CNN – 9/9/08: When it comes to support for Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, a new national poll suggests men and women don’t see eye to eye.
Men figure strongly in the support for Sarah Palin. Here, supporters gather Monday in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey out Tuesday indicates that 62 percent of men questioned have a favorable opinion of the Alaska governor, nine points higher than women.

The gender gap is also apparent when it comes to whether Palin is qualified to serve as president. Fifty-seven percent of male respondents said Palin was qualified, 14 points higher than women. A majority of women polled, 55 percent, said Palin is not qualified.

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    I see the left is getting desperate by posting non stories and Photoshop hacks. Did you know that calling someone a “community organizer” is racist?

  2. The only reason ANYONE pays any attention to Sarah Palin is because she’s hot.

    If she looked like Janet Reno and had that kind of background/ experience, people would be laughing themselves silly.

    Woo, pitbull with lipstick! Rough tough cream puff! VPilf!!

    The novelty will soon wear off. And depending on how punani-deprived guys’ wieners are, they’ll either vote for her (deprived) or vote the right way (not deprived).

    So Joe Biden has hair plugs and his legs don’t make the cut against Barracuda’s. At least he knows what he’s doing.

  3. dmcall says:

    Then _WHY_ did Biden bother getting hair plugs?

  4. Improbus says:

    I am ashamed for my gender. If you are going to vote for someone on this basis why not get a blond and do it up right? Is Reese Witherspoon or Alicia Silverstone available?

  5. Calin says:

    I love how everyone seems to feel that if you vote for McCain/Palin it must be because you think Palin is hot. But if you vote against them is it because you think Biden is hot?

    This is no different than what I heard over and over again before Palin was picked. If don’t vote for Obama it must be because you are racist. It’s impossible that you disagree with Obama, so there must be some deep dark reason. You have to be a sheep, or in someone’s pocket, or racist or a (gasp!!) Capitalist.

    I didn’t want to vote for either candidate, but after months of being told I was racist if I didn’t support Obama…or I was stupid if I didn’t support Obama, I have more and more leaned in to voting for McCain. McCain’s going to win my state whether I vote or not, but I’m just about willing to vote for him for spite.

  6. BobDobbs says:

    I learned in PolySci that women traditionally vote for the most handsome candidate.

    This election will be interesting to see if the same pattern holds true for men.

  7. bobbo says:

    Well, no thinking person would vote for Palin, so of the two choices, that leaves me thinking women aren’t worthy of their vote.

  8. tcc3 says:

    I keep seeing the accusation (especially on this blog) that the Obama campaign or the Democrats have said ” if you dont vote for Obama, you must be a racist”

    I’ve never heard anything of the sort. Anyone got a link?

  9. Dallas says:

    Gosh, I hope American politics has not followed the GOP this far down the shitter. If would have known that, George Cloney and Angelina Jolie would be the pair to beat.

  10. ubiquitous talking head says:

    I don’t understand why so many people keep saying she’s hot. She’s not ugly, but “average” to “ordinary” is about as good as it gets.

    I wish there was some way to tell how smart she is by looking at her. Brains obviously aren’t a prerequisite for coming into power.

  11. Dallas says:

    #11. I agree with you. She really isn’t ‘hot’, it’s just that in comparison to what the goons in here have to go home to, she’s frigg’n super hot!

  12. GigG says:

    #2 “The only reason ANYONE pays any attention to Sarah Palin is because she’s hot.

    If she looked like Janet Reno and had that kind of background/ experience, people would be laughing themselves silly.”

    Let’s play a game.

    The only reason ANYONE pays any attention to Barak Obama is because he’s black.

    If he looked like (insert name of 1 term white senator here) and had that kind of background/ experience, people would be laughing themselves silly.

  13. Special Ed says:

    I’m voting with my wiener.

  14. Guyver says:

    12. Too funny. 🙂

    Hmmm, let’s see. The Democrats have a minority running for President and the Republicans have a minority running as VP. This is really what it’s about isn’t it?

    Obama has been shown to be a very good orator (when using a teleprompter) while Palin has shown some skill in that arena as well (regardless of a teleprompter).

