If you have not seen these commercials, this is kind of what they are like.

Found by John Ligums.

  1. sirfelix says:

    These guys tested this service and wrote an article on it.
    “Cash4Gold Will Offer One-Third of the Actual Value for your Gold”


  2. hhopper says:

    Good site. Our local newspaper did the same thing and also found out it’s a ripoff.

  3. eddie says:

    One third! they offered me about 10% .

  4. ECA says:

    lETS SEE..

    Gold sold for Jewelry, Is anywhere from 10-18 carrot..24 carrot, is FULL gold.

    what gets me…
    Is WHY IN HELL would you want to BUY GOLD at the TOP of the market.

    there is only 1 reason.
    CORNER the market.
    If they can CORNER the market, they can ASK any price. and FORCe the prices even HIGHER..

    It can be done, but is VERY VERY hard…
    But gold is used in ALOT of electronics..

  5. joaoPT says:

    It’s a SCAM…
    USA advertising is the opposite of Justice:

    “every ad is a SCAM until proven legit.”

  6. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Wow, what an incredibly sleazy advert!

  7. Erik says:

    #4 you buy gold because you can sell it at a higher price to someone else, or because you have confidence that it will go higher. I think that gold is being manipulated right now (so is oil) surrounding this election. After that it’s to the moon. You can’t inject hundreds of billions into the pool of currency without diluting and devaluing the currency.

  8. chuck says:

    #4 the reason they are buying gold is because they are offering considerably below market value for the gold.

    As for cornering the market – they would need 10s of billions of dollars to do that. I suspect cashforgoldusa does not have a very large budget.

  9. Cap'nKangaro says:

    #4 Very, very hard to corner the market on something that is still being mined around the globe, not to mention all the bullion just sitting in the vaults around the globe.

  10. ECA says:


    ALL true,
    but someone tried about 30 years ago to corner Silver.
    And unless you can tell me that ALL THESE scams are not by a few persons/groups.. I cant see WHY anyone is trying to gather it up.
    So WHAT, you get 10%-20% markup, it wont be that much. ALSO, you must understand another point. The mixture of GOLD to another metal. Gold is mixed with other metals, and you dont see this being mentioned here. HIGH VALUE rings are made with Titanium, which is more expensive then the gold. Silver is also used.. They pay you for the GOLD and keep the other metals.
    Its to pull the GOLD out of the market. FEW companies are buying NOW, because of the PRICE. IF they buy GOLD NOW, the cost of GOODS will go up 4-10 times. The consumer CANT afford that, and the companies KNOW that.
    It has to be a few GROUPS that are trying to grab the gold, and HOLD it to make the price go up.
    If a few groups corner the market, it will be similar to the DIAMOND exchange..
    I dont care if GOLD is still being mined..AT THE CURRENT price, Many will exchange the gold, QUICKLY, and this is NOT the BOOM of the past. MUCh of the MAJOR gold locations are Thinning out. THE SMART miners arent looking ONLY for gold. They are looking for the OTHER materials/metals ALSO. such as Palladium..
    And if you had the money, or even a COUNTRY backing you..wouldnt it be interesting to GRAB as much as possible and corner the market. YOU would have ALOT of control in electronics, and other markets.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    Kind of brings up visions of when nazis were pulling gold fillings out of jewish prisoners before sending them to the gas chambers.

    Ah, commerce!

  12. jlm says:

    ECA, RANdom OVeRUSEd CAps dumb DOWN ANYTHING thatS acTUAlly SAID No MAtter HOW INTElligENT it IS.

  13. Alot of people are missing the idea of what’s going on with the ‘cash for gold’ idea. It’s a new 9/11, one of Financial impact.

    Selling your gold for less that it’s worth is going to do a few things, firstly it’s going to rob you of your gold’s true worth, secondly it’s going to take YOUR gold from your hands, lastly it’s going to leave you NO choice but to trade with whatever BIG Government puts in place of the failed Dollar. A dollar you eagerly accepted BTW!

    Don’t fall for this scam, HOLD ONTO YOUR GOLD!

  14. hhahahah i love this cash for gold usa commercial, funny as hell, good job

  15. the reality is the US economy is a sad situation right now. people now have the ability using the internet to get quick, “found” cash to pay their bills, or treat themselves to something, how is that a scam? Anyone who sells gold through the mail has to expect they arent going to get the full market value for their jewlelry.

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