CNN – 9/9/08: When it comes to support for Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, a new national poll suggests men and women don’t see eye to eye.
Men figure strongly in the support for Sarah Palin. Here, supporters gather Monday in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey out Tuesday indicates that 62 percent of men questioned have a favorable opinion of the Alaska governor, nine points higher than women.

The gender gap is also apparent when it comes to whether Palin is qualified to serve as president. Fifty-seven percent of male respondents said Palin was qualified, 14 points higher than women. A majority of women polled, 55 percent, said Palin is not qualified.

  1. Montanaguy says:

    That was the link that obscured the quote.
    This is the full statement

  2. J says:

    # 58 Guyver

    “What this really boils down to is you don’t trust Pew Research Center or their methodology.”

    Opinion does not equal fact. Do people watch and read the news ALL DAY EVERY DAY? Have they seen EVERY story published or broadcast? The answer is NO!. So they only take a small percentage of what they see. Process it through their own bias and come to their conclusion. That is not a scientific way to determine a fact. It is prone to all sorts of errors. Hence the idea that the media is bias.

    “For someone who claims to wear boxers, you seem to scream like a little girl starved for attention. Nah, you got your panties in a bunch.”

    I don’t want to hear about your fantasies so please take it elsewhere.

    “To address your disagreement over ratings and overt bias”

    LOL Rating numbers from Fox. LOL Not only do they not say where they got those numbers but the don’t even show which report they came off of. Since I receive Nielsen reports for my business I can tell you first hand there are MANY and they all measure different things and in different ways. So depending on what you are looking for I could find numbers that support any view I want to take. LOL Don’t bother

    “Speaking of backwards thinking and dumb, just because someone is anti-Liberal doesn’t mean they’re a Republican.”

    No but it does tend toward that direction. Since you said this “you will probably not have everyone agreeing on what is positive or negative.” it leads me to believe my assumption is correct. Positive or negative. Black or white. That is how Republicans reason. They see no grey. What about neutral stories? There is such a thing you know.

    “Maybe if you didn’t scream like a girl”

    Do you have some sick fascination with little girls screaming?

    “and talked tough about wearing boxers”

    Talked tough? WTF are you talking about? How is wearing boxers tough?

    “you’d know that. Grow up kid”

    My guess is I am older than you. But that is just a guess

  3. MIKE CANNALI says:

    RE: tcc3#61
    Well you got your wish:
    “I almost want less experience, frankly. Its a shame the system basically precludes the ascension of more grassroots “average joe” type candidates.”
    with Sarah Palin. Except it’s a Sarah not the “Joe” you anticipated. And that’s really the problem with liberals isn’t it? You are very open minded, until you don’t get your way.

  4. As I said before, the only reason ANYONE would vote for Sarah Palin is because of his wiener. A VP candidate with her kind of record, her kind of intolerant beliefs, and her lack of experience would be laughed off the stage.

    It’s either wiener vote, or Obama/ Biden.

  5. deowll says:

    Palin’s strongest appeal is to women, and conservitives especially some of the Christian right, family values crowd.

    The fact that she isn’t obviously over the hill with a big gut helps.

    She looks like a leader.

    The stupid sexiest remark was made by a member of the Democrates for a Republican President Committee.

    Just remember McCain is counting on you to show the world just how nasty you are and vote against you rather than on the issues.

  6. Rick Cain says:

    Now we know why McCain didn’t choose Kay Bailey Hutchinson as VP pick.

    Because rightwing white males can’t get horny looking at this:

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    TV news hasn’t really been worth watching since Uncle Walter retired. And even he was barely worthy to touch the hem of Edward R. Murrow’s garment.

    Oh, and a lawyer should know the difference between hoard and horde.

  8. Guyver says:

    Good grief kid! LOL. Perception drives reality. Did you not know that or did you just take a Journalism 101 class? 🙂 The news does it every day and that’s why there’s no such thing as objective news. Hence my preference on getting my news from overtly biased people. At least I know what their stance is on a particular issue and I can trust them to rat the other side out.

    In either case, I don’t have any problem with you telling me you think Fox is pro-Republican (if this is what you believe). Odds are you are seeing things that I am not seeing and you could make a good point. On the flipside MSNBC’s house remark during the Palin VP acceptance speech was a sarcastic remark on a breaking news banner.

    Your stance on honest and ethical news casting seems to me either you’re pretty young or your just simply naïve. You haven’t figured out that the very reasons why you don’t trust people to give you a factual account of whether or not the news is biased is EXACTLY the point I’ve been making about the news itself. The news is shaping public opinion by way of perception. What’s the difference between strong-minded and stubborn? It’s perception. Too often today you have journalists who editorialize the news instead of reporting it. But no, you’re predisposed to believe MSNBC is an honest agency and Fox News is nothing but evil. Where’s the bias in that? LOL.

