Boy faces Asbo for missing cat poster |

A boy who put up posters to find his missing cat was ordered to tear them down – or face an £80 fine under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act. Daniel Cope, 13, was devastated when eight-year-old Milly disappeared from the family home. He spent hours hunting for the pet with his parents before printing off 100 posters with tortoiseshell Milly’s picture and putting them up on lamp-posts near the family home in Whitstable, Kent.

Just three days later, Daniel’s mother Heather, 43, received a phone call from a community warden telling her they had to come down. Carer Heather said: ‘The warden rang up to say all the fliers had to come down. ‘She said it came under an anti-social behaviour act and we could face an £80 penalty. I just burst into tears when she told me, I couldn’t believe it.’

Found by Aric Mackey.

  1. bobbo says:

    Link says the council changed its mind and apologized.

    Wooden telephone poles are great for advertising private sales and messages and they do make the neighborhood more trashy and messy—BUT—provide a great sense of connection to the community.

    On balance, I support more communication rather than less. Funny how bone headed people with power can be==or can’t avoid being?

  2. ECA says:

    iV SUGGESTED that Small towns and cities place PUBLIC Bulletin boards up…
    WHERE stuff like this is EASY to put up, AND to monitor..

  3. While I’m glad to hear of the retraction (thanks, #1), the very fact that it came up is sad. We need some violence to wake people up. Someone needs to pull a “V for Vendetta” in the U.K. and in America… and I mean the original comic V!

  4. terry_uk says:

    I’m glad the council relented but it’s very sad that some jbs-worth of a community warden didn’t check first (or if he did that the original response was a take-down order).

    Where I am in London it’s not uncommon for lost pet notices to be seen on trees, postboxes and lamp posts. They are usually far less messy that the pemporary parking restriction notices and planning permission notices that the council themselves have put up on lamp posts and street sign posts.

    As long as they are glued up permanently (like fly posters) I can’t see the harm and give the family hope and the feeling that they are doing what they.

    I don’t know what can be done about the jobs-worth types though.

  5. What “anti-social” behaviour ?
    If anything the kid was trying to involve the local public to help him locate a family pet and if anything was involved with his community in a positive manner
    Not like he was the local axe murderer or even social deviant only involved in 24/7 antisocial behaviour like say being a computer gamer with no other interests in life or community interaction

  6. Grimbo says:

    Not as cut and dried as JCD would like to make out… You have to draw a line somewhere or Britain’s streets would become as ugly as those in the U.S. with billboards, posters and advertising everywhere you look.

  7. Chris Mac says:

    #1 Help me out.

    Does the “can be==or can’t avoid being?” really equal, or lesser to or can’t avoid being?

  8. ECA says:

    THATS why you place BBoards in neighborhoods…
    SO people have a place to PUT THEM.

    I know its a pain, but It would be nice IF’ they would remove them AFTEr the sale/rent/found dog/sold Car/car wash…

    Do they really think a terrorist is going to PAPER a neighborhood BEFORE he bombs it??

  9. Mr. Fusion says:


    I understand where you are coming from, however, I disagree. While Bulletin Boards are nice, unless you have one on every corner they wouldn’t serve the purpose intended here.

  10. Floyd says:

    ECA you really have to fix that caps lock key…

  11. bobbo says:

    #7–Chris==happy to. Its not a punctuation but a grammatical temporal stop.

  12. rodnovca says:

    #3 — Sounds like you’re advocating anti-social behavior.

  13. brenda says:

    Or, they could just charge the citizens for posting…guess they haven’t figured that out yet.

  14. Balbas says:

    Careful: criticizing the prissy Brits could lead to their medieval libel law coming into play against anyone here — despite US law to the contrary.

  15. ECA says:

    it works, Itry to show it off all the time..

    You got that right… And it works.
    ANd when they need to be Cleaned? they are easy to find, and Scrap off..

  16. Rick Cain says:

    The only thing I HATE is when people put up posters, but forget to take them down later.


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