don’t because you asked. “The two links I provided are from right wing blogs?”
What does that have to do with where the story originated from?
Why provide a duplicate link when I can just quote your link?
“David, who is being widely named on Internet blogs and chatrooms in connection with an unfolding story about Palin’s hacked e-mail ”
Hum I don’t know about you but I can’t find any liberal blogs that have named him as the suspect. Yet there are tons of Right wing blogs that have.
Now lets be clear. At this point, THE SECRET SERVICE AND FBI HAVE NOT NAMED ANYONE!!!!!!! nor have they spoken with either David or his father yet. They may but something tells me that it was all a Right Wing wet dream.
Instead of rebutting your obviously incorrect claim, I have to confess. “J” did an excellent job of destroying you. You just don’t know when to quit.
To add, my checking showed that only right wing blogs were carrying the story. The Washington Times, one of the most right wing nut newspapers in America called the story a hoax.
You claimed it, you were wrong, now please sit down and be quiet.
To the person that said Tee Hee. I hope you get the same treatment.
#49 ““David, who is being widely named on Internet blogs …”
Nothing about “right wing” anything.
Calmer than you are.
# 52 Paddy-O
“Nothing about “right wing” anything.”
It originated from Michelle Malkin and like I said the only blogs talking about are the right wing ones and they all seem to point right back to Michelle Malkin.
Feel free to post a link to a liberal blog that discusses it as if it were fact or that don’t lead back to a right wing blog. I can post 25 or more that are Right Wing blogs.
You are one of the reasons I don’t like most Republicans. You lie and do deceitful things right out in the open. When confronted about it you either lie some more or you try to deny them as if it never happened.
Paddy-O and ‘J’
Can I suggest a duel? Midnight at the bullring. Bring dayglo dart guns and whatever KoolAid you both drink.
Fusion and I will moderate. We’re fair and balanced.
“Calmer than you are…”
“Can I suggest a duel?”
Sure. Can I suggest that paddy boy not wear a dress. I don’t hit girls or men that wear dresses.
“Midnight at the bullring.”
We are in the bullring because I smell a lot of the shit paddy boy has been dropping.
“Bring dayglo dart guns and whatever KoolAid you both drink.”
Bare knuckles! Scotch!
“Fusion and I will moderate.”
ok but I think Fusion might already agree with me.
“We’re fair and balanced. ”
LOL Fair? Well I don’t know. Balanced? No way in hell! You two are way off kilter. lol 😛
This kid may be guilty. I don’t know, but as it sits there is nothing more than rumor and lies spreading through the right wing blogosphere as fact. So much so that the family is receiving death threats. Right now there is NOT ONE PIECE of verifiable evidence that this kid had anything to do with it. Yet Michelle Malkin seems to think that because she got some email from someone claiming to know the person that did it and it agrees with her agenda it of course must be true. And since one right wing blogger says it that is enough proof for them. That is typical Republican logic.
Here is a link that lays it all out for you. The logic and reason that a lot of you Republicans use is circular and this situation PROVES IT!!
Again this kid may be guilty but that doesn’t change the fact that the logic and evidence used to lynch him online are those of a hypocrite and hate monger.
As of right this minute he STILL is not a named suspect.
#33 – J
>>Hell on this blog people pretend to be other
>>people all the time. Ask Mr. Mustard.
I hate it when they do that.
#25 – Pillory
>>No instead we get little or no news coverage >>…… Can the bias be more obvious?
Right. We get no coverage here, because the REAL story is Sarracuda’s illegal use of a freebie e-mail account to conduct business for the state of Alaska. Not this nonsense about who hacked into what.
And since most of the MainStream Media tilts to the right, the story gets no coverage.
#57 “Right now there is NOT ONE PIECE of verifiable evidence that this kid had anything to do with it.”
Looks like he is going down. 5-12 for this one.