Alaskans Speak (In A Frightened Whisper): Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive, And Mean”
by Charley James – LA Progressive

“So Sambo beat the bitch!”

This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

According to Lucille, the waitress serving her table at the time and who asked that her last name not be used, Gov. Palin was eating lunch with five or six people when the subject of the Democrat’s primary battle came up. The governor, seemingly not caring that people at nearby tables would likely hear her, uttered the slur and then laughed loudly as her meal mates joined in appreciatively.

Besides insulting Obama with a Step-N’-Fetch-It, “darkie musical” swipe, people who know her say she refers regularly to Alaska’s Aboriginal people as “Arctic Arabs” – how efficient, lumping two apparently undesirable groups into one ugly description – as well as the more colourful “mukluks” along with the totally unimaginative “f**king Eskimo’s,” according to a number of Alaskans and Wasillians interviewed for this article.

But being openly racist is only the tip of the Palin iceberg. According to Alaskans interviewed for this article, she is also vindictive and mean. We’re talking Rove mean and Nixon vindictive.

No wonder the vast sea of white, cheering faces at the Republican Convention went wild for Sarah: They adore the type, it’s in their genetic code. So much for McCain’s pledge of a “high road” campaign; Palin is incapable of being part of one.

Cripes! Read the whole article. Here’s a letter from a ‘friend’ of Palin. Snopes verifies this letter as true. Palin scares me.

Found by zefyr on Cage Match.

  1. robin1943 says:

    I guess when you only have an 80% approval rating there are still the 20% that don’t approve of you. If people let the 20% “Wag the Dog” in selecting a candidate then Obama’s Hollywood script writers, blogs and media have been successful. However, I think most people will believe the 80% in making up their open minds.

  2. Golem says:

    “Palin scares me.”

    This is nothing.

    If you’re really scared, you’re a coward.

  3. TomB says:

    #44, Vote Libertarian (if you want to be ruled by multinational corporations.)

    Perhaps you should visit the following link and read up on property rights.

    Once you understand what exactly these are, you’ll realize that it is big government that allows what you fear, not the other way around.

    When the government is small, there is no benefit to lobbying for laws that restrict trade in favor of the lobbyists.

    Hence, my lack of faith in Sarah McBima. They are all for big government.

  4. QB says:

    Is it just me, or is this election completely devoid of issues or policy?

  5. race4whitehouse says:

    That’s odd. I’m a garbage man who won’t give
    his last name. I overheard the democratic candidate say “It’s whiteys turn to be slaves.”
    Please let me know when this makes national

  6. Digby says:

    She is not only a great speaker, she is funny and not afraid to be unpolitically correct. Sambo DID beat the bitch! Funny thing, I never thought of his as Sambo. More like Curious George.

  7. DIgby says:

    Well, this is interesting as hell. I am sure she never said any such thing. However……
    I never thought of him as Sambo, or a black guy, or a Muslim or in any sort of racial context before. I merely saw him as a dangerous ultra liberal nut job, but hoped he would beat Hillary. But I must admit, I can’t get the picture of him as Little Black Sambo out of my head now. Thanks, Lib mudslingers! You reminded me of my youth, when I owned several of the Little Black Sambo children’s books, and when I ate at that restaurant chain. The world was a much nicer place when we could say what we wanted, and not worry about offending anyone. Much like the Internet. Go ahead, libs. Call me names. I think it’s funny to piss you all off. Plus, I vote, too!

  8. bobbo says:

    #66–QB==yes, sad isn’t it? I think Obama raises issues but it is absolutely necessary for him to counter the swift boating. The media has no interest in substantive issues, it doesn’t sell.

    So, another election will come down to “who would you rather have a beer with” or in this case “who would you rather go moose hunting with.”

    Its not my fault. I only have one vote.

  9. QB says:

    bobbo, in my books, Joe Biden would win the beer poll. Apparently, the guy is a riot.

  10. QB says:

    I know, I know. Sarah Palin is a goddess or something. But her speech last week really reminds me of Monty Burns.

  11. Lou Minatti says:

    “So Sambo beat the Bitch!”

    Why do you post made-up nonsense?

  12. Thomas says:

    The irony about Sambo becoming a slur is that the Little Black Sambo character was actually quite clever.

  13. Stinker says:

    #57 Mr. Fusion you just went super critical.

    Oh just give me a break. This is nothing more than material for the ‘vast left wing conspiracy’ to jak off to. You so baddly want this to be what is deep in her soul.

