1. the answer says:

    Awesome video. if I were a teacher i’d show it to my students.

  2. white4spite says:

    If I was that white beotch I would be freaking out. That loon is talking to the door , as if addressing an audiance!

  3. Montanaguy says:

    Whatever. As a black man, I take offense at this video as being racist propaganda. People read your face, your smile and your personna before they get down to skin color. Okay, not every white person, but good grief…

  4. hhopper says:

    I agree. That guy couldn’t look any more harmless.

  5. MIKE CANNALI says:

    #32 – Worse the door never closed – (or the elevator is 12 feet deep). Plus they were not alone if you consider the cameraman.

    #1 – Where is Chuck Norris when you need him the most??

    #30 – If a group commits nearly 5 times the homocides one would expect from their share of the population – then the remainder of the population is justified in their personal safety concerns and has every right to be prepared to protect themselves.

    #33 is most right of all. Realizing the statistically justifiable concern of whites being vitimized by blacks, the whole situation could have been diffused with a bit of diplomacy – perhaps by simply introducing himself: “Hello my name is Barak and I’m a community organizer for this elevator……”

  6. deowll says:

    Some of you are assuming she would have felt safe if the guy was white. Maybe and maybe not so drop it in the sewer.

  7. Rick Cain says:

    I thought that was Prince on his day off.

    Women fantasize about men in elevators, just the tall attractive italian looking men wearing muscle shirts, not your ugly ass.

  8. BdgBill says:

    I don’t think anyone would be afraid of this guy. He appears to be four feet tall and is dressed like a proper little irish gentlemen.

    I think his perception that he is striking fear into women everywhere he goes is wishful thinking.

  9. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Poor misunderstood black man.

  10. It exists, I have been here myself! The main source resulting to this problem is that the Media misrepresents reality; each individual carries their characteristics, no two men are alike.

  11. Paddy-O says:

    #40 “The main source resulting to this problem is that the Media misrepresents reality;”

    Which reality is being misrepresented?

  12. #41 The reality that not all Black American Males are purse snatchers. In the news today, ask yourself, what is true anymore? What you see is not what you get most of the time.

  13. Paddy-O says:

    #42 “In the news today, ask yourself, what is true anymore?”

    The news I see hear or see goes out of its way to conceal the race of purps…

  14. onomontapeia says:

    Get a dictionary or at least spell check, moron. You are the racist since YOU seem to be hung up on it. Apparently anyone with a difference of opinion than yours is wrong and a racist. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/racist. Just to be sure you know what you are talking about.

    “You see, moran, you want to blame a whole group of people for the misdeed of just one or a small group. That is what makes a racist and you now qualify.”

    Comprehension is a little hard for you isn’t it? You must be a liberal since you take everything out of context. And once again, the people making the video are the ones painting with the “wide brush” of racism.

    Caution is a good thing, that would be the area between trusting everyone and fearing everyone. I’ll type slower if you need me to, I really want you to understand this. I used the word ‘caution’ because I thought it might be easier for you to understand. I thought ‘wary’ may have been too hard. I can look that up for you also.

  15. jabarig says:

    I think it’s supposed to be satirical. If you look at the other videos in the series there are white actors making fun of black stereotypes. It may be smarter than many of you initially judged. I think he’s really making fun of “black anger” by being considerably smaller than the white actress “…and is dressed like a proper little irish gentlemen.”, he’s clearly nonthreatening, sensitive and uncharitable but maybe that’s the joke. If so, it’s probably to subtle or not very funny. Either way I think the producers of these shorts would probably agree with most of the comments above.

  16. sally says:

    I came across an online community for individual seeking interracial love. It is ++++((((—Blackwhitemeet. C O M))))++++ All singles there are seeking interracial relationships. Interracial is not a problem here, but a great merit to cherish!

  17. Vincent says:

    I think the point of the video is so stretched by some of these posts that is does not warrant a response. Not every White Woman clutches her purse when in a situation alone with an unknown Black male. But, it still happens. Not every Black male walks into an elevator “looking” for racism. The point of the video is that racism is alive and well in this country and here is one example…

  18. usakindatheart says:

    look, i think this video is racist…
    women do not care what friggin color
    you are when you get on an elevator
    if you are a male.

    they will protect there purse, bags, and there person…

    if they are alone, odds are a male can over power a woman, and we know it.

    i carry a gun and a tasor…
    let his black, white, yellow, green, brown, fucking ass attack me or try to take my things, and i’ll get that male where he will not be able to sing baritone anymore.


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