With Barack Obama (or throughout the DNC) you never once saw an over the shoulder shot of the speaker showing the telepromoters. But with Sarah Palin, it’s almost like a called shot. “Shoot the prompter. Shoot Palin. Shoot the audience. Back to the prompter on two.” I do not know who ran the video pool, but two things were apparent. They were going to make this teleprompter an issue. It began in advance with warnings from Katie Couric that Palin’s speech would be “totally scripted.” See Couric’s blog here. This as if to say nobody else’s speeches were scripted. The idea here is to indicate that Palin was somehow more of a scripted stooge than everyone else. Exactly which team of video producers did the Republican feed, it wasn’t very good. There was no HD feed on the Dish Network while there was an HD feed for the Democrats, for example. And this tagging of the prompter seemed totally chickenshit, for want of a better word.

Then today CBS brings up the latest rumor about how Palin may have had an affair with her husband’s partner. None of the other networks or any other major news source ran this item. Rarely does the MSM quote from the Enquirer and tend to bury the story unless it is forced on them. Obviously CBS is in the Obama camp and it’s pretty obvious.

McCain Camp Knocks Down Enquirer’s Palin Rumor – From The Road

John McCain’s campaign threatened legal action against the National Enquirer today for running a story about McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin, allegedly having an affair with her husband’s business partner.

  1. Sea Lawyer says:

    I really enjoy how people try to tar McCain with the “more of the same” label by bringing up things like Abu Ghraib, when it was McCain who has been one of the few Republicans to publicly, and quite loudly at that, criticize the current administration’s position on what he deems to be acts of torture.

    Also, considering that McCain has spent much of his career in the Senate lambasting colleagues for their pork spending sprees, I think that the “more of the same” label is again very lacking in its correctness here. If anything, he would drive the party back to doing what it always said (hollowly) it was in support of – less government.

  2. smartalix says:


    If he had replied with a comment that had any substance whatsoever, I would have replied with a reasonable response. However, James is a ‘bot troll that rarely has original output added to its pattern buffer. I am known to always respond in an intelligent fashion to those who address me likewise.

  3. J says:

    # 38 J

    “hypocrisy” not “hierocracy” damn spell check

  4. M. Brown says:

    Its amazing how this never happened before- ever
    I wonder if the crew will be reprimanded in any way – or commended
    Its like 1984 with an agenda behind everything
    What were gas prices – yesterday or last week
    The left wing hypocrisy is anazing
    But then after all sitting in 1’st class they know what best for you – better than you

  5. Sea Lawyer says:

    #40, everybody sees hypocrisy coming from the other side of the fence…

  6. denacron says:

    Democrat or Republican, I think refers to the left and right side of a puckered orifice. Each side in a contest to tell you it stinks less. Both fueled by greenback fiber. We need an alternative that taint quite a pucker.
    (Yeah… the analogy is in the crapper….)


  7. MikeN says:

    Republicans were quite dismissive of the Enquirer until they did more in depth reporting. They were on Edwards for months. The chances of the Enquirer having a real story after a few days are slim. This goes with the stories about Hillary’s coming divorce, Bush drinking again, Laura divorcing Dubya, etc.

  8. robin1943 says:

    Thanks John for posting this. Remember the film “Wag the Dog”? Looks like Obama has forged an alliance between the Hollywood script writers and the media.

  9. MikeN says:

    The networks are taking their instructions from the Obama campaign. It was the campaign’s idea to have the networks take shots from behind the Louisiana delegation after they semi-cancelled day one.

  10. MikeN says:

    The left can’t stand the idea of their identity politics being questioned. They reserve special vitriol for Republicans who are black, woman, Hispanic, etc. One judge was considered objectionable because ‘he is Latino.’ Blacks like Clarence Thomas and Michael Steele and Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice get denigrated. And of course women have to be marginalized as well. They also went after Quayle because it wouldn’t do to have the first child of the 60s be a conservative.

  11. J says:

    Maybe CBS does have it in for McSame or MAYBE it is just what journalist are SUPPOSED to do instead of bending over and just accepting the bullshit they are fed.


  12. apeguero says:

    I didn’t have time to read all the comments here but all I can say is, it’s the main reason why I’m not a Democrat. The press is so obviously in bed with the DNC and wants Obama, or any other Democrat in that they’ll do anything possible to tarnish the Republicans. I’m not 100% in agreement with the Republicans but crap like what CBS does, and then has the balls to say they’re impartial, that keeps me from supporting a Democrat. I would’ve made an exception for Hillary, like I did for Bill Clinton back then, but not now. What a bunch of freakin’ losers they are (CBS that is and most of the press)! Did any of you notice in CNN last night how when the role call was done and McCain was announced as the nominee, CNN wrote across the board: “Winner of the Democratic nomination for President”? They never corrected this. What shame!

  13. shizzaq says:

    John I love you but you gotta give this crap up. The only thing that is obvious to me is that all of the networks are trying to make the most money they possibly can by selling as much advertising as they can. If CBS is for the dems, its a business decision. You’re obviously in the McCain camp and so is Fox while it would seem CBS, and NBC are obviously in the Obama camp. What you should be outraged about is that journalism is dead in this country all together. Guys like Ed Murrow are just a distance memory. Please dont be upset at a network because they are biased for the dems just because your a republican. I listen to Rush and I am not mad at him because he’s a republican. I just laugh at how he annunciates Obama.

  14. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #46 MikeNumbskull- Quayle proved himself an idiot before he could do any damage. Unfortunately this is not the case with our current fearless leader.