    Instead of attacking Fox on their reporting of Olbermann and Matthews getting the boot from MSNBC, you could have looked elsewhere, but something tells me you’re not interested in the truth more than you are in making Ad hominem remarks at Fox News.

    Instead of disqualifying ratings “news” reported from Fox, you could have also easily listed numbers to disprove what Fox “reported”. BTW, whenever someone talks about the TV ratings, it’s almost always with respect to the Nielsen. You did know that right? Or were you just being Master of the Obvious here? Otherwise, there was no point in criticizing or questioning Fox for the ratings they reported and not listing their sources. LOL. But no, you went on some self-absorbed rant about how you have access to the Nielsen ratings. Go here and look under “Cable Top 15” (this category should include: MSNBC, CNN, CNN Headline, Fox News, CNBC, and whatever else I may have left out):

    Looks to me that Fox took the lion’s share.

    Saying someone tends toward being a Republican because they are anti-Liberal is about as non-sensical as saying anyone anti-Conservative is part of the Communist party. … Hey! Wait a minute! I think you made a very good point! 🙂

    Neutral Story? That’s a dream. As I stated before (between all your rants) is that we are all biased people. Even the most well intentioned person may not give a perfectly neutral story (or stories on a consistent basis) due to their background and predispositions. But you can believe what you want to believe on honest and ethical reporting.

    Nah, I don’t think you’re older than me. At best you’re probably a college-aged kid who likes to talk loud and speak of honest and ethical reporting between all your naïve and idealistic perceptions of journalism in America while taking pot shots at Fox because of your liberal predispositions.

  9. tcc3 says:

    {sarcasm} Yeah Mike I must be against Palin just because shes female. It has nothing to do with her ruthless ambition, her shameless pork barrel money grabs, her lying about said pork, her endorsement of abstinence only education, and her casual invocation of god into every day secular political arguments. {/sarcasm}

    It takes quite an ego to say that god supports your political pet projects.

    Its her policies I don’t like. This is why I say the exp argument is bogus – it detracts from the real issues. We’ve spent 71 posts discussing the VP candidate’s hotness and hardly anyone has mentioned her policies. Much less the policies of her boss, the man who would be *President.* I belive this is part of the Palin strategy. Its shock and awe. Its theater to keep the tough questions to a minimum or to postpone them a few weeks. It gets the old man our of the spotlight for a bit while the last stupid thing he said wears off.

    And Mike why the ad hominiem attack? You cant really argue the merits so you call me the vilest name *you* can think of….liberal.

  10. 'W' the decider says:

    I was listening to one of her speeches on the radio and was reminded of a voice I heard in the past. Do you remember WKRP in Cincinnati? Herb Tarlek’s wife Lucille and Sarah Palin sound very similar.

  11. RBG says:

    71 tcc3: “We’ve spent 71 posts discussing the VP candidate’s hotness and hardly anyone has mentioned her policies.”

    It’s similar to the preoccupation with the Dem Prez candidate’s blackness.

    But do you think the discussion has anything to do with the above photo & SN’s headlined obsession with weiners?


  12. tcc3 says:

    I’m not saying its off topic. Its the subject of the thread after all. I’m saying the whole controversy is off topic.

  13. J says:

    # 71 Guyver

    “The news does it every day and that’s why there’s no such thing as objective news. ”

    Never said news was objective. But it isn’t liberal or right wing either. The whole intent for every news station is to drive viewership. They know who they cater to and they do stories to bring them in. That is all. It isn’t because they favor one candidate or another. They favor money. Any argument otherwise just show your lack of knowledge about Television.

    “I don’t have any problem with you telling me you think Fox is pro-Republican ”

    They are not. They cater to people who are. That is how they profit.

    “On the flipside MSNBC’s house remark during the Palin VP acceptance speech was a sarcastic remark on a breaking news banner.”

    OK DUMBFUCK!!!! How many times do I have to tell you it was a comment made by a candidate and they reported it????

    “Your stance on honest and ethical news casting seems to me either you’re pretty young or your just simply naïve”

    Neither. I work all the time with news originations and I receive reports from Nielsen daily.

    “You haven’t figured out that the very reasons why you don’t trust people to give you a factual account of whether or not the news is biased is EXACTLY the point I’ve been making about the news itself.”

    Nope you got that wrong. It’s not that I don’t trust it I just know they are reporting only a specific report. They aren’t giving you the whole picture.

    “The news is shaping public opinion by way of perception. ”

    Yeah and? I never said it didn’t

    “But no, you’re predisposed to believe MSNBC is an honest agency and Fox News is nothing but evil. ”

    No not at all. They are ALL motivated by money. You only think I look at it that way because you are stupid and think you know more than you do.

