• Comcast tells FCC to pound salt.
  • Sony VAIO 440,000 machine recall. Yikes!
  • New Tivo to have a terabyte. Yay.
  • Hard disks down to $189 for a terabyte.
  • Michael Dell on Facebook. Better than a blog? Or no?
  • The little Dell laptop is out for $349.
  • Huge Patch Tuesday coming next week from Microsoft.
  • CNBC doing a deal with LinkedIn and we can now expect content on LinkedIn.
  • Chrome has weird security issues. Beware.

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  1. Jägermeister says:

    Something else… China readies first multicore Godson CPUs. I see cheaper CPUs from all vendors in the future.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:


    And the best part is that since China pwns everybody there’s little or nothing the other companies can do at all.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Angel

    There’s quite a few foreign companies owning shares in the Chinese companies as well. It’s one big happy capitalist family. 🙂

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    So, John. Do you still cling to your belief that Palin will drop out? I told you she was a great candidate. She has more experience than Obama, and with every vicious stupid attack upon her she gets more votes from women.

    BTW, if you are running Vista DO NOT DOWNLOAD CHROME. It effed up my PC big time this morning when I booted the machine up. It ain’t ready yet.

  5. Newegg: 1TB drives at 149/159$ (WD/Seagate) with no tax and free shipping…

    Dell small laptop: You haven’t noticed peculiar price difference. With Win XP: 399$; with Linux 349$. Official price of XP: 130$. Official price of Linux: free. In other words, Dell rips Linux customers for about 80$. Why?

  6. QB says:

    2 Days 1 Hour 4 Minutes 10 Seconds until Spore is released!

    My fearless prediction: the Palin energized Republicans will outlaw Spore since it promotes “evolutionism”.

  7. QB says:

    I don’t think Apple should be worried quite yet.

  8. QB says:

    Sorry, missed the link.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    A. John please normalize your sound effects. I love them all, but not the LOUDNESS of some, compared to others.

    B. Well I can see having a terabyte drive in a DVR. Because it’s archiving video. But what the heck does the average home user need with a terabyte harddrive? There’s no way you could back that thing up! Unless you’re running a lot of video production software, I can’t see that capacity being needed for quite some time. And by the time it is, we’ll have cheap solid state drives. Besides, anyone who buys one of these terabyte drives, is just asking for a visit from the RIAA cops.

    #5- “Official price of XP: 130$. Official price of Linux: free. In other words, Dell rips Linux customers for about 80$.”

    I wasn’t aware you could still buy XP. Anyway, Microsoft only charged OEMs about $50 per copy of XP, last I heard. Not $130. So the price difference between $399 and $349 seems right.

    D. Another huge patch tuesday?! Was everyone at Redmond on vacation, until August? Or was there some Stock Market strategy in holding back so many patches. Especially for Vista. All this patching, after SP3 for XP, and SP1 for Vista, had come out not that long ago. I’ll be waiting to see the MAC attack ad that shows PC getting patched up the wazoo.

  10. QB says:

    What the hell? Why not John C. Dvorak’s DNA?


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