1. You says:

    It’s true. I totally was not expecting the Spanish Inquisition.

  2. JoaoPT says:

    THIS Palin I would vote for…

  3. Jägermeister says:

    And he’s an actor, so no problem.

  4. QB says:

    Personally, I hope he is a candidate for the Very Silly Party.

  5. Les says:

    Always look on the bright side of life….

  6. ArianeB says:

    #5 That was Eric Idle. 🙂

    Palin’s been all over the world too, including Alaska twice on the trip around the pacific.

  7. Dallas says:

    What is amusing is that in America today, a candidate will most likely get 25 percent of the vote with such a video promotion. This is the pathetic state of affairs in our country today.

    The party that is able to deflect away the issues and best manipulate voters Maslow’s hierarchy of needs will win.

    Credit to Karl Rove here as American politics will never be the same.

  8. edwinrogers says:

    A splendid fellow!

  9. OmegaMan says:

    In reality McCain wanted not Lieberman, but Arnold as the VP candidate. What is the link? well using the The Oracle of Bacon there are only two degrees of separation between Arnold and Michael Palin.

    Hence the pick of Palin…but that was anther foreigner, so the went with Sarah.

  10. Floyd says:

    Well he’s a lumberjack and he’s OK
    He sleeps all night and he works all day….

    He cuts down trees, he wears high heels
    Suspenders and a bra.
    He’s wished he’d been a girlie, just like his dear Papa!!

  11. Harry Armpet says:

    I wouldn’t vote for him. He didn’t pander to the religious wing nuts enough.

  12. Dallas says:

    #10 Oh please. You think the GOP went through all the trouble to “choose” Palin?

    This was Karl Rove told McCain. I have my sources. This was edited as it was way longer conversation.

    Look John, you are boring as all get out. I’m almost asleep just looking at you. What you got to do is hire that bitch from Alaska, hmm, what’s her face. With Clinton out, this is the opening you need. Don’t be an ass. You want to win or pick a great candidate and lose? Huh? McCain, hey…I’m over here. You also get all the wing dings to jump up and down. It’s a slam dunk.

  13. hhopper says:

    That’s probably true.

  14. geofgibson says:

    Bring in the comfy chair! Count me in.

  15. czar says:

    Sorry, but bhooper’s crap is annoying – a definite Kool-Aid drinker.

  16. hhopper says:

    And I find your comments annoying.

  17. Canucklehead says:

    America needs the Rhinoceros Party. Where’s Bill Lee when you need him?


  18. jbenson2 says:

    What the crazies on the left don’t seem to grasp after 2 disastrous weeks for Obama is:

    The more they ridicule the experience level of Palin for the 2nd slot, the more they are illustrating the even less experienced Obama for the 1st slot.

  19. #19 – Bennie

    The more they ridicule the experience level of Palin for the 2nd slot, the more they are illustrating the even less experienced Obama for the 1st slot.

    Not exactly. Obama is a natural-born leader, reasonable, level-headed, and intelligent. The ‘cuda/ pit-bull-with-lipstick is a right-wingnut screeching harridan, whose every opinion flies in the face the principles that this country was founded on.

  20. Every Man says:

    Not exactly. Obama is a natural-born leader, reasonable, level-headed, and intelligent. The ‘cuda/ pit-bull-with-lipstick is a right-wingnut screeching harridan, whose every opinion flies in the face the principles that this country was founded on.

    Sarah Palin is a natural-born leader.
    I spent my best years in Alaska.
    25 of them.
    For a few I fished.
    The other i had my own business.
    Once I went out and killed a moose with a recurve bow and arrow.
    These 4 aspirants to the crown,
    I’m more comfortable with Sarah than I am the other 3.

  21. #21 – One Man

    >>Sarah Palin is a natural-born leader.

    Surely you jest. She’s never “led” anything in her life.

    She’s bullied her underlings, charged the state of Alaska for nights she spent in her own home, and used political influence to brazenly hire her high school pals and fire people who disagreed with her.

    And oh yeah, she oversaw passage of the Wasilla bill that charged rape victims for the tests done after they were raped.

    East Bumf&ck can keep her. Maybe in 20 years she might be a contender. I wouldn’t vote for her, but at least she wouldn’t be laughable. I think she has potential to be another Heart Attack Cheney or President Rove.

  22. Pete says:

    I went out one night and I spent thst night moone hunting. A big bear came up that road that night.
    I looked back to the west.
    I saw him, that big guy.
    He walked toward me, and he didn’t look at me,
    he was the king of the forest.
    Some one shot him.
    They showed his skin out there by the bowling alley. It was 10 by 12.
    I’d rather remember him out there on the perimiter, king of his domain.

  23. joaoPT says:

    The Republican Party WANTS to lose these elections. They must have something prepared for the next. It’s the only explanation for proposing a guy whose best argument is being a war veteran that spent time imprisoned by the enemy and it’s old enough to kick the bucket while in office and a redneck female wasillian bible belt nut whose best argument is: “looks hot” and in the case of being bumped to the first slot, would drag America to medieval times that would put the Taliban regime to shame. For an outsider this is all evident and in plain sight, but after Bush’s two terms I don’t trust the American People’s judgment anymore.

  24. #25 – Queen of the Hill

    >>Why do you even post here? I’ve destroyed you so
    >>many times you’re ignored… no matter how spiteful
    >>you become.

    Tee hee! HAW! Snicker, snicker.

    Jim, 90% of your posts (on ANY topic) consist of nothing more than “I note your worship”, or similar drivel. I’ve never seen you destroy ANYONE, much less me, your lord and master. If you can point to a thread, feel free to disabuse me of my notion to the contrary.

    >>Besides, you live in a shit hole. Calling
    >>anyplace else a “name” is pretty funny.

    Jimbo, you have no idea where I live. If you did, you wouldn’t be calling it a “shithole”.

    And I guess you’ve never been to Alaska, otherwise you wouldn’t be squawking about me calling it East Bumf&ck.

    Your worship is noted.

  25. Cursor_ says:


    Ever read The Life of Franklin Pierce by Nathaniel Hawthorne????

    Americans have not changed one bit.



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