If the smears against Palin Continue, you can be certain this issue will be brought forward.

Barack Obama through Muslim Eyes – article by Daniel Pipes — What is a little frightening about this is that Muslims radicals hate “apostates” above all else and will not deal with them honestly.

Reports suggests that while Americans generally view the Democratic candidate having had no religion before converting at Reverend Jeremiah Wrights’s hands at age 27, Muslims the world over rarely see him as Christian but usually as either Muslim or ex-Muslim.

Lee Smith of the Hudson Institute explains why: “Barack Obama’s father was Muslim and therefore, according to Islamic law, so is the candidate. In spite of the Quranic verses explaining that there is no compulsion in religion, a Muslim child takes the religion of his or her father. … for Muslims around the world, non-American Muslims at any rate, they can only ever see Barack Hussein Obama as a Muslim.” In addition, his school record from Indonesia lists him as a Muslim

Thus, an Egyptian newspaper, Al-Masri al-Youm, refers to his “Muslim origins.” Libyan ruler Mu‘ammar al-Qaddafi referred to Obama as “a Muslim” and a person with an “African and Islamic identity.” One Al-Jazeera analysis calls him a “non-Christian man,” a second refers to his “Muslim Kenyan” father, and a third, by Naseem Jamali, notes that “Obama may not want to be counted as a Muslim but Muslims are eager to count him as one of their own.”

related links:
The Christian Science Monitor back in May was concerned about this problem.
This was a concern last year by various commentators like Jack Wheeler
Pipes himself outlined the facts last year, but this was seemingly ignored

  1. OmegaMan says:

    I found this to be a thoughtful article. It doesn’t change my vote, but it enlightens me to the outside world. To that thanks JCD.

    I am sure that there are corresponding reactions to Palin from the same Muslims mentioned in the article(s). Think about what would happen if McCain wins and meets his far right Maker in office; Palin as president and for her to go to a Muslim country.


    If she doesn’t wear the beekeeper uniform, how will the radicals react to that in their country?

    To paraphrase a song…Americans don’t feel like the great Satan but we are to them. Regardless of who is in office, something will piss them off.

  2. BigCarbonFoot says:

    This will get play eventually. Now that the libs are running scared, the attacks and counter-attacks will ratchet up until it’s completely ridiculous.

    This will lead to hundreds of DU posts making JCD a rich man and giving the rest of us a lot of fun using it a a spectator sport.

  3. moss says:

    Of course, being the GOUSA, there are many more people who won’t vote for Obama because of the color of his skin.

    One of the better examples of how right-wingers invented political correctness. They are the first, nowadays, to rise up in self-righteous indignation when someone suggests Americans might be bigots.

    They used to brag about it.

    Come to think of it, might even be a more pointed discussion about this election than shucking and jiving over someone’s daddy’s religion. Or is that just easier than confronting racism?

    Hopper certainly struck that nerve, yesterday.

  4. Mister Ketchup says:

    It was Halloween FFS.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    So, after reading this and looking at outside resources, it would seem that some Muslims would consider Obama as being under a death penalty unless, he converts back.

    Interesting situation.

  6. green says:

    At first you think JcD is trying to drive traffic, but you can start to form a view of a the hidden agenda, real feelings and hate(?) behind the postings….

  7. MM says:

    Can someone please name a single Muslim religious leader who has issued a fatwa for Obama to be killed? No one? Anyone?

    Obviously the voices inside Ayatollah Daniel Pipes’ head are becoming active again …

  8. Jägermeister says:

    Fill in the blanks with the name of any non-Muslim group:

    Muslims radicals hate “____________” above all else and will not deal with them honestly.

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #38 MM asked, “Can someone please name a single Muslim religious leader who has issued a fatwa for Obama to be killed?”

    Sure, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

    You didn’t know this? Hmmm.

  10. bobbo says:

    #39–Jag==having traveled extensively, I’ll take on your challenge:

    Muslims radicals hate “_Pepsi Cola_” above all else and will not deal with them honestly.

    Coke and Fanta only.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    #40 – Paddy-O

    Credible link please.

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #42. A few years ago this nut proclaimed that all apostate’s were under the death penalty. You can search for it if you wish.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #41 – bobbo

    I’m not sure radicals would drink Coke and Fanta. Big Satan’s drink! 😉 😀

  14. Jägermeister says:

    #43 – Paddy-O

    Okay, I see. It wasn’t directly aimed at Obama. Well, the Ayatollah’s hate everyone who’s not a Muslim… (Apostates and infidels) and their influence is just over the Shia’s. But for the sake of it… let’s say that the 1.2B Muslims were to start killing the 5.4B non-Muslim people… how long would it take before the Muslim majority countries would end up as sheets of glass?

  15. mikestrong says:

    dumb religious crapola:

    My father was Lutheran. My mother was Roman Catholic. I’m neither.

    But my mother had to insist (Catholic rules) that my father allow me to be raised a Catholic, or “the church” wouldn’t have allowed them to marry.

    A year after my birth, they divorced, a real no-no in 1948. That “condemned” me in the eyes of god, according to my teacher, a Catholic nun, in 3rd grade (my weeks of my first year in a Catholic school). (sins of the parents nonsense) That proclamation by the teacher caused me no end of damage. Small seed. Huge, cascading effect.

    After high school (Catholic) I ignored the Catholic practice but according to Catholic doctrine I was (and am) still a Catholic. Just waiting to be hauled back in at any moment and still subject to all the Catholic rules. Therefore an apostate (just like “muslim” Obama) as far as the Catholic church is concerned (i.e. they always own me no matter what, like a stalker, just on the inside of my head – they hope – nasty and effective place to plant such beliefs).

