There are numerous articles out there like this one from the New York Times or this one from about how the latest ads from McCain lack ‘truthiness.’

These are the tactics of someone backed into a corner who feels hopeless. Do the Republicans feel they’re losing and can’t win on the issues so they have to resort to mischaracterization and lying? With the Internet they can be countered in moments, so why try? Do they think the American public is that stupid and ignorant? Ignoring what Obama (who I’m not claiming is squeaky clean here) may do or say, do we really want a President who has to tell bald faced lies to win?

UPDATE: Watch McCain respond to the women on The View as they ask him why he’s lying.

  1. Its really commendable what they are doing and planned to do, its better for the people who are related with that.
    Arden Kaisman

  2. #123 – Lyin’ Mike

    >>Somehow I don’t feel like letting the
    >>‘experts’ who set a curriculum decide what is

    WTF, Lyin’ Mike? You’ve said some daffy stuff in your day, but this one takes the cake.

    You don’t want ‘experts’ in reading, writing, and arithmetic to determine what is ‘age-appropriate’ with respect to their fields of expertise? Who do you think decides whether calculus is taught to first-graders or to high-school seniors? Or who decides whether “Fun With Dick and Jane” is read by first-graders or high-schoolers in English class?

    Educators from pre-school to graduate school make decisions on what is “age-appropriate”. That’s why we have teachers and administrators in charge of the schools.

    It’s just the “sex” thing that throws neocons for a loop. They think that sort of thing should be taught either about back behind the barn, or in the delivery room as the 15-year-old gives birth to her second child.


  3. Sarah Palin says:

    All I’m say’n is that my foreign policy experience being so close to Russia and stuff is awesome!

    When I’m President (shhhh, but John has a foot in the grave) I will kick some Putin ass and embargo Russia. We bought Alaska from Russia and the customer is always right. No? I know this stuff.

    Let’s pray that God will destroy our enemies outside or borders and right here in America. Oh, I love that line 🙂 It’s mine, OK?

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #129 – Alfred1

    Is this really what you think sexual education is all about? Here… learn something.

  5. bobbo says:

    #130–jag==great link. Everyone should catch the Victorian Post Card at the start. Loved the bruhaha over calling unwanted kiddies a burden instead of a gift.

    Sarah is a great double speaker. Says she is pro life, and pro-life culture, and its her personal value. She says she respects “the other” point of view. Charlie Gibson didn’t ask her how banning a woman’s personal choice to have an abortion in the case of rape and incest showed any respect at all, and I hope Obama/Biden don’t bring it up either.

    Every sperm is precious.

  6. Montanaguy says:

    Wow, Keith OberFuhrer makes Fox News look left of center. No wonder MSNBC is getting walloped by Fox in the ratings. Rudolph Giuliani is responsible for 9/11, but Clinton gets a pass for his 8 years of complacency? Reminding complacent americans of the horrible reality of terrorism is simply opportunistic? Where is Obama’s comprehensive plan to combat terrorism? I took McCain’s comments quite differently, not as some personal ‘I John McCain, am going to go get Bin Laden with my secret plan’ but as a sideways swipe at Bush for not effectively eliminating the s.o.b. I guess humorless, concrete fanatics like OberFuhrer can’t think outside of their ideologic box. He needs to ‘up his dose’ He comes across as the guy that would make me get off the elevator when he gets on. Or take my sidearm off safety. Totally legal in Montana , by the way.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #131 – bobbo – Charlie Gibson didn’t ask her how banning a woman’s personal choice to have an abortion…

    It’s funny, the Republicans hate government interference, but when it comes to abortion, they’ve got nothing against telling women what they can and can’t do.

    Every sperm is precious.

    And sacred.

  8. bobbo says:

    #132–montanna==you raise many issues, and have your head up your ass on each and every one of them.

    Care to pick the issue you think is the strongest–other than shooting people in elevators that you disagree with?

  9. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Obama claims to want to help America when in fact, he want to “change” it to something comepletely un-American. The boldest lie of all.

  10. bobbo says:

    #135–BCF==hey!==you picked a simple short declarative sentence, but much like montannaguy, you too have your head up your ass. I think anything other than Bushie’s Neo-con fascist corporate welfare state would be more American than what we have suffered through for the last 8 years.

    But you disagree huh? Tell us, what do you like the most about Bushie’s record?

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #136 “Tell us, what do you like the most about Bushie’s record?”

    There’s only two things really.

    1) No further terrorist attacks.
    2) Tax cuts.

  12. bobbo says:

    #137–Paddy==yes, in a vacuum, those are two good things. We also have not have any cosmic flares that wipe out hooman kind. Should we credit Bushieboy for that too?

    Or should we add up the cost of these two good things? Tax cuts means the deficit went up. I’d rather pay for my government as it goes rather than transfer the cost to my kiddies–so in reality tax cuts really is a mark of failure.

    No terrorist attacks? Ok–but there was 10 years (?) between the bombing at WTC and the followup airplane collision while there was no security at all. Why we should take any credit at all for no terrorists attacks in the 7 years since 911 is hubris indeed. Now, again, add in the cost of our anti-terror campaign both to freedom, mobility, and cost and once again, we have another mark of failure.

    Looks like the actual well considered answer is not one god forsaken thing.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #138 “Ok–but there was 10 years (?) between the bombing at WTC and the followup airplane collision while there was no security at all.”

    Umm, maybe having zero security under Clinton wasn’t such a good idea? Brilliant Booboo.

  14. bobbo says:

    #139–Paddy—NOOOOooooo! Clinton saved us from the Cosmic Rays and Martians. Silly Hooman.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    #137 – Paddy-Oooooooooooooh – There’s only two things really.

