With Barack Obama (or throughout the DNC) you never once saw an over the shoulder shot of the speaker showing the telepromoters. But with Sarah Palin, it’s almost like a called shot. “Shoot the prompter. Shoot Palin. Shoot the audience. Back to the prompter on two.” I do not know who ran the video pool, but two things were apparent. They were going to make this teleprompter an issue. It began in advance with warnings from Katie Couric that Palin’s speech would be “totally scripted.” See Couric’s blog here. This as if to say nobody else’s speeches were scripted. The idea here is to indicate that Palin was somehow more of a scripted stooge than everyone else. Exactly which team of video producers did the Republican feed, it wasn’t very good. There was no HD feed on the Dish Network while there was an HD feed for the Democrats, for example. And this tagging of the prompter seemed totally chickenshit, for want of a better word.

Then today CBS brings up the latest rumor about how Palin may have had an affair with her husband’s partner. None of the other networks or any other major news source ran this item. Rarely does the MSM quote from the Enquirer and tend to bury the story unless it is forced on them. Obviously CBS is in the Obama camp and it’s pretty obvious.

McCain Camp Knocks Down Enquirer’s Palin Rumor – From The Road

John McCain’s campaign threatened legal action against the National Enquirer today for running a story about McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, allegedly having an affair with her husband’s business partner.

  1. Montanaguy says:

    Where’s your evidence that Nobama and Biden write their own speeches? Highly suspect statement.

    Speaking of the general theme of hypocrisy, I love the way liberals can self-righteously hold the tension of opposites:
    McCain, Palin and any other conservative are bad people because..(fill in the blank) they have religious values, they’ve made mistakes in their personal life, they are not promising to make all of your dreams come true, they are proud of our country, etc. etc.


    It’s perfectly fine to perpetually re-elect the sociopath Ted Kennedy who left Mary Jo Kopechne to drown at Chappaquiddick, swam to his hotel, had a warm shower and nap, then apparently forgot all about it the next day…He’s proof that you can get away with homicide and he’s held up as a great statesman by the liberal donks.
    Some liberal zombie will repond with a justification for this… just wait 30 seconds.

  2. Sea Lawyer says:


    Usually, the word “doesn’t” denotes present tense. Lincoln has been dead for quite a few decades now.

  3. J says:

    # 69 Sea Lawyer

    Yes and because he is dead he DOESN”T use a teleprompter. lol

  4. Sea Lawyer says:


    Seriously, get over it. Even Keith Olbermann, who could hardly be classified as a Republican fan, pointed out that phonetic spellings are routinely used (even by him) with Teleprompters.

  5. MikeN says:

    Mr Confusion, perhaps you should read my post. I gave the evidence right there. If you want something more concrete than my own memory, then watch the speech for yourself.

  6. MikeN says:

    That media study was very innovative. Saying that right-wing nuts prefer wing nut sources, and liberals don’t doesn’t make it so. The Brookings Institution is liberal-leaning.

  7. J says:

    # 71 Sea Lawyer

    “phonetic spellings are routinely used (even by him) with Teleprompters”

    Yes they are but not on words that are easy like nuclear. They usually do it with names and difficult words. Not the easy ones.

    So please spare me!

  8. pben says:

    Didn’t CBS edit McCain’s answer to one of Couric’s questions about a month ago. That jerk on MSNBC was screaming foul at the top of his lungs. Saying that CBS was in the tank for McCain.

    So Couric likes McCain and hates Palin? Maybe she just isn’t a good at her job and needs to move back to doing morning TV.

  9. Stu Venable says:

    “Chickenshit” is right.

  10. deowll says:

    Everybody knows CBS is run by Liberals who want Obama to win.

    Under the circumstances this is par for the course. If you don’t want to watch them sticking it to the Conservatives don’t watch them.

  11. QB says:

    Man, that is the whitest crowd I’ve even seen.

  12. MikeN says:

    From jimtreacher.com

    Media Bubble, Sept. 2 — Embattled former beauty queen Sarah Palin* continued to wilt yesterday under the pressure of numerous fair, evenhanded media questions regarding the alleged state of “Alaska.” Palin has claimed to be “governor” of the legendary northern land mass, which, while heretofore undiscovered by explorers, was once rumored to contain vast expanses rich with oil, gold, and “eski-mos.”

    Palin first made the “Alaska” claim during an Aug. 29 public appearance alongside elderly, mean-looking cancer victim John McCain. McCain, a white man with whiter hair, has long publicly blocked efforts by Barack Obama, a youthful black man with a certain indefinable aura about him, to move into Obama’s new house. Palin, also white-skinned, has been linked to the McCain offensive.

    After four days of telling silence from the McCain camp, Palin finally deigned to reappear in public yesterday. In a followup press conference, Palin, who is a girl, lashed out at the media.

    “Listen to me: Alaska. Is. A. State. Seriously. The 49th state, in fact. Way up north there. What, did somebody go around your newsrooms and hide all the maps underneath the ethics manuals? Or are you idiots just completely insane?”

    Shaking her head in a transparent attempt to feign exasperation, Palin — who is perhaps not as pretty as she thinks she is — then left the podium without answering followup questions regarding her plagiarism of CBS’s Northern Exposure.