    On joining the Air Force (68-72) I said I had no religion. The recruiter still put a religion on my form, Catholic. The military wasn’t accepting of folks who declared themselves as not being a card-carrying member of a brand-name church. Sounds like what the schools in Indonesia required when Obama’s mother signed him up for that. Something which has gotten worse in the US military in recent years.

    So I understand this religious labeling BS. Muslims haven’t anything on us when it comes to this nonsense. I just consider it low and mean. I causes so much personal damage and so much strife, purely for the sake of strife. A lot of hatefulness going around.

  16. bobbo says:

    #43–Paddy==a quick wike will show that there is varition in religious beliefs about this apostasy issue.

    Some say both parents must be Muslim.

    Some say the leaving of Muslim religion must be under coercion.

    Some say that the ex-Muslim must speak or act against the faith, not just leave it.

    Some jewish sects have much the same book entries on these issues.

    So–a range of opinion and I would think for radical muslims to actually takes steps against Obama, some nutbag would have to issue a specific fatwa. Course, thats just me trying to be ecumenical.

  17. Michael says:

    Seriously, John? Seriously?

    First of all, what smears of Palin? That she lied about the bridge to nowhere? That she cut funding for pregnant teens? That she favors teaching creationism?

    Second of all, is there any way a President can be more hated by the Islamic world than the present one? Do you seriously believe that to be true?

  18. eyeofthetiger says:

    It would be interesting for say these cults harboring such ways in western cities, who preach these archaic nomadic desert tribe beliefs be fined for using technology that was byproduct of less satanic-like societies. Eyeglasses, vehicles and the loud speaker you blare your propaganda is worthy of a fine. Anyway, back in the wheel world Muslim societies in the middle east are much more racist than European and American countries against the darker skinned African Muslims.

  19. emailc says:

    I’m done with this website. John Dvorak is racist, and is also incapable of telling the difference between extremist Muslims and the normal ones (all the while not seeing the Talibanic Palin for what she is).

    Elect Obama and sweep away the racist and intolerant crap that Dvorak and his generation have given to this country.

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #47 – mikestrong

    Thanks for sharing your story. It was well worth reading.

    Muslims haven’t anything on us when it comes to this nonsense. I just consider it low and mean. I causes so much personal damage and so much strife, purely for the sake of strife. A lot of hatefulness going around.

    This is exactly what it’s all about… mind control. The religions has had 1000s (okay, for muslims… less than that) of years to refine the psychological tricks to play on their followers in order to keep them in line and get the money coming. Some people get damaged for life because of the church labeling them as sinners because of this and that. Pet Shop Boys dealt with this matter in their song “It’s a Sin” (Lyrics).

  21. Paddy-O says:

    #48 “a quick wike will show that there is varition in religious beliefs”

    Sorry, “wiki” isn’t a credible source for Islamic law…

  22. Greg Allen says:

    >> If the smears against Palin Continue, you can be certain this issue will be brought forward.

    I suppose there are some “smears” but mostly it is the public scrambling to find out who Palin is.

    If there is a “mean” aspect on this, it’s totally a TWO WAY street with her snide, mocking, derisive, cynical convention speech.

  23. Greg Allen says:

    Muslims are “born” that way, if their dad is a Muslim.

    That’s why it is illegal for Muslim women to marry Christian men.

    However, Muslim men marrying Christian is seen as a very good thing, progressing the faith.

    In the Muslim countries I’m familiar with, there a whole bunch of law against converting AWAY from Islam but many governmental efforts to encourage conversion TO Islam.

    Worse yet, I don’t see hardly any movement or hear hardly any discussion by Muslims to correct this human rights issue.

  24. Thomas says:

    > Muslims are “born”
    > that way, if their
    > dad is a Muslim

    As I asked in #2, where does that cycle stop? If my grandfather was Muslim would that not also make me Muslim by the same rule? I.e., if the rule is transitive, then eventually everyone will be Muslim regardless of their beliefs.

  25. shizzaq says:

    touche’ John. Your right. That ad is worth posting the story alone. I too am a libertarian but voting for them is a waste of time. The party has been marginalized on the national scene as wackos and hippies who want to legalize drugs. My undergrad is in Poli Sci and I remember writing my capstone paper (Senior Thesis) on how the Republican Party had been hijacked by social conservatives and was no longer a party of Objectivist thought. If only our leaders where like Dagny Taggart and Hank Reardon maybe we wouldnt owe so much money to the Asians.

  26. Tyrant says:

    #25 – Islam is being accorded the exact same respect Christianity gets on here. It deserves no more and no less.

    ‘Sides, you can do better than looking at corporate interests for the reason we don’t all get along. Reach way back into history and pull out the Crusades. That’s a favorite among some, I hear.

    As for the others calling this a non-issue or stupid, it’s certainly an issue that could use a little more attention, I mean, once people get finished writing their latest bit on Bristol Palin, that is.

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    #28 Fusion. Thank you very much for your kind words. I appreciate it!

  28. QB says:

    #22 I got same ad, cracked me up.

    What sort of judges would Barr appoint to the supreme court?

  29. Rick Cain says:

    Daniel Pipes has been the most ardently pro-israeli, anti-american force in the media. he was for the iraqi war, wants us to go to war with russia, iran, and whoever else gets uppity against America’s hegemony. His pathetic xenophobia against anybody who isn’t a neoconservative rings clearly in his articles.

    There’s nothing he says that is really of any interest to me.

  30. skunky says:

    Pipes is a bigot and a propagandist. Dvorak links to him freely, which makes him a tool of that BS artist.



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