Sarah Palin in Iraq? Kuwait? O.K. – Alaska…

Aides to Gov. Sarah Palin are scrambling to explain details of her only trip outside North America — which, according to a new report, did not include Iraq, as the McCain-Palin campaign had initially claimed.

Palin made an official visit to see Alaskan troops in Kuwait in July of 2007. There, she made a stop at a border crossing with Iraq, but did not actually visit the country, according to a new report in the Boston Globe.

Earlier, McCain aides had said that Palin visited Iraq, and expressed indignation at questions about her slim foreign travel.

The campaign also said she had been to Ireland; that turned out to have been a refueling stop.

Of course, the average Bush supporter – which now means McCain supporter – doesn’t get their undies bunched over what goes on in furrin countries.

  1. Springheel Jack says:

    Am I wrong or is John McCain running for president?

    Never mind, the left-liberal fixation on Sweet Sarah serves to illustrate their deer-in-the-headlights paralysis and total confusion. Well, this is just another hit job on the lovely Goddess of the North, Queen Sarah. The liberal dinosaurs in the Old Media cabal are choking on their Cristal and caviar as the truth of the terrorist-befriending Senator’s electoral chances become less and less apparent. The limousine liberals are twisting themselves into a new species—Homo Pretzelitus—as they try to explain how the helium-light Obama has more experience than the Chief Executive of the Largest State in the Union. We know Obama thinks there are 57 stars on the U.S. flag—including New Pennsylvania—but what does he think he achieves by offering zero policies to potential voters. It’s crazy. OK, maybe after the dismal defeat this November the demolibs will re-trench, grab their collective sack, and nominate Hillary in 2012.

  2. fATTY says:

    #1 – I say to myself, “myself, how in the world are they going to spin this one?” And you don’t disappoint.

    This Cristal is delicious.

  3. badtimes says:

    Ah well- the truth is overrated. The important things to remember are:
    – she knows how to gut a moose
    – she can see Russia from her house
    Feel the excitement!

  4. keaneo says:

    Pretty long paragraph completely ignoring the fact that McCain now relies almost exclusively on lies, pretending to be either (1) different from Bush or (2) capable of being different from Bush.

    Nutballs don’t notice the difference.

  5. QB says:

    Sarah never lied or stretched the truth, it’s just the sexist media.

  6. Malcolm says:

    4 MORE years of lies? Just how stupid are the American people? Pretty dumb if history is any indication.

  7. ItHadToBe says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  8. god says:

    Remember that Bush told simple lies about concepts calculated to snover a gullible public. Probably some non-cynical liberals even believed his bullshit about being a compassionate conservative. After all, there were a few of those in the history of the pre-Republikan Party.

    McCain doesn’t get the concept. Like his “independent” bubba, Lieberman, he wants to be president so badly, he’s ready and willing to grasp at any straw – including lies he wishes were facts – completely ignorant of the quickness of 21st Century communications and the Web.

    His hacks and flacks (see #1) will do their best to flood the Web with talking points and distractions. Almost anything to get off the point. But, the sheer mass of people pissed off about “official” lying seems to give truth a chance, nowadays.

    Well, maybe.

  9. Improbus says:

    You know, I thought I couldn’t get any worse. Boy was I wrong. If I hadn’t already left the Republican party I would now. This woman is just embarrassing.

  10. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Palin would be a fine VP just like Brownie was a fine choice for FEMA….until the shit hits the fan it doesn’t matter who sits there. At that point, it really matters. Sometimes we get lucky and get a Lincoln or a Roosevelt or a Kennedy, but sometimes we get a Johnson or a Bush Jr.

  11. Springheel Jack says:

    Look at those two dudes in the backgound.

    “I’d hit that.”

    “Yea, brother!”

  12. SPC mxpwr03 says:

    I can’t wait for you guys to loose another election.

  13. azdavesoulsearcher says:

    I keep forgetting, does DU stand for Dvorak Uncensored or Democratic Underground. I guess it’s not really important because there is no difference.

  14. #1 – Springheel Jack

    >>Never mind, the left-liberal fixation on
    >>Sweet Sarah serves to illustrate their
    >>deer-in-the-headlights paralysis and total

    It’s not fixation or deer-in-the-headlights fixation. It’s more morbid curiousity at the train wreck the right wing is making out of their bid for office.

    McBush is so irrelevant an ho-hum, everyone’s attention has been drawn to the New MILF on the Block. Nobody cares about McBush anymore.

    And by the time she’s been put through the same kind of wringer as Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton, she’ll be wimpering in the corner of her trophy room under the moose head, desperately clutching her 12-gauge Mossberg 535 ATS pump-action shotgun (camo pattern).

  15. Buzz says:


    Sarah’s life-changing trip to Kuwait (to use her own words) is the only experience she has had like this.

    By that measure, Angelina Jolie’s experience with the world is about a billion percent greater, and as an actress and financially responsible producer, crusader for life-level change, multi-mom and pretty face, she is a similar percent ahead of Palin.

    Obama needs to get rid of that Biden guy and replace him with Angelina Jolie!!

    Are you with me on that, America?


  16. Gov says:


    I’ll put lipstick on that!

  17. MikeN says:

    Oh no, she only made it to the current border in the next door country. Next you’ll go after Biden for talking about being on a road between Afghanistan and Pakistan!

  18. Digby says:

    She visited US troops. In the middle east. Have any of you? Any other questions?

