Joe Biden seems like free-wheeler and is supposedly a gaffe-machine. In this case he asks a guy in a wheelchair to “stand up!” He is visibly taken aback when he realizes what happened. Everyone is anxiously awaiting his debate with Sarah Palin. I’m predicting right now that this one debate will become the number one watched debate in US election history.

  1. Thinker says:

    I’m awaiting this too. It should be interesting…yes sir, very interesting.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Honest mistake. It would have been another thing altogether if he knew about the wheelchair. Now that would have been a gaffe! I like how he went down to the guy and tried the laying on of hands. Lookout Falwell, Buchanan and Robertson this Biden guy is getting on your turf.

  3. Paddy-O says:

    I guess the hair plugs were inserted too deep?

  4. MarkP says:

    In the debate with Palin, listen for the phrase, “Sarah, you ignorant slut…” It’ll bring the house down. Promise. ;^D

  5. eyeofthetiger says:

    I bet Limbaugh will spend an hour on this tomorrow.

  6. Sea Lawyer says:

    I am starting to think that the VP debate will be what decides the election. McCain is ahead in the polls now because of Palin. If the debate proves once and for all that she is just an uninformed tool, McCain will certainly lose.

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    The “gaffe storm” that follows Joe Biden has already been rated at Category 2, and could well build to Category 5 strength by debate night.

    There’s no way he’ll be able to safely navigate through all the sexism land mines while debating a woman, but it’ll be entertaining to watch him try. I think his toughest job will be to display an extensive knowledge of foreign affairs without appearing condescending, in an arena where appearance means everything.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    #6 “If the debate proves once and for all that she is just an uninformed tool, McCain will certainly lose.”

    And if it proves what most of Alaska already knows, Omama is history…

  9. a says:

    What he should do during debate is to debate himself and not her…

  10. Paddy-O says:

    #9 “What he should do during debate is to debate himself and not her…”


  11. Republican says:

    LOL So, he laughed it off. Was taken ‘aback’ for about 1.5 seconds. Seriously…have you SEEN George W. Bush for the last 8 years? Do you REALLY want to talk about gaffs and dumb speaking? And he WON two elections (sorta).

    Palin has plenty of silly crap too. She’ll launch into her little cute pre-rehearsed stump speech about selling a jet on eBay (not true), firing her chef (not true) and say no to the “bridge to no where” (not true) and being against Federal pork/earmarks (not true). THAT will be fun to watch when someone can remind her that she DID ask for million in earmarks and DID support the bridge (even kept the $ after Congress canceled it, not her). What a HOOT!

  12. Republican says:

    Did I mention strong fiscal conservative Palin charged the Alaska tax payers a “per diem” to stay in her OWN house. The state per diem is supposed to cover eating out and having to buy incidentals like tooth paste and socks while traveling. She charged the State THOUSANDS of dollars! That’s being investigated now. Barely legal (maybe) and definitely unethical.

  13. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    I think many of us keep forgetting that Palin has experience facing down the Russians at the north end of the globe, so I’m sure she’ll quickly put all the naysayers in their place, ashamed and humiliated for having doubted her. I, for one, look forward to seeing what fresh insight she’ll bring to the situation with Georgia and South Ossetia.

  14. GigG says:

    At least he didn’t tell a guy with one arm to give the guy in the wheelchair a round of applause.

  15. What is this about says:

    Now I see why people are mad at Obama. There is a ‘edited’ fake video going around the internet showing Obama calling Palin a pig. Of course it never happened, totally made up. But just clipping words out of context and putting them in front of other video, it does “look bad”. WOW. I can NOT believe in this day and age they are getting away with this! Why aren’t more people furious about this kind of made up stuff? Disagreeing on whether taxes should be 28% or 32% is one thing…but just lying outright…

    Here’s how ‘clipped’ version the Republicans are showing of Obama attacking Palin! Damn him!!!!

    Er, but here’s the full video of what he really said…never mentioned her by name or reference , even abstractly. He was talking about McCain.

    So that ad, where they claim “here’s Obama on Palin”, calling her a pig…totally made up.


  16. Remember When says:

    Remember when Bush told a blind man in the Press briefing to take off this sunglasses and was making cracks about why he was wearing sun glasses inside.

  17. RTaylor says:

    Putin sitting across the table from Palin in the forthcoming Polish missile crisis. Think it through people. This isn’t a game, it’s very real and very dangerous. This isn’t Maggie Thatcher.

  18. OmegaMan says:

    Stroke of Genius by McCain…pulling in the absentminded Monty Python fans. 😉

  19. MikeN says:

    That wasn’t a gaffe. He was echoing John Edwards who said that under Democratic policies, Christopher Reeve would get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.

  20. MikeN says:

    #12, I know the mainstream media is going into overdrive trying to come up with a scandal, but her billed expenses are less than half of the previous governor’s, plus she didn’t bill for lodging either.

  21. Joe says:

    What’s the Vegas line on Biden just dropping trow during the debate? ha ha, what an oaf.

    Actually, as you might guess, I really don’t like the guy but I do think he kind of handled it well. I guess he has “experience” with that sort of thing.

    When has a VP candidate ever had the other party (and their media partners) so apoplectic?
    For crying out loud, Matthews tonight devoted his show to proving Obama didn’t mean it as opposed to determining what he meant. What a disingenuous moron.

    It’s been a fun week. Looking forward to more Democrat angst.

  22. jim h says:

    Kerry made Bush look dumb in every debate – and that was his biggest mistake. The debate is an opportunity to show the public that you’re unsophisticated, anti-intellectual, and have a limited vocabulary. In other words – that you’re one of them. Joe Biden doesn’t know how to do this – he wants to impress you with his knowledge of the issues, of all things. It’s hard to figure out how to counter something like Sarah Palin, who’s openly running as a simple-minded “hockey mom”. It’s weird and disturbing, watching this work.

  23. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #19 wrote “He was echoing John Edwards who said that under Democratic policies, Christopher Reeve would get up out of that wheelchair and walk again.”

    Wasn’t it was under Evangelical Christian policies that Christopher Reeve could get up and walk again, if he only believed?

  24. Remember When says:


    Really? Would you explain that. She didn’t bill the state when she stayed a hotel on state business…but she did bill the state per diem charges while when she was at home? Why would you do that? That’s….odd. Here’s an idea. When you travel, bill the state for that (if it’s not valid travel, don’t go). When you’re not at home…don’t bill the state for your ‘expenses’. Less confusing that way.

  25. What is this about says:

    No comments on this I noticed.

    Faked cut & page Republican video showing Obama attacking Palin:

    Actual video:

    So that ad, where they claim “here’s Obama on Palin”, calling her a pig…totally made up.

  26. lta says:

    The debate is on my birthday and at my college.
    I just want to see Palin get demolished.

    …is the audience allowed to boo at a debate?

  27. The Warden says:

    I am now BideT fan, but he did a great job in recovering when he realized the guy can’t stand. But, you would think he knew he was in a wheel chair, no?

  28. The Warden says:

    eh make that “NO” BideT fan…

  29. MIKE CANNALI says:

    Perhaps Joe Biden was expecting a healing after Barak parted the seas

  30. MikeN says:

    Hollywood has made any number of movies with the premise of an ordinary guy taking power and bringing common sense to government, and it’s always been left-wing policies that were supposedly the heroic positions. Now it actually happens, and it turns out their commoner is a conservative.


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