Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”
by Charley James – LA Progressive

“So Sambo beat the bitch!”

This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.

Besides insulting Obama with a Step-N’-Fetch-It, “darkie musical” swipe, people who know her say she refers regularly to Alaska’s Aboriginal people as “Arctic Arabs” – how efficient, lumping two apparently undesirable groups into one ugly description – as well as the more colourful “mukluks” along with the totally unimaginative “f**king Eskimo’s,” according to a number of Alaskans and Wasillians interviewed for this article.

But being openly racist is only the tip of the Palin iceberg. According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.

No wonder the vast sea of white, cheering faces at the Republican Convention went wild for Sarah: They adore the type, it’s in their genetic code. So much for McCain’s pledge of a “high road” campaign; Palin is incapable of being part of one.

Cripes! Read the whole article. Here’s a letter from a ‘friend’ of Palin. Snopes verifies this letter as true. Palin scares me.

Found by zefyr on Cage Match.

  1. Bobcat4424 says:

    The bottom line is one of corroboration: multiple sources have reported Palin’s racist views of Alaskan Native Americans. This is the sort of thing that makes the “Sambo” remark more believable. It is similar to the situation with the “whose baby is it” story. A lot of people sensed (and reported) that a secret was being kept and just added two and two incorrectly. There is usually a sense that “where there is smoke there is fire.” Everyone seems to be looking for fire because the smoke is definitely there.

  2. Greg Allen says:

    >> Lou Minatti said,
    >> “So Sambo beat the Bitch!”
    >> Why do you post made-up nonsense?

    And you declare it “made up” based on what insider information? Were you at her table?

    Or are you one of the conservative true believers who puts “party first” no matter what?

  3. Paddy-O says:

    #96 “And you declare it “made up” based on what insider information? Were you at her table?”

    Name a person who was at “the table” and heard this…

  4. Gone says:

    The Republicans will never win this election, you can take that to the bank. The Republicans have screwed up the US so much that it’s almost impossible to recognize it anymore. And there are people out there, and on this comment page, who still want the US to sink even lower in world respect and admiration? That I find amazing.

  5. Tom McMahon says:

    Finally, a clearinghouse for all this crap:

  6. Golem says:

    OK. Let’s say that Sarah Palin really called Barack Obama “Sambo.”

    Is that so terrible? No! The civil rights struggle for blacks is over. The battle has been won.

    Stop telling blacks that they are still a suppressed. It’s no longer true. So, stop lying about it.

  7. QB says:

    Well, Palin is keeping attention away from McCain, which is probably a good thing.

    One thing for sure, win or lose, she will be running for president in 2012 so get used to her.

  8. soundwash says:

    after reading that article when i was (more)awake..i guess i was right about the bank comment.. (#33) -she had budget surpluses and still borrowed and issued bonds to finance roads etc..(unless maybe she was getting some serious interest on the surplus) -banks love creating 00’s out of thin air to loan you money..(so much so that they have recently increased their usual 10x fractional for every dollar loaned to 30x! -yes..when the
    fiscal year ends this sept30th..all hell will break lose…and our lovely dollar will only be good for toilet paper…unless they produce yet another masterful lie to cover it all up..)

    -but i digress.

    ..seems she’s ruthless and cutthroat. -absolute requirements to survive as a major politician.. if she really wants to put her money were here mouth is, lets see if she gets the caps on Gull Island opened up. (let alone the hundreds of other wells that have capped since the 70’s..

    for those not in the know…this should raise and eyebrow.. part of the original “treaty” with the oil producing states(countries) (back in the late 60’s/early 70’s, i forget) was that all oil has to be traded in U$D’s…we promised to build up their oil infrastructure and to buy the bulk of our oil from long as they bought USA T-Bills (basically, our debt) with a portion of the oil profits from our oil purchases..

    -THIS is the primary reason why the 4000+oil rigs we had operating in the US (in the old days) has declined to some 1200+ at present as well as why the huge oil finds in alaska were capped off (except for prudhoe bay) -and why we are “dependent” on foreign oil.

    ( -the federal gov capped’em, not the oil companies..(and even made most of the areas where further finds were found into wildlife reserves)
    -there is not a single reason why we should be
    dpendent on foreighn oil..