    Internet reaction to the unfit mother’s unhinged rant was swift. Andrew Sullivan, right-wing blogger for The Atlantic, saw Palin’s comments as a major misstep. “She’s working the refs. This is what they do. Sure, blame the media. Is it their fault she’s too chicken to back up these suspicious claims?

    “Look, I’m willing to entertain the idea that there really is a place called ‘Alaska.’ We’ve all heard the old wives’ tales, and I’ve dreamed about such a rugged, outdoorsy paradise since I was about 13 or 14. But why is she so afraid to give us some proof? I mean, I’ve never been there, have you?”

    Yukon Cornelius could not be reached for comment.

    Update: After consultation with the Association of American Geographers and several DC-area kindergarten students, the Washington Post can now report that many current world maps contain a small area in the northwest corner of North America labeled “Alaska.” Palin’s relationship with the mapmaking industry is currently under investigation.

  13. RMichael says:

    John, if you look at the design of the Republican stage, you’ll notice a giant video screen behind the podium which limits placement of the over-the-shoulder cameras. I bet this was the most rear angle they could get, and in any case, camera placement was surely controlled by the convention organizers.

  14. MildApplause says:

    But… even if the speech is on a teleprompter, isn’t it still hard to go up there and deliver it in front of all those cameras and people as well as she did?

  15. QB says:

    # 60 Altweiss

    That may have been the funniest show John Stewart has ever done. I love the way Newt Gingrich was laughing through his clenched teeth.

    Nice link.

  16. Glenn E. says:

    Stumbled upon this while looking for the source of those “homemade” signs for McCain.

    Apparently, Palin’s only substantial credential is having a degree in journalism. When she was a mayor of a town of about 5,000, a city administrator was called in to run things for her. Then as Governor, sh left her state with a $22M debt, when it use to have a surplus. The money went to things like a sports complex, a park, unneeded bond issues for roads projects. A real spent-o-holic. Yes, I can see why she’d be the GOP’s top choice. She’ll rubber stamp the next trillion dollar Fed budget, when McCain keels over.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #68, HannahMontana

    Where’s your evidence that Nobama and Biden write their own speeches? Highly suspect statement.

    Hannah, hannah, hannah, Dig a little first.

    “What I do is to sit with him for half an hour,” Favreau explains. “He talks and I type everything he says. I reshape it, I write. He writes, he reshapes it. That’s how we get a finished product.
    http://www.newsweek.com/id/84756/page/1 – see pg 3 for quote.

    It’s perfectly fine to perpetually re-elect the sociopath Ted Kennedy

    You are such the effen tool.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    >> deowll said,
    >> Everybody knows CBS is run by Liberals who want Obama to win.

    You’re buying-in to the paranoid right winger talking points I see. Reality check:

    CBS, like nearly all media in the US, is owned by a gigantic multi-gazillion dollar corporation.

    Right wingers want you to BELIEVE the media is liberal to reinforce their bogus besieged outsider claims.

  19. Thomas says:

    > Right wingers want you
    > to BELIEVE the media is
    > liberal to reinforce
    > their bogus besieged
    > outsider claims.

    Check. The US Weekly covers are a coincidence I suppose. It’s an Eric the Viking moment with the towel of invisibility. The Patriots “want” you to believe that they are an upstart, underdog team. Of course “no one” can see past that ridiculous facade.

  20. Greg Allen says:

    CBS was using visuals to accurately report on the speech.

    From what I understand, Palin wrote almost nothing in the speech and then spend a week doing nothing but rehearsing it.

    Now, the media will need to show Palin in a bubble surrounded by shields and force fields keeping her away from any unscripted events.

  21. Greg Allen says:


    Right Wing radio has a 90% lock on the market and they CONSTANTLY CARP AND WHINE that they are outsiders.

    Evengelical leaders get regular, exclusive access to the Whitehouse — and the CONSTANTLY RAISE THE FEAR FLAG that America is hostile to Christianity.

    Talk about a culture of victimhood!

  22. Wretched Gnu says:

    This “story” is part of a planned campaign by the RNC. It began with Republican surrogates and bloggers making the entirely made-up claim that Palin’s teleprompter broke in the middle of her speech and that she “winged it” brilliantly. That claim is demonstrably false; just part of the normal Karl Rove strategy of “going viral” with some completely false idea.

    So now the Republicans are attempting to distract from that by claiming CBS is “biased” as it demonstrates that Palin’s teleprompter was never broken during her speech.

  23. Thomas says:

    Even if 90% of political talk radio were right wing, political talk radio is a small subset of all radio programming which is itself a small subset of all the other media forms like television, newspapers and magazines which are predominately liberal. It is the equivalent of saying the ocean isn’t salty because you poured a bucket of fresh water into it.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    90, Thomas,

    Everyone knows that the oceans are no longer salty. So many of the right wing nuts like to walk on water that they had to keep it fresh so when they fall in they won’t get salt stains.

    WTF with that Patriot thing back in #86. It makes no sense. Maybe it lost something in translation from Wing-nut to English.

  25. Thomas says:

    Rather than translate to wing nut so that you might understand, perhaps it would help if you simply learned to converse in English.

    If you followed the NFL, the reference would be obvious. No one would consider the Patriots an underdog, even if they wished you to believe that, just as no one would believe the claim that most of the media does not have a liberal bias.

  26. Montanaguy says:

    #84 Mr Confusion:
    The article simply supports the fact that you are wrong: He doesn’t write his own speeches


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