![]() Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart Are No fans of Sarah Palin! |
Heart Wants to Be Ripped Out of Republicans’ Campaign
The duo requested that their song would no longer be used to promote Sarah Palin’s image. But it looks like Heart actually did Palin a favor, as she seems to only choose the song for its title, a little something to remind her of her high school years, when Barracuda was her nickname. On a closer look, the lyrics are anything but flattering for a woman in her position: “You lying so low in the weeds,I bet you gonna ambush me, You’d have me down down, down, down on my knees, Now wouldn’t you, barracuda?”
OK, the story is whatever it is and the two old-timers will get their royalties and the song is no longer needed anyway. Let them bitch to the RIAA and see what it gets them. But the press is all over this story for the PUN value. Here are the top 10 PUN Headlines I’ve documented:
10. McCain Campaign to Go Heart-less? (WSJ)
9. Heart to Palin: Cut it Out (Seattle PI)
8. Rock group Heart says ‘Barracuda’ use is fishy (Reuters India)
7. Republicans Take Heart; Heart Takes It Back (E! Online)
6. Republicans Lack Heart! (TMZ)
5. Heart Break (Indy.com)
4. Nancy And Ann Wilson Don’t Have The Republicans At Heart (eFlux Media)
3. Heart Wants to Be Ripped Out of Republicans’ Campaign (eFlux Media)
2. Will McCain’s Heart Stop? (Slate)
and number one is from the National Enquirer
Remember: the “C” in “rap” is silent!
When artists whine about politicians using “their song” (that once upon a time they were begging people to listen to), it makes me want to vote FOR the candidate.
I thought something was a bit funny when it was the group itself (the girls) making the request without a bunch of lawyers.
🙂 Too funny
So aren’t they for female empowerment? or just liberal femail empowerment?
When they were in their early twentys they were kicking out great tunes.
Then you look at the crap they have on American Idol these days.
This just proves how fucked up the USA has become.
This whole campaign has fallen to such a low level of discourse it is really disheartening. I think the repubs know their audience and are pandering with palin. It’s nauseating.
I know this sounds like I’m full of it, but I can honestly say that the minute I heard “Barracuda” blaring from the RNC speakers after Palin’s speech, the first thing I thought was “There’s no WAY Heart approved the use of this song”.
The real issue that this brings up, not as an RIAA issue, mind you, but from the Artist’s perspective is that the use of that song in that context opens the song up for use as Public Domain if they don’t protest immediately. And that doesn’t even get into the whole idea that Heart is probably the LAST group to support the RNC, well, at least they’re second to the Grateful Dead, but few others, that’s for sure.
Personally, as much as I hate the RIAA and their tactics, I hope that Heart can extract the absolute maximum out of the RNC for hijacking their song and using it as political ammunition.
I’ve been an ardent supporter of Artists Rights for the past 15 years, and to see the RNC so blatantly feature a song by an artist that they should damn well know would not endorse their candidate is repugnant.
In fact, to be honest, that struck me as one of the most offensive moments of the night.
Don’t get me wrong, I still think Sarah Palin’s a total hottie and would bag her in a second. Doesn’t mean I’m going to vote for her, just that she gives me that tingling sensation down in the nether regions, that’s all. 😉
I was just thinking, can you imagine if Jimmy Carter would’ve used 30 year old music for his campaign? Something from the Dorsey brothers perhaps? Jeezus, what the heck is going on here? I realize that us baby boomer rule statistically, But it’s like they stopped makin music long ago… No that can’t be right…
There was a time when Ann Wilson could have sat in a mud puddle and farted and I would have eaten the bubbles.
What’s Up With The Caps?
More examples of GOP as thieves, liars and whores
> Van Halen management indicates they had no idea McCain was planning on using “Right Now” during his big entrance in Ohio – “Permission was not sought or granted nor would it have been given.” – they hate McCain.
> Jackson Browne filed a lawsuit today against the presumptive GOP nominee and the Republican Party for failing to obtain a license to use one of his songs in a television commercial. Browne says he is NOT endorsing McCain.
>Mike Myers, earlier this week, insisted that the Arizona Republican take down a web ad that — mocking Obama’s celebrity — used a “we’re not worthy” clip from his movie Wayne’s World. He McCain is a fucking whore.
#40 you are a sick man!
When you consider the views of most Hollywood and music types, not being supported by them is a good thing.
#39 – 70’s and 80’s rock is the greatest music ever made. Nothing better before or since.
[violation of posting guidelines]
Gahhh! This is why rock stars should die young.
Even the hot chick from the Bangles has fallen apart.
#47 – BdgBill – This is why rock stars should die young.
Tell that to Ted Nuggent.
Hmmm. you have to pay a public performance fee to play a song. By saying they don’t want their song played, it sounds to me like these artists have implicitly declared they no longer want to make money – so fuck ’em.
Ann Wilson also appears to not be a fan of Jenny Craig. Shut up and sing girls, shut up and sing.
I just realized. The one on the left is John Goodman in drag!
Back then it was not actually possible to go independent, thus the necessity to give up the rights to your creation. When this is done, the owner (not the creator) can use the art however they wish.
Fortunately, today anyone can go the independent route, so let this act as an example of how your art can be used in ways you abhor when you choose the RIAA route.
#47 There was a hot chick in the Bangles?
I’m surprised McCain isn’t using Lawrence Welk.
What was the song, Ride of the Valkyries?
These “Artiste” have an inflated opinion of themselves.
#46 Smartalix,
You know, the doctor would write you another ritalin perscription if you lost your current one…
Maybe they should’ve used David Bowie’s 1984 instead.
#27, OvenMaster,
You’d think it’d be easy for the Republicans to find a musical artist who’s willing to let them use their music…
Someone like Frank Sinatra? I think he would rather die than to be associated with these Republicans.
What about Garth Brooks? He’s a bona fide “arteest” who enjoys seeing his music given away plus his career is dead.
Some Cab Calloway? Uuhh, never mind.
Ted Nugent? Wouldn’t work. The SS won’t allow guns around the candidates.
Paul Anka? Naa, he was born in Canada.
OK, I give, any other suggestions?
Who are the two boomer hags?