    “Instead of attacking Fox on their reporting of Olbermann and Matthews getting the boot from MSNBC, you could have looked elsewhere, ……Bla Bla Bla”

    I wasn’t attacking them about their reporting about Obermann and Matthews. I was attacking them on their slanted and inaccurate statement about the ratings. Can you fucking read or do you just make up what you want me to say?

    “Instead of disqualifying ratings “news” reported from Fox, you could have also easily listed numbers to disprove what Fox “reported”.”

    I could but I would be sued. I don’t have the right to post them without permission. You have to pay to get the reports I get. They are not free.

    “BTW, whenever someone talks about the TV ratings, it’s almost always with respect to the Nielsen. ”

    Yeah no shit! That is who supplies my reports to me. The have a headquarters not that far from my office.

    “But no, you went on some self-absorbed rant about how you have access to the Nielsen ratings.”

    NO I stated a fact. That link you posted is not what the reports look like. The information is much more detailed and tells you how long the viewers watched and at what point they turned the volume up or down, all sorts of little things like that. See you think you know about it but you don’t because you are some ignorant dolt talking shit with someone who actually knows. What that little link shows is the most unimportant and generic data. NOT WHAT I PAY FOR!

    “Looks to me that Fox took the lion’s share.”

    It would when you are looking from a idiots point of view. A week long term from a generic report with no breakdown. A week by the way that the REPUBLICAN CONVENTION took place. Talk about bias! You are so fucking stupid. Only a fool like you would take a narrow single sample and claim that it was the entire story. I have reports too that tell a very different tale. I will tell you what, why don’t you look and see how much each station get for a spot on those show and that will tell you the REAL story. You will find the reality is quite different.

    “Neutral Story? That’s a dream”

    I am not going to argue with you about it because you are too stupid and ignorant of fact on the matter.

    ” At best you’re probably a college-aged kid ”

    Yeah back in 1981. Do you think that somehow age make a person more intelligent ?

  14. Guyver says:

    76, LOL. 🙂

    Sure, I can go with the “No Conflict; No Story”. That’s what journalists have told me before concerning their liberal stance of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. I’ve also seen them use what troops say out of context just to portray a certain viewpoint.

    For a guy who just got done talking about shades of gray, you would rather take a black and white view on the matter of just what was the motive of reporting why McCain couldn’t give specifics over how many homes he owned. Good one.

    You never said the news was objective but you never said it wasn’t left/right wing either? What kind of self-contradicting legalese double talk is that? LOL. I’m sure Dan Rather would have loved to have you defending him. 🙂

    Seems to me the liberals have a beef over the way Kerry was tarred and feathered over him driving around in his wife’s SUVs when he talked about how bad they were and suggested raising gas taxes to curb Americans from buying and using them when he ran for president.

    Of course the news is competing for ratings against shows like American Idol. And yes they do cater to a target audience. And no they are not objective.

    I didn’t suggest that you should have provided the Nielsen reports directly. I merely said there’s enough out there on the net for you to come up with contrary evidence to what Fox’s claims were. What a cop out. 🙂 But no, in every rant you come back with you don’t provide one iota of “evidence”. You go whining like a little kid claiming you know how it all works. Why you thought I was trying to tell the entire story is beyond me.

    As for my providing information on the REPUBLICAN CONVENTION ratings, I thought it was obvious that it was last week’s ratings. You’re letting your liberal emotions get the best of you which is preventing you from noticing what should have been obvious. 🙂 AGAIN you could have provided contrary evidence to support your stance for any other week (I just happened to provide the most recent) but no, it seems you’re too self-absorbed in your rants to even do that. 🙂 You’d rather talk about your special access to Nielsen ratings data and go on with another self-important moment when you could have googled something else rather than explaining how you’d get sued using your own info.

    No, my comments about your age had nothing to do with your “intellect”. (Although you do seem overly obsessed about talking about intelligence or how you feel someone is stupid). It had everything to do with noting you have the vocabulary and mannerisms of an 18 year old (not meaning this as an insult). You seem pretty immature for a guy who claims to have went to college in ’81. That or you need some anger management. 🙂 You also seem overly anal in that you needed to clarify that you wore boxers instead of panties (as though that changes how you are whining like a little girl). Anyone mature individual who went to college back in ’81 wouldn’t have bothered to clarify what you wear down there. LOL. But that’s just my perspective.

    Keep fighting the good fight! I love how you liberals get into emotional rants. 🙂

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #77 Did you see K. Olbermann’s meltdown last night? He was ranting about repubs & McCain. It was so bad you could see the men in little white coats standing by for him to finish…

  16. J says:

    # 77 Guyver said

    “You never said the news was objective but you never said it wasn’t left/right wing either?”

