CARBONDALE, PA—Less than two weeks after introducing to the nation her developmentally disabled newborn and her 19-year-old son preparing for military service in Iraq, Republican vice presidential nominee and conservative Christian woman Sarah Palin delivered a speech Monday flanked by three heretofore-unknown relatives, including a naturalized Mexican half brother, a formerly lesbian niece, and a New York City firefighter cousin who saved several lives during the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks. “John McCain and I will take on the Washington establishment and give the government back to the people,” said Palin, who several times gave the “thumbs-up” sign to her African-American coal-miner uncle seated in the audience. “We envision a better and brighter future for hardworking, selfless Americans like Ted, Anne, and Guillermo here.” Palin has a campaign stop scheduled next week in Texas, where she is expected to introduce her stepsister Linda, a $35 barrel of offshore-drilled crude oil wrapped in an American flag.”

Diversity is good!

  1. comhcinc says:


    you are right like that whole wmds thing in iraq. republicans want to rush right in a bomb the shit out of every thing. democrats want to wait and see if there was more information……oh wait…………

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Meth + man-ass + bible thumping = Republican

    If Palin wants to put her family on the stage for her campaign, she can expect them to become targets. The same for Obama.

  3. Montanaguy says:

    Mr Confusion: whoa Cupcake…like..are you saying you’re a closet republican, then? You’re a poet, dude.

    #31 [CommieHQInc.]
    There were no democrats supporting the Iraq war, huh? Not Hillary? Nobody? That’s weird… there seem to be so MANY democrats with ‘yea’ votes on THIS list:

    Must all be typos… or maybe the democrats had been standing out in the rain so long they were suffering from cerebral edema. Could happen. There’s got to be some explanation.

    And so it deteriorates.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    The prettier the Republican women get the gayer the Republican men become.

  5. deowll says:

    Everybody is related to a lot of people that aren’t them and don’t share their views.

    I wasn’t impressed when people jumped Obama about some half siblings he may have never even heard off and I’m not impressed now.

    Billy Carter never ran for President. Neither did Clinton’s half brother.

    Stick to issues and candidates.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, doell,

    Great idea. HOWEVER, (I hate starting a sentence with a conjunction but, …)as I have said before. If the candidate uses his family as part of his campaign then they are then a target too.

    Because McCain did not bring his bastard black kids on stage then NO, they should not become part of his campaign. As far as I know, the media have mostly left them alone.

    The same for his gay brother. We can also leave him out of it.

    Cindy McCain and her abortion at seventeen though should be open to questioning simply because several times she has joined McCain on stage. Abortion is a relevant topic.

  7. MikeN says:

    Wow, join them on stage, and you’re a target? Hey Al Gore introduced his 8 year old in 1992, pointed him out in the audience and everything. I guess the media should have talked about his pot smoking?

  8. Knuckles says:

    Carbondale, PA? They couldn’t pick a better city? I live just 5 miles north of Carbondale, and used to live and work there for a few years.

  9. McCullough says:

    It’s from the Onion people. Did I really need to point that out again?

  10. Montanaguy says:

    Mr ConFusion:
    Have you stopped taking your nice pill again? Isn’t this kind of dark, sullen bottom-trolling beneath you? Are the liberals so out-of-gas that they are fighting each other at the bottom of the swamp for sustenance?

  11. geofgibson says:

    #33 – “There were no democrats supporting the Iraq war, huh? ”

    Ya, just like all those Ds who “knew” Saddam had WMDs. Clinton, Clinton, Biden, Kerry (who served in Vietnam), Kennedy, Lieberman, Gore. They’re all on record ranting about Saddam’s WMDs before Bush was elected. All part of the master plan the “dumbest President, ever,” used to pull the wool over the eyes of all those really bright, Ivy League (just like Bush) geniuses in Congress and get them to set him up so he could “start a war” when they weren’t paying attention.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    >> geofgibson said,
    >> They’re all on record ranting about Saddam’s WMDs before Bush was elected.

    That’s because Saddam DID have some WMD before a decade of sanctions and nuclear inspection ended his programs.

    Goodness, the history revisionism by conservatives is absurd.

  13. edwinrogers says:

    I find myself in a perplexing and somewhat disturbing situation, of finding agreement with everything this insufferable woman has to say.

  14. geofgibson says:

    #42 – “That’s because Saddam DID have some WMD before a decade of sanctions and nuclear inspection ended his programs.

    Goodness, the history revisionism by conservatives is absurd.”

    Sorry, history is just history. Snopes has a nice compilation of quotes from these idiot Ds from 1998 through 2002:

    Not “decades.” Not revision. Just craven politics. If there’s any revisionism, it’s on the part of the Ds who wish that the public would forget they were as hawkish, if not more so, than Bush, Cheney, et al.

  15. geofgibson says:

    #43 – “I find myself in a perplexing and somewhat disturbing situation, of finding agreement with everything this insufferable woman has to say.”

    Don’t be perplexed or ashamed. Be proud of having common sense.

  16. QB says:

    McCullough said:

    “It’s time for Ann Coulter to switch to the Dems.”

    Psych! I was thinking exactly the same thing.

  17. QB says:

    Angel H. Wong said: “The prettier the Republican women get the gayer the Republican men become.”

    Too true. When did that happen?

  18. Nimby says:

    Whoa, fighters. Look again at the top, above the photo where it says: “Posted by McCullough in Politics, humor.” Maybe it should say HUMOR!!! RTFA – do you even know what The ONION is??????????

  19. LinusVP says:

    Isn’t there an updated pic with Palin? This looks to be about 4 yrs. old.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #44, goofy,

    Apparently there are lies, damned lies, and lies made up by selectively quoting people out of context. Yes that list is posted at Snopes. What you didn’t read, because it sure takes the accuracy out of your point, is the next bit.

    All of the quotes listed above are substantially correct reproductions of statements made by various Democratic leaders regarding Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein’s acquisition or possession of weapons of mass destruction. However, some of the quotes are truncated, and context is provided for none of them — several of these quotes were offered in the course of statements that clearly indicated the speaker was decidedly against unilateral military intervention in Iraq by the U.S. Moreover, several of the quotes offered antedate the four nights of airstrikes unleashed against Iraq by U.S. and British forces during Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, after which Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen and Gen. Henry H. Shelton (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) announced the action had been successful in “degrad[ing] Saddam Hussein’s ability to deliver chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.”

    Later in the article is this little snippit.

    Many supporters of a more forceful strategy are conservative Republicans and longtime defense hard-liners, such as Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) and former Pentagon official Richard L. Armitage….

    In addition to a crushing bombing campaign or the possibility of ground troops, some advocates of tougher measures are suggesting seeking Iraq’s expulsion from the United Nations, indicting Saddam Hussein as a war criminal, or blockading the port of Basra to halt illicit oil exports — an action that would infuriate Iran, which shares the Shatt al Arab waterway with Iraq.

    So as usual, the right wing nuts like to distort the truth in order to justify their own position. Unfortunately, for them, that position is usually unjustifiable.

  21. MikeN says:

    So you believe that Saddam had WMDs up until this four day bombing campaign, and then they were all gone, and that was it?

    Mr Confusion indeed

  22. gmknobl says:

    Don’t you just love a good Onion article. Sometimes they write themselves!

    Formerly lesbian. Yeah, like formerly HIV infected or formerly born. Sorry, something just can’t be taken away given current technology. Maybe in 20 years this will change.

  23. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Wow! Over 50 hits for an Onion article! Gotta love ’em.


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