Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart Are No fans of Sarah Palin!

Heart Wants to Be Ripped Out of Republicans’ Campaign

The duo requested that their song would no longer be used to promote Sarah Palin’s image. But it looks like Heart actually did Palin a favor, as she seems to only choose the song for its title, a little something to remind her of her high school years, when Barracuda was her nickname. On a closer look, the lyrics are anything but flattering for a woman in her position: “You lying so low in the weeds,I bet you gonna ambush me, You’d have me down down, down, down on my knees, Now wouldn’t you, barracuda?”

OK, the story is whatever it is and the two old-timers will get their royalties and the song is no longer needed anyway. Let them bitch to the RIAA and see what it gets them. But the press is all over this story for the PUN value. Here are the top 10 PUN Headlines I’ve documented:

10. McCain Campaign to Go Heart-less? (WSJ)
9. Heart to Palin: Cut it Out (Seattle PI)
8. Rock group Heart says ‘Barracuda’ use is fishy (Reuters India)
7. Republicans Take Heart; Heart Takes It Back (E! Online)
6. Republicans Lack Heart! (TMZ)
5. Heart Break (
4. Nancy And Ann Wilson Don’t Have The Republicans At Heart (eFlux Media)
3. Heart Wants to Be Ripped Out of Republicans’ Campaign (eFlux Media)
2. Will McCain’s Heart Stop? (Slate)

and number one is from the National Enquirer

  1. Improbus says:

    Is politics supposed to be this funny?

  2. Jägermeister says:


  3. Klippoth says:

    I didn’t take it to be a royalties/RIAA issue. It came off to me more as a political statement, of which I would have to agree. If a candidate I disliked and disagreed with started using my music for their campaign, I would be furious as well…

  4. Rich says:

    Whenever I heard any Heart songs on the radio I imagined beautiful young babes. I guess the pic is a wakeup call!

  5. The Warden says:

    Both the FART sisters are bitter radical feminist and are pissed that a strong independent CONSERVATIVE woman is the one that is going to take down that community organizer and the older guy with the hairplugs and brain aneurysms.

  6. mthrnite says:

    Nancy is still hot.
    ..and Palin shouldn’t even be listening to that Devil music, but since she obviously does, maybe GWAR could write her a nice theme song if Heart won’t let her have theirs.

  7. FedUp says:

    F–K them. You buy the CD, your not charging money for entrance to hear it…. Ann Wilson looks like a man in drag that ate an all-u-can eat buffet out of business. McCain should play the shit out that song just to piss’em off. Thats what the pill popper Rush Limbaugh did with the opening song for his radio show that pissed off the pretenders.

  8. gquaglia says:

    I can see Ann Wilson is still as fat and ugly as ever.

  9. fedUp says:

    Check this out from wiki:

    However, Roger Fisher, the band’s former guitarist who co-wrote the song, was “thrilled” by the songs use and the song is also licensed for use in public performances under a blanket fee paid to ASCAP by the convention’s venue.


  10. bamboozlde says:

    Heart to Heart

    Palin Hearts Heart

    Heart to Palin: You’re Heartless

    Heart Today, Gone Tomorrow

    No Heart, Sweetheart

    Palin’s Heart Attack

    Heart: Sarah Palin Comparison to Dems

    Palin’s Heart Stops

  11. bamboozlde says:

    Palin: No Bleedin’ Heart

  12. jbenson2 says:

    Heart is a dollar short and a day too late. The song was played when it needed to be played. It got the crowd’s reaction. Now McCain/Palin are on to the states. Interesting discussion today by Palin on Obama finally agreeing the Surge worked. video

    By the way, Obama said this to a crowd today: “Even if I want to take them [your guns] away, I don’t have the votes in Congress. This can’t be the reason not to vote for me.”

    Actually it is a perfect reason not to vote for him.

  13. Winston Smith says:

    FedUp, you don’t know the first thing about copyright law.

    When you buy a CD you are buying it for personal use only. You may own the CD, but you do not own the music on it.

    If you play your CD for any business or commercial use, legally you are supposed to pay royalties to the artist.

    If it is in a movie, TV show, sports event or political convention setting, you must first get the artists permission to use their song.

    If a restaurant, tavern, beauty shop, grocery store or any other business open to the public plays music, even on a radio, legally they are supposed to pay royalties. It sucks, especially for small businesses, but that is the law.

  14. duh once again says:

    Seems they would be thrilled their message would be associated with any woman who could become President.

  15. fedup says:

    Winston, See post# 9…

    Im just being a democrat and ignoring the law when I choose too…

  16. fedup says:

    Winston, See post# 9…

    Im just being a democrat and ignoring the law when I choose too… F–k you too (again, Im being a democrat who preaches respect and tolerance and free speech except when I disagree)

  17. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #1 – YES. How many times have I said on this blog that it’s a spectator sport?

    #6 – I agree. Nancy is still hot. Ann was pretty attractive early on, but I can’t even recognize her in that pic. As much as I troll about big vehicles, she ain’t fitting in anything smaller that the cab of a semi. Or maybe riding behind on the flatbed.

    As far as the song goes, they’ve released it, it’s out there for licensed use if the fees are paid, they get money when it’s used so, as much as I love their music, fuck ’em. (And I only mean that in the biblical sense toward Nancy. 😉 )

  18. Winston Smith says:

    Kid #1: What does your mom do?

    Kid #2: She is a housewife.

    Kid #3: She is a hairdresser.

    Nancy Wilson’s kids: Our mom is a hot-looking rock and roll guitar goddess.

  19. Lynn says:

    #11, bamboozled: “Palin: No Bleedin’ Heart” – win! That works on so many levels!

    I think Ann Wilson is what Sarah Palin will look like in 20 years. They have the same hairdresser?

  20. Winston Smith says:

    # 15 fedup said,

    “Im just being a democrat and ignoring the law when I choose too… F–k you too (again, Im being a democrat who preaches respect and tolerance and free speech except when I disagree)”

    Grow up, child. If you require the word “fuck” to get your point across then you don’t have a valid point to make.

  21. fedup says:

    winston, why so intolerant?

  22. gquaglia says:

    Ann Wilson looks like a man in drag

    Actually reminds me of the fat woman disguise that Arnold wore when he landed on Mars in Total Recall, except with black hair and uglier.

  23. The Pirate says:

    This brings up the question of Fair Use. This is also an example of why copyrights longer than oh say ten years is not a good thing. That song is a part of American culture, sorry Heart you made your money now let it go. Write something new if you want to make a political statement.

  24. QB says:


    Gee, your name is Winston. What a shock.

  25. chuck says:


    Ann Wilson’s kids: Our mom is a former rock-and-roll star whose career had faded.

    Sarah Palin’s kids: Our mom is the governor of Alaska and the next Vice-President of the United States.

  26. The Warden says:

    Hopefully Ted Nugent will write a song for Sarah.

  27. OvenMaster says:

    Good for the Wilson sisters. Jackson Browne, Van Halen, Boston, John Mellencamp, now Heart… I wonder who the next 70’s or 80’s musical artist the GOP will try to use for free will be in an attempt to look “cool” to baby boomers?

    You’d think it’d be easy for the Republicans to find a musical artist who’s willing to let them use their music… or is it that no major artist wants to be associated with the GOP?

  28. Lou Minatti says:

    Ann looks like the singer from Romeo Void in that picture, only 20 years older.

  29. Matt says:

    That’s awesome!

    The Republicans will never be able to win this election without that song about a fish.

    If Obama wins this thing, he will owe them big time.

  30. Winston Smith says:

    #27 OvenMaster, let’s just be thankful they weren’t using rap “music”.


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