Ok, so the producers of these commercials have clearly decided that these things are going to be a pure viral marketing campaign hoping blogs like this will run them for free as I am doing here. So instead of paying for advertising the cheap bastards are expecting free advertising. This will work for maybe a few episodes of this crap, but not much more than that. The campaign will thus be a success but will it actually sell any product? Does it even sell Microsoft as a brand? I’m not seeing it.

  1. Special Ed says:

    Yeah, it is about as funny as a blind queer in a hotdog factory.

  2. Fresh? It’s like Woody Allen material from the 1970’s.

  3. tjspiel says:

    Well, I thought it was funny and I’m a Mac guy.

    Does it help sell Microsoft products? I don’t know.

  4. danijel says:

    God! Who are all these people that post these “I love it” comments on this blog? Maybe MS is paying people to post positive comments about their crappy ad campaign all over the tubes? I suggest some kind of Turing test for Microsoft employees: http://tinyurl.com/57msmm

  5. lordfoul says:

    These spots are to create a change in negative sentiment towards MS in general, a feel good type thing. They figure by associating a few chuckles and the feeling that can bring with the face of MS they can accomplish this. They may be right.

  6. wiglebot says:

    Its funny, Bill is dogging himself. Everything is an analogy to how out-of-touch MS is. They totally failed to connect with real people and got Rick-Rolled by preteen — laughs.

  7. eyeofthetiger says:

    Clever and boring. My plastic giraffe is handcuffed to metal stake in my crawlspace.

  8. Ron Larson says:

    I liked it… except Grandma under the car with a diagnosis of ‘clogged head gasket”? The head gasket is on top of the motor, and I’ve never heard of a “clogged head gasket”. They could have come up with something better.

    [Listen again. She clearly says “blown head gasket.” – ed.]

  9. Jim S says:

    C’mon that was funny! Obviously they are going some where with this. Who gives a crap if they don’t talk about their product, I don’t want it anyway.

  10. Balbas says:


    This one is hilarious! I gave it 5 stars!

  11. kanjy says:

    #38 – It was a “blown head gasket.” But it did sound as though she were just then confirming it.

    I liked watching this. I’m not saying it’s a good ad, and it didn’t really seem in the video that they were helping anyone connect. I enjoyed the jokes, the plot (yes, there was one), and the whole overall concept of Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld staying as guests in someone’s house—how silly is that? If this became a sitcom, I would probably be interested in seeing it.

  12. Widgethead says:

    I believe it is leading to a remake of the “Odd Couple” movies and TV show. Jerry is the “Felix Unger” and Bill is the “Oscar Madison”.

  13. Zin says:

    As a tv show maybe, as a commercial no, no, no

  14. Jim says:

    The real questions: Are they the masters of their domain and who will crack first?

    You do have to admit watching Gates going along with Seinfeld is funny.

    Now if they get Warren Buffet to do a cameo at some point I will be impressed.

  15. Ivor Biggun says:

    Wow, what a great ad! I’m gonna run right out and pickup a copy of Microsoft “Bob” immediately!

  16. Maybe the strategy is to get people buzzin’ about how bad the spots are? If that is the point, it’s working well.

    People are talking about how bad the Microsoft videos with Seinfeld are.

    All publicity is good, even bad publicity. This is the best use of that old saw. What’s real clever is they don’t even have to pay for the promotion. It smacks of cheap and smart, too.

    The company spent a lot of money getting that “You-tube amateur video look”. Why pay for advertising?

    It’s a dead giveaway when Jerry delivers the line describing the project objective of two cultural icons spending time with “real people”.

    Pure genius !!

  17. Brian says:

    Worse because the pro-Apple people say so?

    Give me a break…they aren’t any worse than the god-awful ‘I’m a mac’ ads that these apple dorks fawn all over.

  18. chuck says:

    This one had a few minor laughs.
    Maybe it will catch on as a viral marketing thing.

    All that proves is that viral marketing is a complete waste of time.

    The Cloverfield movie and Snakes on a Plane had greate viral marketing. But they sucked and no one went to see them.

  19. RRD says:

    What Brian #46 said.

    So sad to see the all these apple freaks having breakdowns over ads that are no better or worse than “I’m a Mac” crap.

  20. Microsoft Bob? Here is my old post about it with pictures! http://www.dvorak.org/blog/?p=15313

  21. TheWatcher says:

    Everyone is just too serious!
    It’s a commercial, thank god not about a product, I mean really who does not know what Windows or Office is? The Apple ads also don’t often focus on a specific product either. So what we have here is just some lighthearted banter with two well known personalities to get Microsoft’s name out there with out having to do another boring product spot. Thumbs up for trying to break out of their typical mindset.

  22. ChuckM says:

    Sorry, but I really like them so far.

    I hate to point out that internally Microsoft has made some of the funniest commercials I’ve seen, with Bill Gates at the butt or being uncomfortable as the punch line. Even Balmer has been seen in them…

    I would love to see Jobs do the same. The closest I’ve seen is about his death this week…

    It is funny, I am starting to see the reversal happening with Apple and Google being evil… Microsoft is brushing up it’s image…

  23. rectagon says:

    It worked for me. I laughed a couple times…and I’m all alone! Go ahead and wring your hands over this everybody… that’s the point.

  24. LazyDrunkenHillbilly says:

    Better than the first, both are great. Dvorak why don’t you drink another bottle of your cheap vino….can’t wait til your angry review of the next episode

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    What is this? Nobody runs a 4 minute and 30 second commercial.

    And the thing about the “clogged head gasket” WAS pretty lame, #39. Head gaskets don’t clog, they blow. Sheesh. I guess the producers never worked on car engines as kids.

  26. furrypotato says:

    “There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about” – Oscar Wilde

    We are all now Microsoft’s bitches 😉

  27. becagle says:

    I wasted 4 1/2 minutes of my life watching this crap. I want them back…

  28. TeddyG says:

    Hey guys, paid or not, I liked it. It was funny ! If they keep this up, I will keep watching if it is viral or not.

    Finnay we got something that is not a direct responce and does not get people to choose sides, just enjoy.

  29. bobbo says:

    #57–Mustard, are you sure about that? Seems to me on both my MGB and my Sprite that when the car wasn’t leaking oil it was because the head gasket needed changing. I’m sure it got clogged?

    Reminds me of why the Brits never really got into the PC/Computer market===they couldn’t figure out how to make them leak oil.

  30. Jägermeister says:

    That was 100,000 Windows Vista Business licenses worth of entertainment.


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