• Google Android secretly shown in London. Pics of phone all over the net. Company buys Valve software to develop games for the phone and online.
  • Brad Pitt now the top malware lure.
  • Sarah Palin more popular than porn. Meanwhile her email was hacked.
  • NY to add RFID to drivers license. Luckily it is optional.
  • Canon doing DSLR with 1080p movie capability. Nice.
  • Xbox360 tops in Japan. Congrats.
  • Kodak rolling out an OLED wireless photo frame.

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  1. ECA says:


  2. GaryInMiami says:

    I did a search for Jerry Seinfeld and got the Vista virus.

    BTW, according to ValleyWag MSFT just announced the end of the Gates/Seinfeld ads.


  3. Huh? What’s with all the /span/font /ppClick gibberish?

  4. brendal says:

    I met Brad before he was famous (pre-“Thelma”) and I bet he finds all of this…strange.

  5. GaryInMiami says:

    >>Huh? What’s with all the /span/font /ppClick gibberish?

    John’s not as good a geek as he thinks he is. 🙂

  6. >>John’s not as good a geek as he thinks he is. 🙂

    Heh heh. So it would seem 🙂

  7. QB says:

    Android has a nice approachable programming model which is easy for tons of people to pick up. It is much better than the other Java models such as RIM or Symbian (which really should be done in Carbide/C++).

    JCD is right, it will affect MS Mobile but won’t touch the iPhone, RIM, and Nokia that much. The Valve buy is interesting – gaming is important.

    Expect the hype to pick back up again.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    I think it’s kind of sexist, to say Brad Pitt fans are going to get malwared. Because obviously, this implies a lot of females are checking him out, and getting their PCes infected. And I suppose most of them don’t know, or don’t care, how to prevent this. Their geeky brother or father (or hubby) will fix their toy for them. Yeah, maybe it is sexist. But doesn’t this Brad Pitt association say it all? It wasn’t about Pamela Anderson fans.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    I have to question whether Palin’s email was really hacked? And by this group called “anonymous”. Anybody could claim to be them. Even the Republicans or the scientologists. They’d love to discredit anonymous, with this. And then get some legislation passed banning the existence of all such groups from posting on the web (for reasons of national security, of course). I seriously doubt that Palin’s inner most thoughts are that easy to get access to. Or that what’s in any emails she writes, is truly what’s going on in her head. It’s probably just a fake front account, being run by an assistant. Like a publicist. And anything found there is easily denied.

  10. ubiquitous talking head says:

    I have to question whether Palin’s email was really hacked?

    Are you asking yourself a question?

    If so, the answer is “no”.

    Nobody else questions it, and nobody will. The response from her camp, of course, will be “They shouldn’t have. We didn’t do anything wrong. Nobody saw it, you can’t prove a thing.”

  11. Anonymous says:


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