• More on Google Chrome.
  • Meanwhile Firefox 3.1 alpha 2.0 is out. I’d wait to even try it.
  • Hadron collider may end this show (and all life on earth). Let’s hope not.
  • Intel taking halogen out of the process for the good of the earth. Yeah, right. Company also doing a solid-state drive.
  • Seinfeld-Gates ads getting bad press with various puns. My column takes a new angle.
  • Zillow launched.
  • Steve Jobs is supposed to look good on stage tomorrow.
  • Google launches satellite for its maps.
  • Colbert digitizes his own DNA.
  • Gartner decides the winner in the Smartphone game. RIM!

click ► to listen:


Right click here and select ‘Save Link As…’ to download the mp3 file.

  1. god says:

    Uh, no, Gartner says RIM doubled their share – Nokia has more than double RIM’s share by Gartner’s definitions.

    RIM was probably helped by Apple running down the iPhone for the quarter prepping for the 3G version.

    So, there will be “new” winners for the following quarter.

  2. Esteban says:

    I’m sure Steve Jobs is doing much better. His spirits ought to be up after seeing Microsoft’s lame answer to the Mac vs. PC ad campaign.

  3. becagle says:


    What happend to No Agenda? I had to go to Adam’s site to get it this week.

  4. edwinrogers says:

    Been using Firefox 3.1 beta 1 for two weeks, Shiretoko, most stable beta build I have ever used. Firefox plugins don’t work, but pages render on screen very nicely, very quickly.

  5. jbellies says:

    As always, don’t overlook Opera, 9.52.

  6. edwinrogers says:

    #5. Thanks, but I kinda like browsers named after small vicious animals. Just me, I’m strange that way.

  7. deowll says:

    I found the MS add amusing but some people aren’t going to like anything MS does. Things long ago reached the point that MS can do no right in their eyes so they might as well forget it. A lot of these people are mac fanboys.

    If a black hole formed made from the mass of the earth it would contain the earth’s mass and no more. Anything in orbit around the earth including the moon should remain in orbit.

  8. B. Dog says:

    The smart money is on rapture in 2012.

  9. deowll says:

    In orbit around the center of mass be it a black hole containing the mass of the Earth or the Earth.

    I’m not worried by the black hole idea.

  10. #3 – becagle

    >>What happend to No Agenda? I had to go to
    >>Adam’s site to get it this week.

    Yeah, what DID happen to it?

  11. QB says:

    #7 deowll

    “Things long ago reached the point that MS can do no right in their eyes so they might as well forget it.”

    You’ve obviously never been scarred for life by a BizTalk project. I still wake up at night screaming.

    If Gartner calls RIM a winner then you’d better sell your stock now. I wonder if that’s kind of like the curse of rock bands getting on the cover of Time magazine.

  12. QB says:

    One question, do you choose certain voices or cuts (e.g. Stewie Griffin) at the beginning of the report for certain types of stories? Or is it purely random?

  13. Mister Ketchup says:

    Black HOles: http://tinyurl.com/5uqetp

  14. Jim says:

    Colbert did it/was chosen as part of Richard Garriot’s trip to the space station. He’s taking digital copies of that and other things and throwing it into orbit or something. It’s part of a promotion for Tabula Rasa, more or less a tie-in to reality. While I play the game, I am very bemused at the hype for him to effectively throw a flash card into orbit.

    In the game they added missions for us to find parts of the capsule he supposedly crash-landed for a model of the soyuz rocket. *sigh*

    Tabula Rasa News

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    # 7 deowll said (in part):

    “If a black hole formed made from the mass of the earth it would contain the earth’s mass and no more. Anything in orbit around the earth including the moon should remain in orbit.”

    That’s correct — the moon, all the satellites, the space station, etc. would all orbit just as they are doing now. Since it would contain all the Earth’s angular momentum, the black hole would be spinning quite rapidly. How big would the event horizon be for an Earth-mass black hole? Would tidal effects still transfer some of that angular momentum to the moon, enlarging its orbit? And if so, would the effect be greater or less than it is now? Would the Earth’s matter spiralling into the black hole emit prodigious amounts of xrays and other ionizing radiation? How long would it take for the hole to swallow the Earth? What would it be like on the surface as the hole fell to the center of the planet and started absorbing everything? Wouldn’t the hole immediately evaporate via Hawking radiation before it could even fall a few feet?

    So many interesting questions. Anyone know any CERN folks who may have calculated some of this stuff?

  16. QB says:

    Stephen Hawking is betting that the Hadron won’t produce the Higgs Boson.

  17. Chris Mac says:

    I prdicste harry hat produces more dayta


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