Read the text of it here.

You have to admit, she is a good speaker. Before you answer the question in the title though, remember that — as was pointed out numerous times prior to the speech on several networks — she didn’t write it. It was written originally for a man, then modified for her after she was chosen.

On a completely mindless note, what can one say about how Palin was dressed? What were they trying to do with that sack or poncho-like thing she was wearing? A hockey mom’s K-Mart counter to Cindy’s designer duds? [UPDATE: Check out the cost of what Cindy was wearing the night before.] And what about the way the baby was paraded at the end?

  1. Alphasiderius says:

    Her speech changed my mind about her. Prior to hearing her acceptance speech, I was willing to consider her as an acceptable V.P. candidate. Her speech, however, scared the hell out of me. Not only turned me completely off her but put a nail in the coffin of my support of McCain. They really just don’t get it.

  2. Mister Ketchup says:

    I wish she had worn something low-cut. Didn’t change my mind, I’d still do her. 🙂

  3. Calin says:

    I’m not sure why people keep complaining about a lack of substance in the speech. Speeches aren’t made for real substance. Can you imagine a speech which actually details an economic policy? I don’t mean, “we’re going to work to improve the economy”…I mean real detail? The entire crowd would start snoring.

    The last real speech I saw with specific detail was given by a big-eared fellow that had charts and graphs.

    Either way, the conventions are designed to preach to the choir. DNC, RNC…doesn’t matter. All flash, no meat. Meat is for debates or question answering…not set speeches, especially at the conventions.

    Palin did mention energy policy in the “shotgun” or “all of the above” kind of way. No real details…but as specific as any speech I heard at the DNC.

  4. MuffinSpawn says:

    Palin’s speech made me worried for one reason only: she’s Bush with decent public speaking skills. Many people liked Bush because they thought they’d like to have a beer with him. I bet many of the same people will think similar thoughts about Palin. Unfortunately the Republicans are probably right that this will be about personality rather than issues. That’s what scares me.

    But if you’re interested in real criticism, I think she’s continuing the Republican convention convention of bitchy, half-truth remarks about Obama and out right lies about both sides records. Palin’s speech was too long and had even less in it about real issues than any of the other speakers. If I’m relying on Palin to know what she stands for, I still don’t know shit.
    Finally, I find it quite hypocritical to exploit her son and nephew’s military service and her special needs child, but then have the Repubs bitch about it being unfair that everyone is questioning the efficacy of her right-wing parenting by pointing out her pregnant teenage daughter. If her son’s military service is fair game and affects her character, so does her daughter’s pregnancy.

  5. JimD says:

    Why COULDN’T Palin write her own speech ??? Goes to COMPETENCE !!!


  6. Breastman says:

    Was I the only one to notice that her oldest daughter has been visited by the titty fairy? Must be the pregnancy but they sure looked good last night while she was sitting there.

  7. Raster says:

    Yeah, the baby stuff was just weird…

    What’s up with all the shots of the child grooming the baby?

    The candidate kissing a baby is a staple, but who thought the kids should have their own camera?

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    The point that someone else wrote the speech is to counter the WOW effect so many imbeciles have had about what a great person she is. Regardless of the speech, she is still the same backwater, hick, wannabe from Bummphuk Alaska she was last week.

    The same idiot opposing teen sex education, abortion, or even counseling.

    The same greedy politician who claims they are against corruption as she tries to fire a State Trooper for personal reasons.

    The same moran who believes in the strict interpretation of her church and wishes to impose that on everyone else.

    In short, McCain’s choice.

  9. laineypie says:

    OK, found it. It was at 11:45 in the vid. Anyone hear anything about this?

  10. roemun says:

    This is one of the dopiest posts yet on DU, and that is going. Cripes “parading the child”_- Uncle dave you can’ do any better than tha>

  11. Mr Diesel says:


    We now have our candidates. I’m a fiscal conservative (NOT REPUBLICAN) so I’m curious, how many people actually believe that you can add billions and billions in new spending and not raise taxes? So let’s tax the rich, hell I’m all for it but wait, a luxury tax was tried before on those big ticket items that the rich like to buy, you know, like yachts and expensive cars. What happened? The rich stopped buying as much. So what? Well, if you worked at making yachts or expensive cars you were out of luck and probably lost your job. But at least there was a higher tax on those rich people.

