There are numerous articles out there like this one from the New York Times or this one from about how the latest ads from McCain lack ‘truthiness.’

These are the tactics of someone backed into a corner who feels hopeless. Do the Republicans feel they’re losing and can’t win on the issues so they have to resort to mischaracterization and lying? With the Internet they can be countered in moments, so why try? Do they think the American public is that stupid and ignorant? Ignoring what Obama (who I’m not claiming is squeaky clean here) may do or say, do we really want a President who has to tell bald faced lies to win?

UPDATE: Watch McCain respond to the women on The View as they ask him why he’s lying.

  1. Syngensmyth says:

    Same old tired lefty drivel. Who pays attention to this crap?

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #94 And Obama’s site doesn’t list any Amend from the Bill of Rights on his “Issues” portion.

    I guess he’ll ignore all ten?

  3. JimD says:

    P.S. to the previous post: What is John’s and Sarah’s position or opinion of Bush’s utterance that the Constitution is “Just a goddamned piece of paper!!!” ??? Inquiring minds want to know !!!

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #97 ““Just a goddamned piece of paper!!!””

    Wow! Can you link that quote from Boosh?

  5. JimD says:

    Googling “Just a goddamned piece of paper!!!” yeilds 500,000 + hits !!!

    Here is one:

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #99 Interesting. I read through ten of the hits. There isn’t one named person who heard him say that even though there were supposedly a lot of lawmakers present. You’ll need to find a quote from an eyewitness.

  7. Bill Clinton says:

    That joint, that I didn’t inhale from, was just a goddamned piece of paper.
    That woman, that I didn’t have sex with had it coming.

  8. Sarah Palin says:

    I just want to clarify what I said in the below article.

    Yes, although God told me he wants us to wage war with a Muslim, my position is clear – I just want to be on God’s side. Does that make sense?

    please vote for me 🙂

  9. Bill Clinton says:

    I’m Bill Clinton and I wanna tell you… being governor of a small backward state most certainly qualifies you to be president. Jimmy Carter can affirm this also. And I never lie.

  10. ArianeB says:

    McCain and Palin are lying because they cant sell the truth about their agenda.
    Just this morning on the view, McCain said Palin has never asked for earmarks, only she did, nearly half a billion in the last two years.

    The republicans are spreading far more lies than the democrats, primarily because they lose on the issues. They lose on the economy, on Iraq, on energy policy, on health care, etc.

    They are unwilling to give any real details because it is the same as the Bush administration, constant warfare to expand the military industrial complex profits at the expense of the middle class taxpayer.

  11. Hillary Clinton says:

    Hi. I’m Hillary Clinton. I can beat Bill on lowering the bar. I wanna tell you… being a former first lady qualifies you to be president. And Bill never lied to me or cheated on me. Yuuccchhhh!!!
    p.s. Sarah Palin is kinda hot….

  12. Hillary Clinton says:

    Why are only us crazy liberals commenting on this topic? Are the normal people just too smart to touch this idiotic diatribe? Hey…wait a minute…
    p.s Actually, Sarah Palin is really hot. I wonder if the Lincoln bedroom is still for rent?

  13. Bill Clinton says:

    Is that you? I like the Lincoln bedroom idea..maybe another three-way…?

  14. Sarah Palin says:

    Oh one more thing…

    Umm, oops, I forgot .. Sorry…

  15. Sarah Palin says: I remember…Hillary sure has a fat ass!
    No wonder bill wants me.

  16. Hot for Teacher says:

    Do I have this right Bill and Hillary?
    Sarah is less qualified than Hillary because she wasn’t a first lady, but more qualified than Bill and Jimmy because she’s governor of a bigger state than they were?
    Cool. I’m almost as smart as a liberal now.

  17. Hot for Teacher says:

    Wait a minute…now I’m confused..doesn’t that mean Obama’s not qualified at all because..I mean…like he’s never even been the manager of a McDonalds? How can this be? I’m worried now. He must have led something in his life…oh well, let’s just make something up…those dumb people out there will never catch on..

  18. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #73 Olo Baggins of Bywater wrote “I just heard Palin say nukyuler. Wonderful.”

