There are numerous articles out there like this one from the New York Times or this one from about how the latest ads from McCain lack ‘truthiness.’

These are the tactics of someone backed into a corner who feels hopeless. Do the Republicans feel they’re losing and can’t win on the issues so they have to resort to mischaracterization and lying? With the Internet they can be countered in moments, so why try? Do they think the American public is that stupid and ignorant? Ignoring what Obama (who I’m not claiming is squeaky clean here) may do or say, do we really want a President who has to tell bald faced lies to win?

UPDATE: Watch McCain respond to the women on The View as they ask him why he’s lying.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    #146, HannahMontana

    O’Reilly who actually has an easy sense of humor, can laugh at himself,

    He is only laughing along with everyone laughing at him.

    invites oppositional guests on his show continuously without fearing the confrontation

    So he can tell them to “shut up” and cut their mikes when he disagrees with them.


    Same buffoonery again. You elaborated, still ineffectively on the eloquent “head up your ass” coment.

    Anything Bobbo, or anyone else for that matter, will be ineffective simply because your head is still up your ass.

    Ratings do matter. It means that the vast majoprity do NOT agree with your “insightful” interpretation.

    Simply because all the drooling, knuckle dragging imbeciles, much like you, like to watch other imbeciles like O’Rielly make a fool out of himself. The same trait is also seen on radio. The centralists and liberals much prefer to think without being told what they must think.

    Olberman doesn’t make things up, employs fact checkers, apologizes the few times when he does err, and presents facts.

    the guy is an ass who would scare me off the elevator.

    If someone like Olberman scares you then you shouldn’t be trusted with a gun.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    The latest lie is Palin denying that Wasilla charged rape victims for evidence gathering while she was Mayor. It appears that was one of the reasons the town Police Chief was fired.

    Charging a crime victim? Is that not low? Then denying it happened? Is there no level the Republicans won’t stoop to?

  3. Once Elected, Palin Hired Friends and Lashed Foes

    “….Interviews show that Ms. Palin runs an administration that puts a premium on loyalty and secrecy..

    Oh, groovy. We’ve just been through 8 miserable years of an administration that put a premium on loyalty and secrecy, and now the Repugs are offering up McBush and his chromosomally challenged evil twin?

  4. Montanaguy says:

    Hi Mr ConFusion. sigh.
    Apparently you have an agreement with bobbo to be his lame hatchet man when he can’t respond for himself? You’ve offered up your usual boilerplate of drivel, name calling and ‘ad hominem’ attacks. Occasionally you have something of substance to say and it really is more effective than this childish post. Apparently you didn’t watch the video either. Thanks for breathing.

  5. Montanaguy says:

    So this would be different than the Clinton’s
    who were fixated on secrecy and loyalty? Maybe she studied their methodology…

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #159 – Mister Mustard

    Excellent link! Thanks.

    So, if these are the changes that McCain was talking about when he said that Palin was to stir the pot in Washington, then you’ll see a lot of her high school friends entering national politics. Wow, thanks hockey mom…

    #161 – Mounted guy

    Hillary Clinton isn’t running for President… fast forward to September.

  7. #161 – Hanna


    Trashy tell-all biogarbage about how Hillary failed the bar exam? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    As evil and conniving as Hillary may be, Know-Nothing Sarah Barracuda makes her look like a fairy princess.

    And no matter how well or poorly Hillary did on the bar exam, big woop. She’s not running. Sarah Barracuda never went to law school. And President Obama (who was editor in chief of the Harvard Law Review as a law student) never failed the bar exam, and neither did VP Joe Biden.

    And both of them have forgotten more about running the USA than Sarah Barracuda will ever know.

  8. Montanaguy says:

    Have you just stooped to making up random facts? Did you hear Olbermann say this? So it’s a fact?
    Link us to the verifiable quote where Palin is “denying” that Wasila ever charged rape victims. Link us to the verifiable quote where she states that she was fully aware of this policy and supported it. I understand that Wasila did this, but I’ll bet that my own mayor doesn’t know about every procedural issue in town either. And he’s a democrat. And a great guy, actually. I don’t hold him personally responsible for every procedure that our chief of police or city attorney or medical examiner follows. This is just more hate seeking an object.

