Police officers have been banned from wearing mirrored sunglasses because of fears they intimidate the public. The shades may have added designer cool to officers in television series such as Miami Vice and CSI but Essex police have been told they are not appropriate.

Police drivers in Essex are still permitted to wear non-mirrored sunglasses but unless medically prescribed they must be removed when talking to members of the public.

Officers have also been told to dress smartly and maintain high standards of personal hygiene. And they have been warned to think about what hairstyle they are sporting under their helmets.

The rulebook states officers “should be mindful that certain hairstyles may generate adverse comments from the public”.

And what if you’re fracking bald?

  1. bobbo says:

    Quite reasonable. Now take away the guns, the jack boots, billy clubs, tazer gunes, mace, buzz cuts, and “I can speed anytime I want to” attitude, and we would move towards that “public servant” thing they were hired for.

  2. eyeofthetiger says:

    The problem is that the sunglasses do not work without a toothpick. Oral hygiene is the real issue.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – bobbo


  4. #1 – Bobbo

    >>Quite reasonable. Now take away the guns, the jack
    >>boots, billy clubs, tazer gunes, mace, buzz cuts,
    >>and “I can speed anytime I want to” attitude

    Hey, anything but the “I can speed anytime I want to” option.

    The donuts are fresh, and they’ve got to get to Dunkin while they’re still warm.

  5. BigCarbonFoot says:

    Bald = more evolved. If they’re not naturally bald, they should shave their heads.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    This policy totally makes sense.

    I’ve witnessed this several times — when cops swagger and intimidate in a fragile situation where such behavior is not needed, and only makes things worse.

  7. eyeofthetiger says:

    #3 I don’t think there is not an accredit police agency in the USA that does not have it’s recruits complete a psychological examination. Everyone gets off on telling people what do. The problem comes in turning “it” off.

  8. Paddy-O says:

    Why would you wear sunglasses in the UK? It’s cloudy most of the time.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:

    The next thing you know they’re going to be called “The fashion Police.”

  10. permit me to furnish you says:

    Great, now if only websites would be consistent by tagging such articles as “People State”.

  11. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    Bobbo: Now take away the guns, the jack boots, billy clubs, tazer gunes, mace, buzz cuts

    Actually, the Essex police don’t generally carry guns or Tazers or Mace, although I believe buzz cuts are popular….

    Mister Mustard: The donuts are fresh, and they’ve got to get to Dunkin while they’re still warm.

    In fairness to Essex constabulary (or for that matter, any other police department in the UK), donuts aren’t really the done thing, more tea and biscuits or maybe European lagers followed by curry or kebab (if they are off duty), but then same could be said about other self-respecting British person….

  12. kanjy says:

    Why The Police Wear Mirrored Sunglasses
    by Kanjy

    Police wear mirrored sunglasses to intimidate the public. They wear them so that their victims cannot see their eyes. Not being able to see a person’s eyes causes the suspect to miss emotional cues from the officer. This makes the officer seem like some kind of emotionless monster. And that’s just how the police want to be seen by the public. They don’t want to be known as everybody’s buddy. They want to be seen as fearsome badasses (Evidence: random tasings of innocent people).

    It wouldn’t be fair to mention that the mirrored sunglasses also prevent a suspect from seeing exactly where the officer is looking when checking for weapons.

  13. Rick Cain says:

    I actually feel safer around felons than around cops. Says a lot about our modern police forces.

  14. kanjy says:

    I meant that it wouldn’t be fair not to mention my last point.

  15. RBG says:

    Now if we could just get them to wear tutus and a pink bow, we’d have the intimidation thing licked.


  16. the answer says:

    So assanine laws go both ways?

  17. ECA says:


  18. Slatts says:

    # 9
    There was an advert a couple of years ago on UK TV showing how the British Army teach their men on peace keep duties to remove any sunglasses when speaking to locals for exactly the reason mentioned in the OP.

  19. Greg Allen says:

    >> Rick Cain said,
    >> I actually feel safer around felons than around cops.

    Most of the felons I know are Republicans and they won’t steal your wallet — just your entire life’s savings.

  20. tim says:

    but they are required to wear all black BDU type uniforms that look like military uniforms just to intimidate. at least now we can see their eyes woo hoo

  21. Montanaguy says:

    Good – call a felon the next time you need the police; save us some tax dollars.

  22. deowll says:

    Somebody with a brain is starting to figure out that looking like the terminator is not a good image if you want public support.

  23. RBG says:

    Brandishing the dark 9mm Glock, the cop pauses his finger on the trigger. Slowly he removes his sun glasses and instructs: “Look into my eyes…” He fires once.


  24. bobbo says:

    So, I looked into his eyes and there was nothing there. No soul. Died years before when rules to follow became his reason for being rather than protecting the innocent. He missed. Shock wave from the blast let fall a balanced brick killing the pig on the spot in karmic equilibrium.

  25. How does it matter weither the police officer wears sunglasses or not? Until and unless they do their jobs well.
    A good pair of glasses adds on to the smartness and atitude of the officer.


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