    For my fav, it was a tossup between the part where she didn’t know about the Bush Doctrine, and the part where she called the Russian invasion of Georgia unprovoked.

    I thought Charlie dropped the ball by not asking Palin how she thought the U.S. should best prepare for the battle of Armageddon. I guess I’m more of a troublemaker than Gibson, though 😉

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #89, Cow-Paddy,

    A bit off topic, but this is a funny vid. You have to watch it to the end. K. Olbermann has a psychotic breakdown. Afterwards he was sedated and put back into his comfy “room”.

    This is an example of why Republicans have to lie. Olberman made some very telling and accurate remarks in his editorial. Instead of rebutting any or offering another take, here we have a you, a Republican, laughing.

    You think it is funny that bin Laden is still running around seven years after Bush swore to get him, dead or alive? You think it funny that the Republican convention showed and capitalized on the perverse showing of their “tribute” to the 9/11tragedy?

    You, like most Republicans, are effen sick.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #114 – Mr. Fusion

    Very good post. Fully agree with you.

  21. ECA says:

    Im sorry,
    But MOST of the government officials are ALL telling lies..
    VERY few are honest enough to give you the TRUTH.

    BOTH sides, are as dirty as the other.
    It took 40 years, for information about Vietnam to be RELEASED. what was done, chemical testing, drug testing, massacres, and so forth.

    have you ever been to a PARTY?? Booze, drugs, and GIRLS…ALL you are looking for, and you will do, most anything to get it..

    FROM a group thats BACKED by corps(that LIE), to persons running our country(that LIE), to US/WE who they DEMAND not to lie, and the COPS who think that EVERYTHING WE SAY, is a LIE.
    WHO is teaching WHOM, to be responsible??

  22. #44, #76 – Lyin’ Michael

    Tell me though, how do you prevent against HIV? By washing your hands? No. By not kissing? No. It’s about unprotected sex, IV needle use, and other risky behavior. Is that something a 6 year old needs to hear about?

    What’s your problem, Lyin’ Michael? They’re not going to be taught that kind of shit in some lilly-white McMansion toy village.

    What’s your big hang-up about sex??

    Does a 6-year-old really know how to make pancakes or change the oil in the family’s car? No, but it comes in useful later in life, so kids pick up that information in the kitchen and the garage.

    This all goes back to the repressive denial that right wingnuts have about sex.

    That’s why so many of them end up riding on the train powered by “meth and man ass”, or wide-stancing it in the boys’ room.

  23. badtimes says:

    #29- second that. And that is an excellent book too.

  24. smartalix says:

    Tell me though, how do you prevent against HIV? By washing your hands? No. By not kissing? No. It’s about unprotected sex, IV needle use, and other risky behavior.

    Nice try, but not quite. Any spilled body fluid can carry HIV. That means bicycle accidents, a punch in the nose at the playground, or any other accidantal exposure.

    You people attempt to control the argument by defining the reality. You can’t, because the right-wing view of reality is skewed. That shit stops here. The truth will come out if enough attention is brought to it.

  25. JM Freeh says:

    Vote Repuglican, the part of repugnant politics!

  26. RSweeney says:

    This blog is heading down hill fast.

  27. MikeN says:

    PaddyO, the goddamned piece of paper line has been covered on this blog. Look there for the debunking.

  28. MikeN says:


    Well there’s one liberal that has signed on to the type of sex-ed that is supposedly not what Obama voted for. Somehow I don’t feel like letting the ‘experts’ who set a curriculum decide what is ‘age-appropriate’

  29. Joe Seefus says:

    Both McCain and Obama are politicians. All politicians lie therefore this isn’t new. You ask “Do they think the American public is that stupid and ignorant?” Since all politicians lie, Washington D.C. is full of politicians and it never seems to change, the truthful answer is “yes” compared to the lie which most people believe.

  30. ECA says:

    If there was TRUTH in government…
    then we would know WHO to shoot FIRST.

    Sex ed?
    EASY, when they START understanding WHAT they are seeing/feeling…START explaining…AND DONT LIE(much) as all you will do is foster IGNORANCE and probably a few neurosis..And never have a GRAND child.


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