    The BIG kicker to all this.. Iran and Iraq were the only two bigwig Oil countries that refused to sign up for the whole
    infrastructure/T-Bill scam.. -kinda adds up when you think about how Iran has been pushing to get Oil traded in anything other than USD’s..(and iirc, no longer accepts USD’s for oil purchases.)

    food for thought for another reason why the current (Oil-cozy-backed-favorite jab here) administration is bent on attacking/occupying Iraq and Iran..

    imo, the long term look on the whole oil cap thing is that soon, something (bigger) will happen that will make the US public cry out for our Oil to be nationalized.. -then like’ll hear of oil finds all over the
    USA..oil finds that were in fact, found decades ago..allowing the Feds to control every aspect of our lives…once they have their collective hands on the oil taps that lead to your local oil distributor..

    -first, they have to squash this pesky internet..cant let little pinheads like me educate the masses…only the MSM/Boob Tube is allowed to that..

    another fine pre-coffee rant by yours truly..


    (one day i’ll activate the several blogs on my site..its just much easier to come here atm and’m a lazy F*** at times.)


  9. soundwash says:

    ps…can Sambo really even be considered a slure? iirc, there was a cafe chain (like Denny’s) called Sambo’s back in the ‘
    70’ – used to have coffee there often when i lived in CA for a short spell..



  10. Rick Cain says:

    Obviously this Palin thing is just to prepare america for Mitt Romney as vice president. After a dose of Palin, even the mormon cultist rich oligarch Romney seems like a breath of fresh air.

    Expect her to step down in October after she’s been impeached by the AK legislature and Mitt to show up next to McCain on TV.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #99 – Tom McMahon – Finally, a clearinghouse for all this crap:

    Thanks for posting the Republican equivalent to Pravda (Soviet Union edition).

  12. fedup says:

    Dvorak has allowed this once great site to be fucked over by the extremes of both political sides. Im done… Just really sick of this shit. Good luck John

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #103 – soundwash
    #105 – Bill

    Sambo. But then again, the Republicans like to make up “the truth”. WMD in Iraq anyone?

  14. brm says:

    I’ve never even heard the word “sambo” before.

  15. Montanaguy says:

    Speaking of racism, back when the South was a KKK-cross-burning, openly racist and oppressive place for black people, was it not solidly in the Democrat party’s pocket? Now that things have changed… not such a democrat stronghold. Am I entitled to infer that the Donkocrat party is thus the stronghold of racism? It’s just as logical as all the rash statements here calling the Republican party racist.
    If you removed the votes of every person receiving some sort of entitlement or job from the government the democrat party would be a minimalist third party. As opposed to a government founded on the constitution, the donkocrats remind me of Pedro in the movie ‘Napoleon Dynamite’…’we will make all of your dreams come true’…. as opposed to the conservative philosophy, which in my mind is…we’ll get the government out of the way as much as possible so YOU can make your OWN dreams come true. Obama’s hypnotic chant of hope is the hidden notion that he will make all of your dreams come true, of course to be paid for by all of the nasty entrepreneurs who make the economic engine hum along in this country. This is called magical thinking and the adoring masses love him for it.

  16. Paddy-O says:

    #107 “Bring back the Clinton who knew how find capable people who could manage an economy.”

    I guess it’s better than when libs call black conservative people “Uncle Tom’s”…

  17. Druid says:

    ANOTHER reason to vote for her!!!!

  18. The really scary thing in all of this is whether she said the sambo comment or not, her politics are horrifically despicable. Shooting wolves from aircraft, drilling ANWR, suing to have polar bears removed from the endangered species list, denying women the choice of an abortion even in cases of rape and incest, banning books, and an investigation for ethics violations.

    The bitch has no conscience at all.

    But, at least for the fiscal conservatives out there, she’s sure great at bankrupting her home town to build the Palindrome … on land that the town doesn’t even own, so can’t open.

    Oh yeah. Let’s not forget her tax reductions. Too bad they only helped businesses. Replacing property tax with a sales tax that includes food actually raised taxes on individuals. Some fiscal conservative. She’s just another borrow and spend republican, far less fiscally conservative than the tax and spend democrats who at least know that bills must eventually be paid.

    What a fucking idiot!! Was this the only republican woman in the country? (Probably, yes.)

    This country will not survive another four years of Bush. And, for those who think McCain is not Bush, check the voting records. Where they differ, McCain is worse. And, since he’s on life support, we’ll be stuck with this idiot who’s worse than either McCain or Bush.

