Read the text of it here.

You have to admit, she is a good speaker. Before you answer the question in the title though, remember that — as was pointed out numerous times prior to the speech on several networks — she didn’t write it. It was written originally for a man, then modified for her after she was chosen.

On a completely mindless note, what can one say about how Palin was dressed? What were they trying to do with that sack or poncho-like thing she was wearing? A hockey mom’s K-Mart counter to Cindy’s designer duds? [UPDATE: Check out the cost of what Cindy was wearing the night before.] And what about the way the baby was paraded at the end?

  1. Sam says:

    Yes, it made me realize that the Republicans are back to their spin doctoring and low brow divisive partisan politics. It’s the Karl Rove strategy all over again.

  2. QB says:

    It’s Palin vs Obama.

    McCain who????

  3. Bob says:

    “she didn’t write it”

    So that’s the liberal talking point for the day huh?

    Really, that’s the best you guys could come up with? You do know that the Obomessiah has a speech writer as well as the other two candidates.

    Sounds to me like the libs are starting to get a little scared of this girl. They thought they had the monopoly on good speakers and here comes someone who is just as good, if not better on some points that the Obomessiah.

    It was a good speech. The problem that I see however, is that she is a much better speaker than McCain, in many ways I would rather vote for Palin, than McCain now. I think McCain is basically going to be upstaged by her, and the last thing you want to do as a Presidential candidate is to be upstaged by your running mate.

  4. turbo63 says:

    Paraded the baby huh? And Obama and no other politicians ever have their kids on stage at a convention?

    Give me a break, they all do it right or wrong. Just because her kid has down’s it is parading. What about all her other kids, was she parading them as well?

  5. bbsc says:

    Exactly why do you and the networks like to point out that she didn’t write it? It’s is my understanding that all the politicians have writers. She did very well. Now lets see how she does in the debates.

  6. Drew Nichols says:

    30 million watched, so someone was curious. I think she definitely got the GOP a bounce, time will tell.

    What stood out in my mind this morning was that she was an attack dog and I wouldn’t want to be on her bad side. I think her message will resonate with a lot of Americans.

  7. Scamp says:

    She didn’t have to write it to deliver it. All the time I watched it, all I could see was the puppet master hand stuck up her back. All I could hear is the same sarcasm, half truths and out right lies one can expect to come from the RNC election machine. There is nothing new here folks. Lipstick on a pig is still a pig.

  8. moss says:

    I thought the Nuremberg Rally was scheduled for tonight?

  9. Named says:

    Remember kids, no one can exploit the Palin family except for he Republican party…

  10. noguile says:

    Bob/bbsc: Obama wrote his own convention speech, and since everyone, including Palin herself, is comparing the two candidates, it’s being mentioned that she didn’t write her own speech. As a point of comparison. Can… you… understand… this?

  11. getta life says:

    “It was originally written for a man…” WTF?

    Go ahead, lefties, and belittle her. Your true colors are showing.

  12. JonBoy68k says:

    She did good job reading the speech for sure. And it would seem its anybodys game at this point.

    But that’s the amazing thing. These are the representatives of Mr Bushes party. Most of what they are saying is the same as Mr Bush. In fact you could argue that Palin is more fundamental, and McCain is more of a warmonger and somewhat senile. So I’m frankly amazed they are even in with a chance – I mean how bad does Mr Bushes party have to be? What could they have done worse so that people would say they have had their shot, lets try a different approach?

    That said I agree that its very hard to say what Obama will actually do in terms of ‘change’ that will really improve things. Which is worrying.

    Still personally speaking if my choices are the party thats redefined inept (in everything it seems to me) and has caused so much death and hate in the world, and anybody else then pretty much anybody else seems a better choice.

    Would be nice if there were more than 2 choices…

  13. Rob Walley says:

    I think she delivered the speech better than expected, but all that shows is that she has a better stage presence than McCain and probably better than Biden. She can’t touch Obama’s theatrics. I still don’t know how well she’ll do head to head against Biden in a debate and that should be a better matchup than this years Super Bowl!

    #2 You are correct that Obama has speech writers as well, but I don’t think that the post was trying to infer that he didn’t, only that Palin was provided Republican talking points as is the norm for these occasions. But I will agree that it would be nice to see some reporting around here that deems it worthy to also remind us that Obama is as much a puppet for the Democrats as McCain and Palin are for the GOP.

