If the smears against Palin Continue, you can be certain this issue will be brought forward.

Barack Obama through Muslim Eyes – article by Daniel Pipes — What is a little frightening about this is that Muslims radicals hate “apostates” above all else and will not deal with them honestly.

Reports suggests that while Americans generally view the Democratic candidate having had no religion before converting at Reverend Jeremiah Wrights’s hands at age 27, Muslims the world over rarely see him as Christian but usually as either Muslim or ex-Muslim.

Lee Smith of the Hudson Institute explains why: “Barack Obama’s father was Muslim and therefore, according to Islamic law, so is the candidate. In spite of the Quranic verses explaining that there is no compulsion in religion, a Muslim child takes the religion of his or her father. … for Muslims around the world, non-American Muslims at any rate, they can only ever see Barack Hussein Obama as a Muslim.” In addition, his school record from Indonesia lists him as a Muslim

Thus, an Egyptian newspaper, Al-Masri al-Youm, refers to his “Muslim origins.” Libyan ruler Mu‘ammar al-Qaddafi referred to Obama as “a Muslim” and a person with an “African and Islamic identity.” One Al-Jazeera analysis calls him a “non-Christian man,” a second refers to his “Muslim Kenyan” father, and a third, by Naseem Jamali, notes that “Obama may not want to be counted as a Muslim but Muslims are eager to count him as one of their own.”

related links:
The Christian Science Monitor back in May was concerned about this problem.
This was a concern last year by various commentators like Jack Wheeler
Pipes himself outlined the facts last year, but this was seemingly ignored

  1. bobbo says:

    #62–skunky==thanks for the link, good read. Yea, its hard to understand why a jew would have a bias against muslims.

    Other than the reliance on anectodal evidence, I thought much of the final conclusions he reached were well founded. I don’t think much benefit of the doubt should be given to anyone who wants to kill you.

    So you think all groups, all religions, all political motivations, are the same huh? Muslims want to get along with everyone until they are in the majority==wise up.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    Nah…he’s just a CULTURAL Muslim!

  3. bobsyeruncle says:

    Oh Yeah? Well… YOU’RE a prostate…

  4. MM says:

    Paddy, can you advise of the following:

    1. When did Khamanei declare Obama should be killed?

    2. What was the reason Khamanei said this?

    3. What is your source for this info?

    4. On what basis are the words of Khamanei religiously binding on all (inclding Sunni) Muslims?

  5. skunky says:


    I’m glad it’s ok he makes stuff up out of thin air because he’s Jewish. IOKIYAJ? I thought it was only IOKIYAR (it’s ok if you are Republican – viz. Sen. Vitter, Sen. Craig’s escapades, Scooter Libby, etc).

    you make statements like “Muslims want to get along with everyone until they are in the majority==wise up”

    but I thought Muslims hated everyone and wanted to kill us all, make our women wear burkas and have four wives? how is that compatible with getting along with everyone until they are in the majority? you’re being self-contradictory although that’s hardly a shock

    I don’t think all political affiliations are the same. I think the GOP is a criminal organization devoted to systematically looting the US treasury and taxpayer for their own benefit. The last eight years have been akin to having Al Capone run the State Liquor Control Board. A party that doesn’t believe government has any role in society other than to line their pockets is guaranteed to screw everything up in ways we can only glimpse in the daylight from time to time (Iraq, Katrina, now Fannie and Freddie). Imagine all the thievery — on a massive scale — we don’t see in military and homeland security contracting.

    All religions are pretty much the same, great when taken in moderation. All bad when twisted by megalomaniacs to their own purposes.

    War on Terror, War on Drugs = lots of political patronage jobs to loyal Republicans. But it’s great cuz now we have the Muslim boogeyman to replace the Commie boogeyman. Don’t let’s let the facts get in the way of anything! That would be unpatriotic! Buy another yellow ribbon decal for your truck as someone else’s kids die for your inane cultural stereotyping!

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #66 Read further up.

  7. Fik says:

    Slightly off-topic but related, I just found this interesting reading:

  8. deowll says:

    Some of the religous loons may try to kill him. Please not that killing people that convert from Islam is the norm.

  9. deowll says:

    Some of the religous loons may try to kill him. Please not that killing people that convert from Islam is the norm.

    The soft ware at this web site is slowly making me not want to post anything.

  10. Peanut Butter and Jam says:

    I think as a general rule of thumb, becoming the president of the United States means that someone out there is going to want to kill you. In fact, I can’t see being an apostate as any more or any less of a reason to kill someone. Now, what would be interesting is if the White Supremacist team up with the Islamic Jihadists into a “Coalition of the Wanting to Kill Obama and Everyone Else Really”.

  11. Angus says:

    It was almost comical to wake up this morning and hear the Obama mistake during his talk with George Stephanopolous on “This Week “when thhey were talking about the low blow attacks and he accidently mentioned “his muslim faith”. George corrected him on it.

    Freudian slip of the greatest degree, and new bait for the whackos at worldnetdaily.


  12. bobbo says:

    #73–Angus==lets say people are calling Obama a Martian. Then he might say “McCain hasn’t talked about me being a Martian.”

    Mistake or freudian slip or pretty clear statement within the context of which it was made?

    Silly Hoomans.

  13. It’s a cheap rumor, that Obama is a Muslim, and we do not believe in that – http://www.votetheday.com/polls/is-barack-obama-a-muslim-100/

    Looks like America is not so racist after all, that his skin color could be used by opponents, so now other weakness of Americans is exploited – they are in fear of Muslims (however, it is also absolute splash, because not all Muslims are radical terrorists, as people believe after 9/11).

    So stop spreading this rumor and elect brave black Christian man.

  14. MikeN says:

    Obama’s got this covered. He’ll just deny he stopped being a Muslim. He was heard the other day talking about ‘my Muslim faith’. He’ll just play down Reverend Wright as someone in my neighborhood.


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