Sarah Palin in Iraq? Kuwait? O.K. – Alaska…

Aides to Gov. Sarah Palin are scrambling to explain details of her only trip outside North America — which, according to a new report, did not include Iraq, as the McCain-Palin campaign had initially claimed.

Palin made an official visit to see Alaskan troops in Kuwait in July of 2007. There, she made a stop at a border crossing with Iraq, but did not actually visit the country, according to a new report in the Boston Globe.

Earlier, McCain aides had said that Palin visited Iraq, and expressed indignation at questions about her slim foreign travel.

The campaign also said she had been to Ireland; that turned out to have been a refueling stop.

Of course, the average Bush supporter – which now means McCain supporter – doesn’t get their undies bunched over what goes on in furrin countries.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    #27 – Springheel Jack – …we overlook her observance of a commonly practiced superstition (i.e. religion) and other minor flaws…

    So, her seeing the war in Iraq as part of God’s plan doesn’t bother you? It’s obvious that she strongly see herself as on a mission from God and you – of what it sounds like… an atheist or agnostic – don’t see this as a big red warning sign. WOW…

  2. Springheel Jack says:

    No-one will ever make creationism the law of the land and abortion will never be outlawed (not that it shouldn’t.)

    However, taxes will increase, the government will intrude even more into my private life, and the infantilization of America by the nanny-state will continue under an Obama administration.

    Danger, Will Robinson. Do I need to fire red star cluster?

  3. #32 – S. Jack

    >>Kerry didn’t know whether he was in Cambodia,
    >>Vietnam, or the fleshpots of Thailand.

    Sure he did. He knew he wasn’t in the fleshpots of Thailand, he was on a boat near the Cambodia/ Vietnam border, being shot at. Unfortunately, the Department of Public Works didn’t have a sign saying “Welcome to Cambodia” on the river.

    The closest Little Miss Sarah ever came to that kind of danger was risking a ricocheting bullet off a moose antler.

    As to the debunked myth of Al Gore’s “claim”, HAW! LOL! LOL! Anyone who tries to beat that dead horse, so many years after its demise, might as well wear a sandwich sign saying “LOSER!”.

  4. #34 – S. Jack

    >>No-one will ever make creationism the law of
    >>the land and abortion will never be outlawed >>(not that it shouldn’t.)

    Maybe not the “law of the land”, but you can bet your boots that Palinites and their ilk will do everything in their power to make creationism the law in all 50 states.

    As to reproductive rights, there hasn’t been a single case submitted to the Supreme Court that had the potential to weaken/ overturn Roe v. Wade that the Court refused to hear. Luckily, there still remain enough sensible justices on the court that this hasn’t happened. Yet.

    >>However, taxes will increase, the government
    >>will intrude even more into my private life,
    >>and the infantilization of America by the
    >>nanny-state will continue under an Obama

    The only thing I can infer is that you’re on crack. Under Obama, taxes for the majority (excluding billionaires) will go down, Dumbya’s push for intrusion of the government into your private life will DECREASE, and a lot of the nanny-state infantilization of America resulting from Dumbya’s administration will be reduced.

    I’m at least gratified to see you admit all these things (taxes, government intrusion, infantilization) have exponentially increased under Dumbya.

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    To paraphrase an already old campaign line, “Thanks, but no thanks, on that Candidate to Nowhere!”

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #34 – Springheel Jack

    I’m sure you enjoyed the last 7 1/2 years under Bush… You do remember the stuff he pushed through in order to protect you from terrorism, correct? Removal of privacy and freedoms… Do you think McCain and Palin will give you those things back?

  7. Springheel Jack says:


    Nope, I am 100% anti-Patriot Act and if the Democratic congress didn’t get rid of PA (in fact, they made it worse) than McCain won’t.

    However, Obama, like all liberals, will–with a clear conscience–pass more and more rules, regulations, and laws that will affect every facet of our lives because, like all liberals, he knows what is best for us. Look at Oakland, CA: they want to ban all new fast food joints because, get this, fast food is unhealthy! You see, the people of Oakland, CA, are too stupid to make these decisions for themselves so they need government to make these decisions for them. That’s how the liberal thinks and governs.

    I could provide many more examples but you get my point.

  8. Dallas says:


    Wanna be Commander in Chief, Gomer Palin Pyle inspects troops towards God’s war with Muslims.