  15. slightlycrankygeek says:


    After referring to this paper on measuring media bias, I was kind of surprised to see that they found CBS to be about the most biased of TV news several years ago. Farther to the left that Fox is to the right. I would have expected ABC to be the extreme on the left side.

  16. Greg Allen says:

    How do you guys get a video or photo embedded in a post?

  17. MikeN says:

    >Let your hate drive your arguments. Then your journey to the dark side will be complete!!

    Not just hate, Anakin Skywalker joined the dark side for their promises of health care!

  18. MikeN says:

    The teleprompter did break, or at scroll forward at the applause lines. There is evidence if you watch the speech. At one point, the audience applauds, and cuts her off. When she resumes, she starts with different words.

  19. JasonW says:


    No comment on your first point. It may be right, I don’t know. Your second point that CBS brought up the Enquirer story though is wrong. CBS was only reporting that *the McCain campaign* brought up the story on its own volition. No major news organization asked about it. CBS didn’t raise the issue, the McCain campaign did.

    The McCain campaign did it as a way to deflect substantive criticism about Palin’s record and the vetting process. They are promoting the Enquirer story to sully the rest of the legitimate stories and feed into the “us vs. the media” meme republicans like to use to rally their base.

    For the record, the Enquirer is a trashy rag, even on the rare occasions when they are right.

  20. SCADRAGON says:

    OMG! There are people who don’t realise that “See B. S.” new dept is a total mouthpiece for the Liberal Dems?
    Has everyone forgotten about how they fabricated GW Bushe’s service records?

    Nothing “See B.S.” news does surprises me anymore. That’s why that network is blocked on my remote for the TV.

    In fact , when it comes to news, I rely on the BLOGS. I have found that all of the “main stream” media outlets are biased and self-serving. “See B.S.” is the worst of the lot. Maybe that’s why their ratings are in 4th place behind a cable news network among the three major networks news-wise.

    As far as reading a “prepared” speech- ALL the speeches at both Democratic AND Republican conventions were written and prepared for the speakers by someone else. That’s what they pay people to do.

    I will not be surprised if I find out in next couple of days that “See B.S.” sneaked their cameras into an area that they were not supposed to be in, to get that angle of coverage on Sarah Palin.

    Shame on “See B.S.”

    The Republicans are going to kick the Dems collecive butts in November. Just pure plain and simply hand their arses to them.

    Thanks for rallying all of us who know better, CBS!

    Jim Grunst, Webb City, Mo

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, Slightly right,

    Your study is highly flawed and discounted by most everyone. Apples and oranges and a poorly defined measurement.

    We measure media bias by estimating ideological scores for several major media outlets. To compute this, we count the times that a particular media outlet cites various think tanks and policy groups, then compare this with the times that members of Congress cite the same groups.

    Merely quoting another party does not mean everyone else agrees with that third party. Also, right wing nuts are more prone to quote other wing nut’s opinions to bolster their stance. Centrists and liberals are more confident in their positions and will generally quote the actual source.

  22. dmccall says:

    Had I watched a feed showing the prompter, I would have seen that the prompter overran her speech, and would have been even more impressed with her poise.

    The media and Hollywood don’t get it. The more they pull these stunts, the more people want to vote for the Republican.

    I’ve been a fence-sitter through this whole election, but when it gets down the voting time, I think that classless slurs and ploys by one side will probably sway me toward the other candidate.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #54, Lyin’ Mike,

    The teleprompter did break,

    Could you provide a citation or reference to this “fact”.

  24. Altweiss says:

    The Republican party has switched to defensive mode out of desperation. They are terrified of losing this election, so the rhetoric is now mostly defensive as opposed to the offensive mode of the last eight years. Implying that Palin didn’t give an absolutely perfect speech because the teleprompters broke?

    Dvorak, I agree that the giant media corporations are biased. CBS is aligned with the Democrats based upon the information you have provided, but please admit that Fox News is firmly linked with Republicans. That bridge to nowhere runs both ways.

    For real news, watch this link:


    That’s right, the best news source is a Comedy Central show.

  25. Mr. Fusion says:

    #56, Jim Grunst, Webb City,

    Has everyone forgotten about how they fabricated GW Bushe’s service records?

    Nope. We are still waiting for the proof that the documents are forged. We are also waiting for the rest of the records to surface. We are also waiting to find out how Bush didn’t serve his entire enlistment and got away with it.

    In fact , when it comes to news, I rely on the BLOGS.

    Well that explains part of your stupidity.

    ALL the speeches at both Democratic AND Republican conventions were written and prepared for the speakers by someone else.

    Obama and Biden wrote their own speeches, with assistance, themselves. McCain and Palin’s speeches were closely scripted for them to closely follow. (its a Republican thing)

    The Republicans are going to kick the Dems collecive butts in November. Just pure plain and simply hand their arses to them.

    That explains the rest of your stupidity. You must be part of the 25% who approve of Bush. 7 ½ years of this intolerable bullshit hasn’t been enough for you yet.

  26. J says:

    # 54 MikeN

    “The teleprompter did break, or at scroll forward at the applause lines. ”

    Apparently you didn’t get the memo but the story is bullshit.


  27. gquaglia says:

    Name one politician that doesn’t use a teleprompter.

  28. J says:

    # 63 gquaglia

    “Name one politician that doesn’t use a teleprompter.”

    Abraham Lincoln

  29. JLM says:


  30. J says:

    Yeah she is a real great speaker. Is that why they had to put NEW-CLEAR for her instead of nuclear in the written speech?

    I thought she was Dick Cheny with lipstick now it looks like she is GW with lipstick.


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