    Let me say it clearly one more time so your think skull can absorb it.

    THE ONLY BIAS THE NEWS HAS IS MONEY! They target their market audience with what they think will keep them watching. It has been like that since the mid 70’s when news started to become about the profit instead of journalism.

    “I merely said there’s enough out there on the net for you to come up with contrary evidence to what Fox’s claims were. ”

    The only info Nielson releases for free are reports like the ones you linked to. Still that report is for a 1 week time span. Not a constant statistic. Not to mention… Are even aware of how many households 1 Neilson household represents? It can be anywhere from 38,000 to 180,000 approx. It depends on what kind of equipment the home has installed. There are many different types of data recording. With the amount of data they collect I could prove that any show does better than any other show depending on what data I choose to select. So posting a link to general data is ignorant of the REALITY of the real stats. Any post to any Nielson data online is irrelevant and pointless, except for dolts like you who think it proves their point, without more info and analysis.

    “As for my providing information on the REPUBLICAN CONVENTION ratings, I thought it was obvious that it was last week’s ratings. You’re letting your liberal emotions get the best of you which is preventing you from noticing what should have been obvious.”

    You don’t think that the fact that you posted the week of the Republican convention that there would be higher ratings on FOX? You really are stupid. Besides the rating that you see are called p2 ratings. They include anyone over the age of 2. Dumb ass!

    “AGAIN you could have provided contrary evidence to support your stance for any other week”

    I don’t need to because the burden of proof is on you not me. You made the claim that the media is bias and the FOX has better rating than MSNBC yet you provide first only and OPINION POLL then only generic evidence from a limited sub sample.

    THAT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE EVIDENCE!!! That is equivalent to me saying that all Republicans are stupid by asking 1 in 180,000 people their opinion about the issue.

    “It had everything to do with noting you have the vocabulary and mannerisms of an 18 year old”

    Really? Is that from your extensive knowledge of psychiatry and analysis of writing samples or is that just one of your wild guesses back up by nothing more than your ignorant belief?

    “You seem pretty immature for a guy who claims to have went to college in ‘81.”

    And look who is engaged in the argument with me!!! YOU!!! Look into the mirror much?

    “That or you need some anger management. ”

    I’m not angry I put things in all caps for dumb fuckers like you so your little brain can’t ignore the statement.

    “You also seem overly anal in that you needed to clarify that you wore boxers instead of panties (as though that changes how you are whining like a little girl).”

    You are really stuck on wearing panties aren’t you? Like I said whatever floats your boat. Not my thing though You made a claim about me and I wanted to clarify that I wear boxers. I think your sexist side thought I was a girl. I am not.

    “Anyone mature individual who went to college back in ‘81 wouldn’t have bothered to clarify what you wear down there. LOL.”

    Wow you don’t get out much do you? No friends? Why don’t you get back to me when you are as successful in life as me and then we can talk about maturity pal.

    “But that’s just my perspective.”

    That’s right and perspectives are like opinions and assholes. Everyone has one and your counts for shit.

  17. Rick Cain says:

    Just because I want to have sex with a woman doesn’t mean I want to elect her as VP.

  18. mtk says:

    Response to Mike Cannali,

    How can you say Obama has no experience- next to Palin and McCain? Unfortunately, people who think similarly are stifling the progress of this country. Just because he is black and attractive- don’t hate on him. You mean it’s okay to have a hockey mom (admittedly so with little experience to run the country). Like Matt Damon says “Now that is scary”. How would she deal with foreign policy and foreign leaders? We would be in a lot of trouble (like we are now- maybe worse!)
    Obama has experience not only in the Senate, but working with all kinds of people from diverse backgrounds – and is out for the common good- and that is change and not this political jargon McCain and Palin are up to. ENOUGH with the political games (as Obama says). Let’s get the country on the right track. Lord knows he can do it and will if given the chance(don’t be so racist). I can’t believe he is not leading in the polls by a much larger margin. The whole reason why McCain chose Palin is to to get the evangelical rights’ vote (and foolishly the womens’ vote- those not too bright on the issues)
    Just please America wake up and vote for OBAMA- We need an honest sincere person running this country – not more political jargon that is just denigrading our country to the rest of the world. Obama can get us on the right path again… Also, he is a Harvard grad (magna cum laude), first black editor for Harvard Law Review, Lawyer, Senator, Congressman… not to mention all of his other accomplishments that have gotten to him to where he is today (community organizer that did a lot of good for a lot of poor people in Chicago- not just an average looking middle-aged woman who happened to get chosen for political reasons. Millions and millions chose him in the election (over Hillary)- doesn’t that tell you something?


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