    1) No further terrorist attacks.
    2) Tax cuts.

    Let’s see… you’re waging an expensive war and you cut taxes… now, let’s see… what does that lead to? Oh, yeah… DEFICIT. Up 76.2% from the same period a year ago. STAY THE COURSE!

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #141 “Let’s see…”

    The question was what do you like. Not dislike.

  17. Jägermeister says:

    #142 – Paddy-Ooooh

    But you must like the deficit that comes with the two, correct?

  18. bobbo says:

    #143–Jag==I think PaddyO is being quite clear. He is your typical repuke. He wants everything for himself because he earned it and he doesn’t care what happens to anyone else as a result, including his own kiddies, because they get what they earn too, or more likely, he had deluded himself into thinking their future is secure because America is so great because he has what he wants. It does get a bit circular yet totally self centered at the same time.

    So much like that study said last week about what make conservatives and liberals so basically different.

    A very typical Bush Republican.

  19. Paddy-O says:

    #143 “But you must like the deficit that comes with the two, correct?”

    No. However, revenue into the Treas is up 20% over the Clinton pres. But ,even JFK knew the result of lowering taxes.

    The Iraq war was and is a stupid idea. This is the biggest $ sinkhole and hasn’t increased our security. In fact it has jeopardized it.

  20. Montanaguy says:

    Bobbo.. not sure, as usual, exactly what your point is. Mr Confusion (#114) extols the virtues of Olberman’s video junket and I’m giving my viewpoint on the same video. Why don’t you try providing something other than your continuous stream of arcane/cheap shots at contributors? To summarize, OberFuhrer is a humorless, monotonous, fascist in my mind. Thus, his ratings don’t come even close to O’Reilly who actually has an easy sense of humor, can laugh at himself, invites oppositional guests on his show continuously without fearing the confrontation and thus is swamping Olberman in the ratings by americans who apparently enjoy this lively venue. To his credit, watching Hillary and Barack interviewed by O’Reilly raised my appreciation and admiration for both of them as they handled one of their first non-softball interviews. And O’Reilly was complimentary of both of them and has defended Obama on a number of occasions. This dimensionality is why he is rated so much more highly than the one-dimensional liberal rant artists, like Olberman, who spew nothing but hatred and vitriol. ‘The folks’ don’t like it.

  21. bobbo says:

    #146–montanna==I think my post is quite clear on what my issue was. You are wrong on so many points I wanted to give you a chance to reconsider, narrow the issues down, and really provide a good argument for anything you had to say. You didn’t rise to the challenge.

    I’ll summarize my counterpoint thusly==every adjective you use to describe Olberman, I would use the other. Your “proof” comes down to ratings? HAH! Ok, but the issue isn’t “how popular” Olberman is but rather how–what?–accurate, insightful he is?

    What point do you want to advance? You are all mixed up, confusing and conflating one issue with another.

    OReilly does put on a good show but he will shout down guests that he even agrees with. Yes, he shows some humor unless its one of his 15 hot buttons.

    Body Language? Culture Quiz? Hot for Words? Didn’t know they were still alive movie stars? Yep, good news man all the way. Good to counter that right wingnut crap with a good anti-authoritarian Olberman rant now and then. Somebody needs to point out the Republican cabal is bad for this country, whether or not you think gun ownership protects you.

  22. Montanaguy says:

    Same buffoonery again. You elaborated, still ineffectively on the eloquent “head up your ass” coment. But you yourself haven’t responded in any more specific way to the video. In my view, Olberman comes across as the authoritarian ass who rants endlessly and monotonously. Tell me what is so compelling about that. Ratings do matter. It means that the vast majoprity do NOT agree with your “insightful” interpretation. I suggest that it conforms to my view: the guy is an ass who would scare me off the elevator. The gun comment was humor. Why are all libs such concrete thinkers?

  23. Rick Cain says:

    Republicans are a pathetic species. They know they’re wrong, they realize that their polices are wrong, they have been a disaster to our economy and to our foreign policy but they continue on their path of dismal failure because “they believe”.

  24. Bobbo says:

    I scared myself off of an elevator once. It was the kind with those mirrors on the wall…don’t know why they put those in the rehab unit…

  25. Barack Obama says:

    Hey rick, stop using my campaign slogan: “I’m asking you to believe…”

  26. bobbo says:

    #150–Bobbo==I know what you mean. We had a psych patient jump from the third floor of the hospital one day. I asked his therapist how he reacted to living thru that experience and the therapist laughed and said the guy became pretty level headed and reality oriented for about 3-4 days.

    Hmmm. Why did I think of that?

    Montanna==I’ll bet you own a gun?

  27. Jägermeister says:

    #148 – Mounted Guy – Olberman comes across as the authoritarian ass who rants endlessly and monotonously.

    Olbermann has way more integrity than for instance Bill Sleezebag O’Reilly. He’s lining up the facts instead of publishing a bunch of his made up “truths”. But I guess you’ve gotten used to “entertainment news”, so to you, the truth is boring.

  28. Hillary Clinton says:

    Why isn’t anyone talking about me anymore?

  29. Keith Olbermann says:

    Actually, Jag, old buddy, I make up lots of shit. I mean, the truth sucks, dude. I say whatever comes to mind, and my followers call it fact. Cool, huh?

  30. QB says:

    On the plus side, Tina Fey will be playing Sarah Palin on SNL tonight.

    Sorry all you Palin fans, Tina is actually hot and doesn’t have a voice like Edna Krabappel. Well actually Edna is hotter than Palin.

    OK, Palin is hotter than Janet Reno.


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