    Tax the oil companies for making 7% profit but where do you draw the line at how much someone or some company is allowed to make? 6%? 5? 1?

    So, after all is said and done out of the two candidates which do you want? Someone who is going to raise taxes (and not just on the rich) or one who is going to lower them?

    Someone who actually knows how to run a government and hass passed legislation and can command troops or a community organizer (hell, my wife is a community organizer and I sure as hell wouldn’t want her as president)?

    Someone who has served and protected his country or someone who has close ties to a domestic terrorist?

    I have to hold my nose and vote for one and it’s clear which one. I don’t agree with everything he stands for but if I’m going to get fucked I’d rather be safe and pay less taxes at the time.

  12. MikeN says:

    The speech was OK, but nothing impressive.

  13. bbrian021 says:

    Nice speech. Did not change my mind. If you want 4 more years of Holy Fascisism rule. Vote Republican. If you want a slim chance of change in another direction in this country vote for the other guy. Last 8 years is all the proof you need.

  14. QB says:

    #16 James Hill said: “Angry liberal editor…”

    Is this Bush Buzzword Bingo? I can’t wait for “Terrorists are just folks which want to kill us” (sic).

  15. paapDOTnet says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. Please only post ONE TIME!- ed.]

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Didn’t change my mind either. I’d still do her no matter what she says. I have no scruples.

  17. Greg Allen says:

    McCain * Ball Buster logo 😉 :

  18. Smartalix says:


    Show us ONE example of her providing any semblance of military leadership. Hell, I’d even take a cheeesy photo op at a guard base.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #52 – Smartalix

    Good enough?

  20. GigG says:

    #10 “Obama wrote his own convention speech.”


  21. Mr Diesel says:

    #52 – Smartalix

    Obviously you haven’t been watching the news much because they have had lots of video of her visiting the AK guard unit in Kuwait.

    Jägermeister beat me to the pics. thanks

    If anyone here watches Fox you would have seen them interview a friend that said most of what she said is her, there were only a couple of lines that sounded like it was a speach writer.

    I know it’s Fox but even Governor Rendell (D) said that they were the only ones not spooging themselves covering BO.

  22. the answer says:

    Well actions speak louder then words so I will definitely be voting democratic this election no matter what spew comes out of her mouth.

  23. Dallas says:

    She is a good speaker and she recovered well when God messed up the teleprompter but the devil got her out of it.

    Kudos to her for a fine speech but what came out of her pie hole was out of Karl Rove’s office in the Pentagon.

  24. Miguel Correia says:

    If I were American, she would be the biggest reason I would not vote for McCain. All because of the following. Even though he advocates green energy, his VP pick in the end is someone who denies man made climate change and sees more drilling as the solution to the energy crisis. Please vote for Obama. This is one very worried European asking you for it.

  25. deowll says:

    Don’t care if daffy duck wrote it or they repeat one somebody else gave.

    Once they give the speach it’s theirs and they are accountable for what they said.

  26. QB says:

    #55 GigG

    Shit really! Ask Pat Buchanan!

  27. jbenson2 says:

    #20 stopher – No knowledge of energy?

    If you want to see a slam dunk on energy policy, Biden, and national security by Palin, check out this awesome video:

    Obama is going to have a very tough 2 months before he loses.

  28. J says:

    # 62 jbenson2

    I find it amusing that you think she actually is knowledgeable because of that video.

    Two things. Several things she says are WRONG and if you can’t tell she has been prepped for that interview and SHE HAD THE QUESTIONS IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!

    That was part of the agreement for doing the Exclusive interview.

  29. QB says:

    She’s saavy on energy and politics. As a Canadian, and an Albertan, and a shareholder in TCPL I have to say:

    Thank you US taxpayers for the $30,000,000,000.


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