OK, but what does the UN have to do with it?

U.N. Agency Seeks Internet Anonymity Curbs FYI.

A United Nations agency is working on standards for tracing Internet traffic by IP address (physical location of originating transmissions), based on a proposal by the Chinese government. I may be straying into opinion here, but I consider it unwise for a body which represents such a wide array of nations to follow the lead of one of the more repressive regimes around. Right off the bat, this proposal is at odds with US law, which protects anonymity in electronic transmissions, despite what the RIAA would prefer.

The U.S. National Security Agency is also participating in the “IP Traceback” drafting group, named Q6/17, which is meeting next week in Geneva to work on the traceback proposal. Members of Q6/17 have declined to release key documents, and meetings are closed to the public.

Good analysis by the Angrychineseblogger here.

  1. Bill says:

    Pull the plug. I remember when i was free. I’m that old.
    Digital TV? Trace back the IP’s of everyone watching ‘forbidden’ content!

  2. Smartalix says:

    Privacy died a long time ago and internet anonymity just contributes to asshole-itis. We need equal access to content and protection of free speech more than we need dickheads who spout shit just because nobody knows who they are.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    this proposal is at odds with US law, which protects anonymity in electronic transmissions

    LMAO … Good one! 😀

    #2 – Smartalix – We need equal access to content and protection of free speech…

    “We” as in all people on this planet, correct?

  4. prh says:

    It’s a little light on details how such a system could be made to work reliably. It’s all well and good to make proposals, it’s quite another to actually implement them. Any solution implemented in software/firmware is subject to hacking and packets can modified (NAT routers do it all the time).

  5. ECA says:

    On the net…
    2 things would GREATLY improve it.

    1. REDO/FIX/… EMAIL. Make it so you can spoof it.
    2. sites would SCAN for virus/malware/bots in the ADVERTS they pick up, to DISPLAY.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #6 “2. sites would SCAN for virus/malware/bots in the ADVERTS they pick up, to DISPLAY.”

    And how would they do that?

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    This proposal is absolutely ridiculous. Or possibly insane.

    Why? Does anyone believe for a second that this would have any real impact on spam or viruses? Of course not. The spammers, etc. would simply move onto another network when they are caught.

    There are better ways to deal with these problems than disassembling the internet.

    We all know Europe would never go for this (hence the UN having to step in – “It’s for your own good!”)

    And China leading the way? Yea, right.

  8. Jägermeister says:

    #8 – Ah_Yea

    Trust the commies! 😉

  9. jbenson2 says:

    The internet should pull the plug on the UN.

    Or at least move the UN to a 3rd world country in Africa, so they are closer to real world problems.

  10. eyeofthetiger says:

    They should spend more time squinting their eyes at the Chinese …speaking of having to pull a plug.

  11. Mister Ketchup says:

    Wouldn’t make me a shit, I’d still strive to be a dickwad.

  12. Smartalix says:



  13. Someone says:

    “have declined to release key documents, and meetings are closed to the public”

    Secrecy for me but not for thee.

    (They will still get to be dickwads too, I’ll bet.)

  14. ECA says:

    ASK MSN…
    I msg them about 5 virus and 17 bots AND SCANNING the adverts, and they removed them 1 year later…

    ITs INPUT…they SHOULD be able to scan anything thats used onsite..
    THATs how most of those cookies GET ON peoples machines. And your computer dont care, as long as its in ADOBE/FLASH and its an ADVERT, and IE.

  15. Floyd says:

    #15: So get and use Firefox (for Windows, Mac and most versions of Linux) and AdBlock Pro, along with good virus and malware scanners. Most ads go away.

    Oh yeah, and fix your CaPs LoCk key or your use of it.

  16. ECA says:

    I do use FF..
    try to get on the net, and NOT get a bug..on a NEWLY INSTALLED OS..and an OLD IE.
    Within 3 minutes you will start seeing POPUPS from nowhere..

  17. Rick Cain says:

    Perhaps the UN should publish the home phone numbers and addresses of every UN member for all to see and dial at their leisure. After all they think privacy is a bad thing.

    Okay, so maybe the swaziland ambassador doesn’t have a phone, or electricity for that matter but you can still pop a letter in the post.


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