  9. Montanaguy says:

    The discussion was not about the bar exam, but ‘secrecy and loyalty’.
    From the above links,”Gerth and Van Natta portray Clinton as fixated on secrecy and loyalty.” Both Clintons, if you remember anything about their Arkansas and Washington life, lived by that playbook.

  10. #165 – Miley Ray

    From the above links,”Gerth and Van Natta portray Clinton as fixated on secrecy and loyalty.” Both Clintons, if you remember anything about their Arkansas and Washington life, lived by that playbook.

    Again, big woop. Neither one of the two Clintons is running for POTUS/ VPOTUS. And like a quote from the New York Effing Post is going to have any impact on the double-digit+ IQ set. HAW>

    Sarah Barracuda, the Woman With So Many Secrets, IS running. As more and more of her secrets come out (including her astounding ignorance about every issue involved in running the USA), she’s going to revealed as a bush-league, mean-spirited of Hillary. I mean, Christ. At least Hillary’s husband used to be POTUS. Mr. Palin caps oil wells on a rig in East Bumf^ck.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #161, HannahMontana,

    So this would be different than the Clinton’s
    who were fixated on secrecy and loyalty

    You are such a tool. You can’t even be bothered to read your own links.

    Mark Fabiani, who as White House special counsel played a key role in defending the Clintons, said she was “so tortured by the way she’s been treated that she would do anything to get out of the situation … and if that involved not being fully forthcoming, she herself would say, ‘I have a reason for not being forthcoming.'”

    This is old stuff put out by Clinton enemies many years ago and refuted almost as long ago.

    Again, this is par for the course with Republicans. They can’t debate issues or defend against true revalations. Their reaction is to either make up another lie or rehash a lie already disputed.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #164, HannahMontana

    I understand that Wasila did this, but I’ll bet that my own mayor doesn’t know about every procedural issue in town either.

    As Mayor, she is aware of every policy implemented in her little town of 6,000.

    complaints about charging rape victims for medical exams in Wasilla prompted the Alaska Legislature to pass a bill — signed into law by Knowles — that banned the practice statewide.
    “There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, and that was Wasilla,” Knowles said

    A May 23, 2000, article in Wasilla’s newspaper, The Frontiersman, noted that Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies regularly pay for such exams, which cost between $300 and $1,200 apiece.

    “(But) the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of sexual assault for the tests,” the newspaper reported.

    It also quoted Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon objecting to the law. Fannon was appointed to his position by Palin after her dismissal of the previous police chief. He said it would cost Wasilla $5,000 to $14,000 a year if the city had to foot the bill for rape exams.

    Guess who was Mayor in 2000? Guess who was hired to be on the Palin team?

    (Ketchikan Mayor Bob )Weinstein added, “Wasilla under Sarah Palin’s administration chose to charge sexual assault victims for the forensic kits, and that’s the choice they made. They easily could have made the other choice.”

    So while Palin insisted victims pay for the police to gather evidence about the crime, she and her family expected the State to pay for for their living expenses IN THEIR OWN FUCKING HOUSE.

  13. #156 – Cubie

    >>On the plus side, Tina Fey will be
    >>playing Sarah Palin on SNL tonight.

    Hot as Tina Fey is, “Hillary” smoked her like a reefer. Just like Biden is going to do.

    No matter, if Tina Fey were running for VP, I’d vote for her early and often. I’m sure Diebold would arrange for that to happen, if she were running on the GOP ticket.

  14. Montanaguy says:

    #168 – ConFusion central
    So apparently you were unable to come up with the links backing up your assertion that she lied about this? Your post is a smokescreen to hide the fact that you lied. Yes, the town did this, as I already stated. When was this policy instituted? If it pre-existed her tenure, then it wasn’t her policy. If it can be demonstrated that she personally instituted this policy, then she’s in trouble; it’s obviously a lousy policy. I’m not defending that. But wild speculation on your part about what she knew doesn’t constitute a fact, but rather, prevarication.
    Your quote: “As Mayor, she is aware of every policy implemented in her little town of 6,000.” – pure speculation on your part. But as I’ve often noticed in your posts, this makes it a ‘fact’ Maybe bobbo can jump in and defend you now.