    The impression I walked away with last night is that the Obama campaign might do well to consider backing off on Palin’s lack of experience as she and Guiliani DID effectively make a case for her in a way that will stick with voters. It doesn’t matter that it still doesn’t make her up to the job, but it hurts the Dems that her sound bites are all over the cable networks the morning after and are being repeated over and over again. She did well. Now, on to round 2!

  14. JonBoy68k says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  15. American says:

    How many polls were there asking about Obama or Biden? This blog obviously leans towards Obama. I am undecided, but at this point am sick of reading all the one sided stuff. Time to stop reading this blog. Obama is not going to save the country, neither is McCain. They are politicians who want power, their interest in you or I is solely based on us voting for them. After our vote, we are nothing. Put trust in yourselves, not the government. At the end of the day we are the ones who build the economy and the quality of life we enjoy. If we think the government will do that for us, we’re in trouble. You can make things better or worst for yourself, decide which you want and work for it.

  16. Convention_BS says:

    WoW! A politician who’s speech was written by someone else. Shocking… NOT!!!

    She gave a good speech. I think after a week of personal attacks on her and her family, she earned the right to give back a little of what she had been forced to take.

    Like it or not, she adds another new twist to this election, and I can’t wait for the VP debates.

    The tone of the Obamaites out here in the blogisphere, just proves, at least to me, she’s struck a nerve and got them running scared.

  17. Uncle Dave says:

    #3: Reread what I wrote. My point — highlighted by being set off like this — was the NETWORKS made a point of repeatedly pointing out she didn’t write it and that it was originally written for a man.

    #13: Sorry I wasn’t hacky enough for you James. I so do want to live up to your standards of hackdom.

  18. Pmitchell says:

    #10 no Obama did not write his speech it was written for him just like everyone’s was

  19. stopher2475 says:

    She read a script, big deal. Notice how when it slowed down on the technical policy parts dealing with energy b/c at the end of the day she has no knowledge of that domain.

  20. EG311 says:

    I liked the progression from the soft intro, nice down to earth mom (here’s who I am and how I got here) quickly ramping up into some good old fashion berating of ones opponent! Some nice, cheezy zingers in there too!

    Overall, as well executed as one could hope for, but as previously stated, round 2 will be interesting.

  21. Montanaguy says:

    Round one:

    Next round: ??

  22. Bob says:

    #8, no you missed it that was last week.

  23. lynn says:

    PS, I still think Sarah and Cindy resemble one another. Same slightly nutcracker-like profile, same dimples (though Sarah didn’t really smile during her speech, more the Teddy Roosevelt clenched-teeth thing, while Cindy has smiled constantly during the convention). Although Cindy held Sara’s baby almost throughout the evening, I didn’t see the two of them together on stage when John McCain and Sarah’s family joined her on stage. This has become an obsession with me so I keep waiting to see them together. Aren’t you glad the US has voters like me who are interested in the real issues (or voters like you who are interested in bikini shots of Palin and, presumably, Biden…)

  24. Billy Bob says:

    I’m looking forward to hearing more about Uncle Dave’s Fashion Do’s and Don’ts.

  25. Stewart Urist says:

    As noted I am very far left indeed, but no doubt Palin did an excellent job and I can not take that away from her. Of course there were untruth’s and gross distortions and no new ideas but what she did say was very effective. I am a bit frightened that she has tipped the balance towards the Republicans.

  26. mo says:

    Please… Tell me one speech that Obama, McCain, or Biden wrote.

  27. jescott418 says:

    She talked too much about how great McCain was and brought up to much of his POW days. This does make him a war hero without a doubt. But does it have any bearing on being president?
    In fact did the Republican party say this was not important when George W Bush ran and had limited military experience?
    Does this indicate he would be more inclined to attack a country rather then use diplomatic means.
    This does appear to be one attack on Obama.
    After having over 4000 troops killed over Iraq and still counting. Not too mention the costs.
    I would rather see more talk and less fighting.

  28. jbenson2 says:

    The left wackos can’t even come up with decent rebuttals. The Boston Herald had a feature length article with hair dresser interviews about Palin’s 20-year old hair style.

    But even the left media is giving her major props for the speech.

    How stupid must Democrats feel right now?

    Who decided it would be a good strategy to kick a Mama Bear?

  29. dosequis says:

    The point isn’t that she didn’t write it, it is that it was written for someone else.

  30. SPC mxpwr03 says:

    Most American’s don’t know much about Gov. Palin, so I would say that the speech was an introduction, not changing an already established perspective. There were a few too many snide comments, but it is good to know she is on the offensive.

    “On a completely mindless note…” That’s bucking a time honored trend.


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