Joe Biden seems like free-wheeler and is supposedly a gaffe-machine. In this case he asks a guy in a wheelchair to “stand up!” He is visibly taken aback when he realizes what happened. Everyone is anxiously awaiting his debate with Sarah Palin. I’m predicting right now that this one debate will become the number one watched debate in US election history.

  1. MikeN says:

    Fusion, the charge is that she did bill for lodging.

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This whole contrived misinterpretation of Obama’s “lipstick on a pig” metaphor certainly makes it clear how easy it will be for Palin to win her debate against Biden. Palin’s lack of readiness to step in as president, at such time as McCain’s descent into Alzheimer’s disease can no longer be hidden, will easily be overshadowed with some convenient charge of sexism.

    The plot practically writes itself, but we’ll have to wait for debate night to see the actual script.

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    Hold it, hold it Bobbo!

    Did you just say “logical analysis does not appeal to women”??

    You could be campaigning right beside Barack!

  4. Ah_Yea says:

    Oh, by the way, love the movie reference! I think I’m going to get control of an oil well as a hedge against the apocalypse.

  5. Podgorney says:

    Other things you don’t want to hear from your VP

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    McCain is trying to propose failed policies under a new disguise. In effect, they are the same pig with a newer shade of lipstick. And a pearl necklace.

  7. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #65, that’s a perfect illustration of how dishonest politics gets. A person from Biden’s audience said how glad they were that Biden had been chosen over Hillary (with a derogatory tone against Hillary), and Biden was actually defending Clinton, saying she “might have been a better pick than me.” It was refreshingly humble (from a man not well-known for his humility).

    When this was all run through the McCain spin cycle, they regurgitated that Biden had said that “he wasn’t the right man for the job” (an actual quote from a McCain spokesman). That wasn’t what Biden said, but it sure got the attention of people too lazy to find out the truth.

    These people promised us a higher tone, but that was just putting lipstick on the pig of Republican politics as usual. Can you say “Oink,” boys and girls?

  8. Buzz says:

    What a MORAN that he can’t see the guy’s wheelchair from the dais and wants the crowd to recognize him.

    How stupid that he doesn’t pre-qualify every possible person in the audience for physical attributes.

    Of course, no Republican could ever make such a gaffe:

    Oops, the past has a tendency to hold onto things…

    “At a press conference this morning, President Bush needled Los Angeles Times reporter Peter Wallsten after he stood up to ask a question wearing sunglasses. “Are you going to ask that question with shades on?” Bush said, telling Wallsten, “I’m interested in the shade look, seriously.”

    “Wallsten is legally blind.”

  9. brendal says:

    Biden is gonna get bitten by the pitbull.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #69, brenda,


  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #69, brenda,



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