    Both Palin and Obama have very little experiences in their current offices to “qualify” them for the positions they seek.

    That being said Obama assumed his office as a first term senator in January 2005, but has been running for President since February 2007. Between those two times, he’s been running for President longer than doing his senatorial duties.

    Palin has been working in an actual executive position for the past 2 years as the governor of Alaska, but yet she somehow is criticized for lack of experience? LOL. Sounds like a double standard. In either case, it seems she’s got more real experience relevant to the job of President than Obama does.

    You can’t have it both ways. They’re either both inexperienced or they are experienced enough. Which is it?

    I absolutely love how the liberals and the liberal-biased media have been so vocal about their double standards. I just hope they keep this up till election day.

  15. J says:

    # 13 GigG


    When I first heard him speak, on TV, he was running for the Illinois state senate. I wasn’t looking at the TV but after listening to him speak I said who is that guy he sounds like he has his shit together. I didn’t know he was black until after I turned around.

  16. Guyver says:

    13, The truth hurts the liberals doesn’t it? 🙂

    Another example of liberal bias:

  17. Personality says:

    She used to be hot. Not anymore.

  18. bob says:

    I don’t know about you guys, but I plan on voting with my hands…

  19. J says:

    # 17 Guyver

    You post that and think that is evidence? It was first out of context and second the pot calling the kettle black.

  20. Guyver says:

    20, Out of context on a “Breaking News” banner? Bias is everywhere. I don’t believe in objective news casts. I’d rather get my news from commentators with political leanings instead of news agencies that are subjective shrouded in the veil of objectivity.

    What amazes me is how overtly biased the liberal media can be about things and yet try to pass themselves off as “objective”.

  21. QB says:

    #8 bobbo

    A truly impressive display of chauvinism.

  22. Matt Garrett says:

    Now men are nothing bud sexist in their voting habits? My god, you people are so desperate. You forget one thing. Even if men were voting with their johnsons, they wouldn’t care.

    You have a horrible candidate, accept it!

  23. #7 – BDobb

    >>I learned in PolySci that women traditionally
    >>vote for the most handsome candidate.

    I guess that didn’t work out last time around, hm?

    We got a POTUS who looks like a chimpanzee, and a VPOTUS who looks like Satan.

  24. #3 – Booty Call

    >>Then _WHY_ did Biden bother getting hair plugs?

    Same reason Joan Rivers gets plastic surgery, I guess. Misplaced vanity.

    I’m not voting for him for the wonderful silver mane of hair that he has, though. And I’m not voting for Sarah Palin because she’s a hot little minky.

    I’m voting for the most qualified candidates, and they just so happen to be Obama and Biden.

    I’m surprised that nobody has come out and called Obama “nappy headed”.

  25. J says:

    # 21 Guyver

    “Out of context on a “Breaking News” banner? ”

    Yes! Do you know what that statement under the breaking news was actually referring to?

  26. bobbo says:

    This isn’t a political blog per se but it is interesting that even here with an elevated sense of relevance that personalities, personal stories, looks, and sex can rule the day as to what goes as political analysis.

    Bush to keep troops in Iraq. Freddy bailouts of 2 Trillion Bucks, No Energy Policy, Afghanistan returning to the Taliban, Iran headed for Nuclear weapons. Not a peep.

    QB–In context, I wasn’t complimentary to the men either. Just a turn of phrase.

  27. I have to say that Sarah Palin is really attractive; as she may become the next VP (also making a mark in history) our votes should not be based on her appearance but her agenda for America.

  28. jbenson2 says:

    It’s not only men who are supporting Palin.

    * 23 point swing towards McCain among women 18 to 49

    * Quote from Washington Post: Palin Energizing Women From All Walks of Life

    Are these all men in the photo?

    And what is Obama’s response?
    “You can put lipstick on a pig,” he said. “It’s still a pig.”

  29. jbenson2 says:

    Are these all men in the photo?

    Sorry the link to the photo was broken.
    Here is the corrected one.

  30. Jess Hurchist says:

    24 Mustard
    “looks like” = “is”?


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