  19. jbenson2 says:

    So she went to the other side of the world which is a lot further than many other governors have gone to. After touring Kuwait to visit the troops she then went to the Iraq border crossing. She never said she went to Baghdad or Tikrit or Karkuk.

    Sounds like another “gotcha” media talking point. The left is showing their poor (or biased) reporting skills, once again.

  20. Eric says:

    Mistakes. Lies. Embellishment. All campaigns have them. For the undecided voter like myself, these assertions are noise that I have to filter through. I am a bit surprised to see Mr. Dvorak compounding the signal to noise problem – I had not read his stuff since the 90’s and I am disappointed he isn’t concentrating on issues that I care about – Techie/Nerdy issues like DRM, P2P networks, copyrights, educational funding for engineering schools, etc. Whether Palin was in Ireland does not fit the bill for me.

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – Springheel Jack – …Sweet Sarah…

    When are you Republicans going to wake up from your wet dream and face reality? You’re so fixated on her looks that you don’t give a darn about her politics or the way she ran things before she became the VP on the the Republican ticket.

  22. False Advertising says:

    It seems that Eideard never learned the meaning of Uncensored. Maybe “Dvorak’s Thought Police” would be a better title for this blog.

  23. Pmitchell says:

    I will hold out any full comments until the actual truth comes out ( the libs after Palin dont have a very good track record so far in truthfulness) but if it is true isnt the mud slinging getting a little weak. She visited the troops over there and may have not gone any farther than a few feet in Iraq and this is as good as the liberal attack machine can do?
    They are going to lose this fight with all the associations Obama has with some really shady characters.

  24. Springheel Jack says:

    Jag, brother, you are so very, very wrong. We like her looks and her politics. Tolerant people that we are, we overlook her observance of a commonly practiced superstition (i.e. religion) and other minor flaws, and concentrate are her good looks. And her politics. She ran the State of Alaska just fine.

    What we don’t like is Obama’s lack of experience, his friendship with cop-killing terrorists, and his lack of experience. Also, he is the type of Democrat who thinks the primary function of government is to take money from people who earned it and give it to people who didn’t earn it and no government program should ever cease to be and no problem is so difficult that it can’t be solved by a new government program and that government program will never end. Plus, he wants to invade Pakistan. That is scary.

    Did I mention Obama’s lack of experience?

  25. #22 – Benson Jr.

    Following her selection last month as John McCain’s running mate, aides said Palin had traveled to Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq to meet with members of the Alaska National Guard. During that trip she was said to have visited a “military outpost” inside Iraq. The campaign has since repeated that Palin’s foreign travel included an excursion into the Iraq battle zone.

    Aw, come on, Junior!!

    If you RTFA, you’ll note that the claims were “Following her selection last month as John McCain’s running mate, aides said Palin had traveled to Ireland, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq to meet with members of the Alaska National Guard. During that trip she was said to have visited a “military outpost” inside Iraq. The campaign has since repeated that Palin’s foreign travel included an excursion into the Iraq battle zone.“.

    Going to the Kuwaiti side of the border crossing is “an excursion into the Iraq battle zone”??


    That’s like me driving to the NY side of Niagra Falls, and saying that I made “an excursion into the heartland of Canada”.

    It’s one thing to pad your résumé a little bit, but this is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

    Very reminiscent of our current “commander” in “chief”.

  26. Springheel Jack says:

    Sort of like Kerry’s trip into Cambodia, lol!!

  27. #27 – S. Jack

    >>Tolerant people that we are, we overlook her
    >>observance of a commonly practiced
    >>superstition (i.e. religion) and other minor
    >>flaws, and concentrate are her good looks.

    Her “observation of a commonly practiced supervision” goes well beyond “observation”, onto the slippery slope of imposing her creationist ideas and revocation of reproductive rights on the general citizenry.

    And I take it from your post that you also overlook Palin’s “lack of experience … lack of experience…oh, did I mention lack of experience?”. And her proclivity to take per diem expenses for spending long periods of time in her own home, her lack of honesty, her ham-handed manipulation of Alaska state government power to fire her sister’s enemies, bring in unqualified high-school buddies, etc?

    >>She ran the State of Alaska just fine.

    Woo. The entire state of Alaska has 7% of the population of New York CITY. My mother ran a Girl Scout troop just fine. Should she have been running for the vice presidency?


    That’s a pretty low standard.

    She may be hot, but she’s not as hot as Tina Fey.

  28. >>Sort of like Kerry’s trip into Cambodia, lol!!

    The war Kerry fought in was based in Viet Nam. The war Sarah Palin went on a sighseeing trip to was based in a DIFFERENT COUNTRY FROM THE ONE SHE WAS IN.

    And this nonsense about Kerry claiming to have gone into Cambodia is about on par with the neocons’ claims that Al Gore said he “invented the internet”. That is, pure bullshit.

    From Wiki-whatever: “Kerry did not claim to have been sent on a covert mission to Cambodia on Christmas Eve, 1968. Rather, he believed at the time he had crossed the border while on a patrol near the border, during which the boats were ambushed and later came under friendly fire from South Vietnamese soldiers.”

    Lol, indeed!

  29. Springheel Jack says:

    Newsflash, Mr. Poupon.

    Kerry didn’t know whether he was in Cambodia, Vietnam, or the fleshpots of Thailand. However, good Sir, I know that Al Gore invented the Intertubes because he said as much!


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