Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart Are No fans of Sarah Palin!

Heart Wants to Be Ripped Out of Republicans’ Campaign

The duo requested that their song would no longer be used to promote Sarah Palin’s image. But it looks like Heart actually did Palin a favor, as she seems to only choose the song for its title, a little something to remind her of her high school years, when Barracuda was her nickname. On a closer look, the lyrics are anything but flattering for a woman in her position: “You lying so low in the weeds,I bet you gonna ambush me, You’d have me down down, down, down on my knees, Now wouldn’t you, barracuda?”

OK, the story is whatever it is and the two old-timers will get their royalties and the song is no longer needed anyway. Let them bitch to the RIAA and see what it gets them. But the press is all over this story for the PUN value. Here are the top 10 PUN Headlines I’ve documented:

10. McCain Campaign to Go Heart-less? (WSJ)
9. Heart to Palin: Cut it Out (Seattle PI)
8. Rock group Heart says ‘Barracuda’ use is fishy (Reuters India)
7. Republicans Take Heart; Heart Takes It Back (E! Online)
6. Republicans Lack Heart! (TMZ)
5. Heart Break (
4. Nancy And Ann Wilson Don’t Have The Republicans At Heart (eFlux Media)
3. Heart Wants to Be Ripped Out of Republicans’ Campaign (eFlux Media)
2. Will McCain’s Heart Stop? (Slate)

and number one is from the National Enquirer

  1. Rick Cain says:

    It would be nice of McCain would respect the wishes of the artist rather than using the song just because of a licensing approval from the headless beast of the entertainment industry.

    I’m sure the rock band journey isn’t thrilled that their songs are used to sell pickup trucks, like GM gives a crap.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    #61 Didn’t the “artist’s” sign a contract giving the IP rights to someone else?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #62, Cow-Paddy,

    Some do, some don’t.

  4. Sarah Palin = Irrelevant.

    She was fun for a while with her MILF looks and her acid tongue. Didn’t last long, though.

    Now, Sarah Palin = Irrelevant. McBush = Irrelevant.

    Cambio! Si se puede!


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