  9. #39 – S. Jack

    >>Look at Oakland, CA: they want to ban all new fast
    >>food joints because, get this, fast food is

    Uh, I think the ban on new junk-food restaurants was proposed in the ghettos of LA, not in Oakland (

    Oakland’s ban related to styrofoam and junk-food machines in public schools.

    Do you really think that Compton needs more Jack-in-the-Boxes, or that Oakland needs more styrofoam cups in the gutter and Fritos machines for kindergarteners?

    I realize you neocons think the government is always the problem, never the solution, but wtf?

    >>I could provide many more examples but you
    >>get my point.

    No, unfortunately, I don’t.

    Is it that the government should never do anything that’s actually GOOD for the people, but should restrict its activities to taking away our Constitutional rights and the very essence of our freedom?

    That we need more and more vending machines, junk-food restaurants, and non-biodegradable garbage in our street, but our right to free speech, or to not have some nosy paper-shuffler eavesdrop on our phone calls for no reason, habeas corpus, etc., they’re fair game for removal by Big Brother?

  10. Springheel Jack says:

    “Do you really think that Compton needs more Jack-in-the-Boxes, or that Oakland needs more styrofoam cups in the gutter and Fritos machines for kindergarteners?”

    If someone wants to build a fast-food restaurant than it follows that someone else wants to spend their money at that business.

    Of course, the leftist-liberal bureaucrats have decided that the public shouldn’t have that choice. Imagine that tyrannical way of thinking writ large and you have an Obama administration.

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    -–C. S. Lewis

  11. chuck says:

    But as part of her trip, Governor Palin’s plane flew over a number of other countries, including Europse, Saudi Arabia, and maybe parts of Iraq and Syria. Those all count!!

  12. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #43 Springheel Jack, private enterprise is a wonderful thing, but it has become much too revered as an object of worship. Surveys say that Christianity is the most popular religion in America, but I would argue that it’s really Capitalism.

    We may even yet end up with circumstances in our economy that make you want to reconsider your agreement with C. S. Lewis regarding the relative ills of robber barons versus “omnipotent moral busybodies.” It’s not like we’re out of the woods yet.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #36 “As to reproductive rights, there hasn’t been a single case submitted to the Supreme Court that had the potential to weaken/ overturn Roe v. Wade that the Court refused to hear.”

    How do you know? The public doesn’t get to see even a fraction of the cases submitted every year?

  14. #43 – S. Jack

    >>If someone wants to build a fast-food restaurant
    >>than it follows that someone else wants to spend
    >>their money at that business.

    That’s assuming people DO want to spend at that business, and it doesn’t go out of business and become a crack house like so many of those sorts of businesses do.

    And even if you’re right, the corollary is that if someone wants to put up the 15th liquor store in a poverty-stricken neighborhood, it follows that someone else wants to buy Mad Dog and 40’s there. And if someone wants to sell crystal meth on their porch, it follows that someone else wants to buy crystal meth there.

    Do you think there’s no role whatsoever in having the government encourage behaviors that are beneficial to both the individual and to society? It’s not like anyone is actually being prevented from doing anything.

    After all, no one is preventing the ghetto dwellers from buying fast food; there’s already a McDonalds or a Burger King on every corner. And if the little fatties in elementary school really can’t live without free access to Fritos, mommy can pack a couple of thousand calories’ worth in their Hello Kitty lunchboxes.

    And if somebody’s dream is to put up yet another liquor store, there are plenty of neighborhoods where the folks really WANT one.

  15. Montanaguy says:

    After reading all these posts en bloc, I see liberals in my head (as they infest this site): Little yappy terriers tearing into tiny tufts of fluff. And sounding ridiculously self-important while doing so.

    I feel so awful about all of the freedoms I’ve lost under the current administration. Let me see…there’s… hmm…well, none actually. I ask people around me about all the freedoms they’ve lost in the last few years and get …. “uummmmmm ….well….nothing, really.” (All the people around me in this college town are liberals..which makes them extremely self aware people…so I know they are right)

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #48 “I feel so awful about all of the freedoms I’ve lost under the current administration. Let me see…there’s… hmm…well, none actually.”

    At least we got the 2nd Amendment back after years of being trampled by the Dems.

  17. MikeN says:

    Why use wikipedia, when you have Kerry’s own words?