  15. #170 – HannaMontana

    >>When was this policy instituted? If it
    >>pre-existed her tenure, then it wasn’t her
    >>policy. If it can be demonstrated that she
    >>personally instituted this policy, then
    >>she’s in trouble; it’s obviously a lousy

    RTFA, Hannah.

    Knowles told reporters, “There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, and that was Wasilla, and the — the original police chief had been fired by Mayor Palin, and her replacement for that police chief was protesting it, and even when I signed the bill.

    Weinstein added, “Wasilla under Sarah Palin’s administration chose to charge sexual assault victims for the forensic kits, and that’s the choice they made. They easily could have made the other choice.”

    I guess she’s in trouble, huh?

  16. J says:

    # 170 Montanaguy

    “If it can be demonstrated that she personally instituted this policy, then she’s in trouble; it’s obviously a lousy policy.”

    It began the 1998-1999 fiscal year. The year after she replaced the existing chief of police with Duwayne Charles Fannon.

    So yes she had a PERSONAL hand in instituting the policy.

    As far a speculating….. She signed the fucking report!!! She “is responsible for oversight over the report.” It says exactly that in the report. That means she takes responsibility for all budget decisions.

  17. Montanaguy says:

    I think the facts will fully develop soon. Yes, she may be in trouble over this, as I said, but it’s still not clear from the quotes whether or not the policy was in place before she was mayor and/or whether she instituted or approved of it. It seems that so far we have half of a story. I’ll wait to hear the whole story before deciding.

  18. #173 – Montanaguy

    >>I’ll wait to hear the whole story before

    Yeah, wait until Anal Cyst Limbaugh or Loofah Pad O’Reilly makes up some cock-and-bullshit story about how what happened didn’t really happen. Then you can call it a “myth” that’s been “debunked”.

    Face it. She f&cked up, and now doesn’t want to admit what she did.

    Just like her “I said ‘no thanks’ to the bridge-to-nowhere money” bullshit, when she actually DID take the money. Prolly needed it to cover all those per diem expenses she charged the state for sleeping in her own bed at home.

    If this much dirt has been dug up on her in two weeks, imagine what things will be like by November 4th?

    HAW!! She’ll probably be facing Federal charges!!

  19. Montanaguy says:

    I think the media will get to the bottom of this readily. Don’t freak out. You’re getting your panties in a knot.

  20. #175 – Monty

    >>I think the media will get to the bottom of
    >>this readily. Don’t freak out. You’re getting
    >>your panties in a knot.

    I’m not freaking out, m’hijito, and my panties are smooth as silk.

    In fact, I’m laughing all the way to the election!

    Ahh, McBush, you golden-ager Dumbay clone. Saracuda was a good last-ditch effort. Unfortunately, not even the 24/7 tutoring she’s receiving can make up for her breath-taking lack of knowledge regarding anything a POTUS should know.

  21. bobbo says:

    #177–Alfred==you equate slight misstatement with outright lies. Good bushie.—-you-and-whose-arm_b_125929.html

  22. #177 – Alfie

    >>And McCain’s ad people took cues from Obama, who
    >>refused to meet in Townhalls and discuss issues

    Yeah. Not wanting to meet in some free-for-all donnybrook filled with McBush shills is pretty much the same as outright lying.


    Read the effing article bobbo cited in #178. Maybe things will make some sense to you then.

    I’ve got my fingers crossed, but I’m not too hopeful.

  23. Paddy-O says:


    14 Sep 2008: “The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows John McCain reaching the 50% level of support for the first time since Barack Obama wrapped up the Democratic Presidential Nomination. McCain retains a three-point advantage for the third straight day, 50% to 47%”

  24. JimD says:

    Paddy-O, I’ve noticed that they have stopped quoting the “Margin of Error” in the polls. Three percent – plus or minus – probably a dead heat, and that’s before real ECONOMIC ISSUES ARE DISCUSSED – AFTER LIPSTICK, WHO’S YOUR PREACHER, AND OTHER NON-STARTERS !!!

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #181 “Paddy-O, I’ve noticed that they have stopped quoting the “Margin of Error” in the polls.”

    The one I read had a 3% margin listed.

  26. raymundohpl says:



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