    At least we’ll get Pelosi in the number two slot though.

  19. Oops!! I forgot to mention that she wants to teach creationism. Good-bye science. Hello Dark Ages. Can we bring back bubonic plague too? We’ve already got crusades.

    Scared of the republicans? You bet!! I wet my armor! Run away! Run away!!

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #114 “Oops!! I forgot to mention that she wants to teach creationism.”

    Actually not. You should read her full quote…

    If you want to really know about her you should probably poll her constituents and find out if the people who elected her approve of her as Gov.

    Just a thought. Unless, you think Bush’s approval ratings are meaningless… 😉

  21. Montanaguy says:

    I agree with the creationist point…if you believe in creationism then don’t fly on an airplane, Gov. Palin, as it’s only suspended in the air by science.

  22. hhopper says:

    I’m not a Democrat. In fact, I’m registered Republican because in my Republican dominated area, I get a chance to vote in the primaries. I don’t like either party. They both suck. All I know is that G.W. Bush and Co. have royally screwed this country for eight years and I don’t want another four years of the same.

    I posted this because it’s big on the net. This is not a news site, this is a blog and obviously this post got a lot of comments going. We publish stuff that’s interesting, and if I find an Obama story like this that’s tearing across the web, I’ll post that one too.

    Dvorak Uncensored is an equal opportunity offender.

  23. MikeN says:

    Wow the smear machine is in overdrive. We also had a blogger for The Atlantic saying that Todd Palin’s business partner filed to have his divorce proceedings sealed. I think everyone knows what he was implying.

  24. HereYouGoAgain says:


    You people need to check you facts. Many on the things you attribute to Palin have been already been proven to be false, including the bikini/gun picture.

    Also, Scott,

    If Palin takes over the Presidency, Pelosi doesn’t become VP. It don’t work that way. Palin would appoint her VP (subject to Congress approval).

  25. Paddy-O says:

    #117 “We publish stuff that’s interesting, and if I find an Obama story like this that’s tearing across the web, I’ll post that one too.”

    Really? I must have missed your post about Obama being friends with a terrorist. When it was “tearing across the web”, I didn’t see a dedicated topic on it here. I don’t see every blog entry from you though…

  26. #116 – Paddy-O-Furniture,

    If you want to claim to know the full quote, simply provide a link to a source. Here’s one for mine.

    Here’s her quote:

    Earlier this year, she told the Anchorage Daily News that schools should not fear teaching creationism alongside evolution. “Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of information…. Healthy debate is so important and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as a daughter of a science teacher.”

    Yup. She said it. Teach creationism alongside evolution in school, as if creationism had any basis in science or reality. A universe with a personal god to whom one might pray for temporary suspension of the laws of physics would be demonstrably different than the one in which we live.

    Sarah Palin is a throwback to the Dark Ages. We’ve already got a crusade going, why not add bubonic plague to the mix too? The Dark Ages were such a happy, god-fearing time. (aside) Why should we fear an allegedly benevolent god? (/aside)

  27. #118 – hhopper,

    I’m not a Democrat. In fact, I’m registered Republican because in my Republican dominated area, I get a chance to vote in the primaries.

    Funny. My mom did that for years on Long Island too, for exactly the same reason.

    I too don’t like either party. In fact, the Democraps are the ones who killed my party, the Liberal party. However, despite that, I certainly do hate one party more than the other. I hate the one that is so well organized that none of it’s member politicians are allowed to vote against the party line any significant percentage of the time. I hate the party that bankrupt the country. I hate the party that has made us a nation of torturers. I hate the party that lies to create wars so that the military industrial complex can get rich, even if a hundred thousand people die in the process. I hate the Repugnicans a lot more than I hate the Democraps.

    Yup. Both parties are bought. But, there is still a difference between them. Don’t forget to vote. The future of our once great nation depends on it.

  28. Jägermeister says:

    #122 – Misanthropic Scott

    Creationism is nothing more than mythology.

  29. Helzerman says:

    # 68 I overheard the democratic candidate say “It’s whiteys turn to be slaves.” –That’s funny stuff.

    I think the Palin racist remarks are made-up. Just doesn’t ring true. Sounds like something someone would invent to be sensationalistic. There is enough nutty things about her without inventing new stuff.


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