    I remember Christmas of 1968 sitting on a gunboat in Cambodia. I remember what it was like to be shot at by Vietnamese and Khmer Rouge and Cambodians, and have the president of the United States telling the American people that I was not there; the troops were not in Cambodia. I have that memory which is seared — seared — in me.”

  18. MikeN says:

    Kuwait used to be part of Iraq, thus she visited Iraq. Similarly, she has foreign policy experience since she is governor of a Russian province.

  19. Springheel Jack says:

    The Brits carved out Kuwait and gave Iraq a big chunk of Kurdistan in return. Every Iraqi still considers Kuwait rightfully part of Iraq. However, they don’t dwell on it.

    Kerry was, is, and always will be a complete moron.

  20. Springheel Jack says:

    “Do you think there’s no role whatsoever in having the government encourage behaviors that are beneficial to both the individual and to society?”

    Sure, the government should warn people when a hurricane is approaching. The government should defend the borders and run the court system. The government should send robotic probes to explore Titan.

    The government shouldn’t spend my tax dollars regulating restaurants.

  21. bobbo says:

    #53–springheel==why not regulate restaurants? Worker’s Safety? Truth in Advertising. Public Health?

    The free market cannot deal with what typically needs to be controlled in restaurants.

    Better examples are OUTSIDE OF COMMERCE AND BUSINESS and reside in personal privacy. Religion, ethics, arts, speech, association etc. Review your Bill of Rights.

    Try again.

  22. bobbo says:

    #51–Mike==that is so stoopid, even I see the humor of it. On your more subtle posts you are viewed as lying. The slings and arrows of performance art?

  23. Springheel Jack says:

    Bobbo==read all the entries before you post and you won’t sound so confused and embarrass yourself.

    You can thank me later.

  24. #53 -Springheel Jackoff

    >>The government shouldn’t spend my tax
    >>dollars regulating restaurants.

    No? If you really believe that the government should not be regulating food quality, worker safety, etc., then you are truly a f&cking moran.

    And how about cigarettes? Liquor? Any role for the government there, or should that all be your “free-market” nirvana?

    Crystal meth? Crack? Heroin? Any role for the government in regulating those products?


  25. JimD says:

    Wow !!! Palin got some Iraqi sand in her slipper, she must know more about foreigh policy than Condi Rice !!! This is similar to Dan Quale (remember him ? – Mr Potaoe Head) who promised to “get some expertise”, as though in came in a box !!! And not unlike McBush himself, who promised to “get some expertise” in ECONOMICS !!! And didn’t his chief Economics Adviser call Ameircans “Whiners” ??? Repukes ready to lead or just trying to FAKE THEIR WAY TO THE LEVERS OF POWER TO GIVE THE RICH AND THE CORPORATIONS WHATEVE IS LEFT AFTER EIGHT YEARS OF REPUKES ***STEALING IN ALL DIRECTIONS*** !!!! Because the Rich and the Corporations are NOT SATISFIED WITH THE LION’S SHARE OF THE ECONOMIC PIE, ***THEY WANT IT ALL*** !!! And the rest of us can curl up and die, as far as the Repukes are concerned (Remember “FORD TO NYC – DROP DEAD!!!” ???) !!!

  26. Springheel Jack says:

    Mr. Poupon,

    As you know we are discussing whether the government should regulate whether a fast-food business can open in a particular location.

    Your ranting about meth, food quality, and worker safety et al is just throwing sand. That means you admit you lost the argument.

    JimD, I thought you were going to stick with decaf.

  27. bobbo says:

    #56–springheel==you want me to read and correct your post as made and substitute the word/concept “ban” with the word/concept “regulate” which you used? There is little to no cost in banning a type of restaurant. As you were posting a concern about regulation that does involve significant cost, I simply was responding to what in context you said.

    Course if being in Kuwait near the border with Iraq is the same as being in Iraq, I can see how you honestly believe you can post any BS you wish and others are supposed to correct it for you and give you a pass.

    Good McBushie.

  28. Rick Cain says:


    And to think the republicans here call liberals like me conspiracy theorists. They’re all worried about poor little Sarah Palin being beat up on by liberals.

    The woman didn’t even get a passport until 2006!
    So unless she was doing some drug smuggling before then, she didn’t visit any other countries.

  29. Daniel says:

    As someone who’s made up their mind to vote for Obama…

    I personally don’t think she “lied” when she said she went to Iraq. Nitpicking over how far over the border she traveled seems petty at best. The issue should be what if anything she gained from the trip other than a photo op.


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