    But don’t let me get in the way of your enjoyment with your mental masterbation

  14. bobbo says:

    #73–Thomas==good catch there, but such interpretations have been trumped by current pc.

    Still, sure==the Sambo lead in caught our attention but the linked letter should cause any conservative to rethink their “values.” Palin is shown to be another BushCo deficit spending public pandering big government hypocrit.

    Good god==can’t you find a real conservative to run?

  15. bobbo says:

    #74–stinker==Palins actual record in office is nothing but something for the left wing to jack off to?

    Yea, actual performance in office is a bummer. Why not just listen to the promises? Kinda like prayer isn’t it?

    The point is, the republican party has been taken over by its religious base and lost its way. Being a fiscal conservative is an admirable thing. Falling prey to the mantra of “no new taxes” while your government spends your grandchildren into deficit bankruptcy is not a good thing===or do you actually support that?

  16. Democratic Conspiracy says:

    How convenient. A waitress who refuses to give her name making unsubstantiated accusations, for a pile of cash. Maybe she is a roommate of the chicks who fraudently accused then candidate Schwarzenegger of sexual harrassment right before the recall election (then disappeared afterwards).

    Standard Dem playbook. They will lose again.

  17. Jason says:

    I’m an Obama supporter, but I found the first article (the “Sambo” comment) is poorly sourced and too flimsy to believe.

    The second article is much more authentic. It came off as open, honest, and motivated by a desire to provide information rather than smear. Much of what she wrote has been verified by the media after the fact.

  18. Spats says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  19. eddie says:

    “I heard that there was a restroom attendant who said he saw Obama lighting up a crack pipe after blowing Larry Craig.” See hop you wisper a rumor in someones ear before it makes it around the room it can change.

  20. bonkersbrit says:

    McCain gets elected and then after a couple of months gets seriously sick / dies and then Palin is prez. Puppet on a string time again.

    Of course this won’t really happen.

  21. Shubee says:

    It seems to me that this story contains many details that would be easy to verify, if true.

  22. Stan A-Z says:

    “The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.”
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1890
    US suffragist (1815 – 1902)

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, William Robert,

    “I heard that there was a restroom attendant who said he saw Obama lighting up a crack pipe after blowing Larry Craig.”

    There is a BIG difference between what you wrote and what the waitress claimed.

    For the slur, there is a first name given; the lack of stronger identification could be because of job security. The setting is plausible; lunch with several cohorts. The victims are prominent members of a rival political party. The timing is relative. There is enough there to actually trace down witnesses and the waitress if one wanted to. This story could be true.

    For your slander, you are obviously trying to associate Obama with a disgraced Republican. There is nothing to trace back to. No time or place. This story has no basis to be true.

    When other parts of Palin’s deeds are known, the slur becomes more probable all the time. HOWEVER, until it is verified, it remains unsubstantiated. By countering with an invented slander, this only shows your immaturity.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    #74, stink,

    I really like the way you rebutted my points. That was some critical thinking displayed there.

    So how big is your mother’s basement?

  25. Stinker says:

    #85 You come across as having nothing worthwhile to say. Why do you dwell at the level of purile nonsense? Read Bobbo’s comments and you could learn something…like critical thinking.

  26. Stinker says:

    #76 Bobbo,

    You make good points, and I agree with you. The last several years has been upsetting and headspinning. The two faced nature of the NeoCons who ran/run the Republican party are doing their best to create a facist state ‘for the best of reasons’

    Stories like this do nothing to advance the conversation at all when they come from a source that is as ‘fair and balanced’ as Bill O’Reilly.

    Merit is a good thing to debate, but this article is lacking in it.

  27. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #73 – There are few classical conservatives left. Besides, looking at what you have to endure in a campaign, why would they run in the first place? It’s not worth it.

    Although, from what I understand, these attacks are mild compared to what happened in the late 1800’s.

  28. Mister Ketchup says:

    But she is an evangelical Christian so I guess that means she is forgiven.

  29. bobbo says:

    #88–BCF==any good fight is worth the effort especially when the future of America/grandkiddies is involved?

    In fact, I would think any “real” patriot would be interested. But I agree, reasonable people have justified reasons for not getting into politics. Dogs/fleas, Pigs/Mud etc.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    I love the smell of Yellow Journalism in the morning. I couldn’t get over all the named sources! Too many to count. LOL


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