Is the fact that Sarah Palin is an Evangelical Christian a problem for you?
I don’t care.

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  1. TVAddict says:

    #30 nice onion article. Why can’t we all just get along? Religion is fine as long as it is kept personal and it is not forced on someone else. Evangelicals don’t play by that rule. Everyone is supposed to be converted. I don’t see how that can happen. Who will keep the devil company?

  2. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    My vote will eventually go to the party least likely to “hear god’s voice” or otherwise inject religion into the justification of starting of a new war.

    Some of y’all probably guessed I’d vote that way 😉

    P.S. Great link #12 JimD, and an amazing coincidence as well that brings back some memories for me. That’s how I was raised, and my family is still associated with the very same “Assembly of God” denomination as Palin. Now I know just how crazy she is!

  3. Greg Allen says:

    As an religious person, myself, I try to be generous to other sects and other religions.

    But, I have heard such ridiculous and shameful stories from the AofG, that I have a pretty bad stereotype of them.

  4. Greg Allen says:

    Since the conservatives hammered Obama over HIS pastor, I assume liberals are going to hammer Palin over anything crazy said in her church.

    And, if it’s an AofG church, you can bet some really crazy things were said.

  5. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #35 wrote, “And, if it’s an AofG church, you can bet some really crazy things were said.”

    Indeed, Greg, and some of those crazy things were said by the governor herself…

    After you watch that video, you can ask yourself if Palin likely shares your personal view of the proper separation between church and state.

  6. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    And just to clarify, Greg, my last sentence was directed to the “you” as in everybody reading it, and not you personally. I already know you favor a high degree of separation 😉

  7. ArianeB says:

    Did you know that the church she attends in Juneau is affiliated with this guy?

  8. Cursor_ says:


    Christ said that his way was easy. If people cann follow a rule base that was pared down from 614 to just TWO, well it appears they need a new religion.

    Perhaps buddism? Or Scientology?

    Christ never did away with the law, said do himself. He just made it easier for people to practise. The law remains.

    That is the problem with this levitical christianity. It, like its jewish cousin, wants to have all the good things, without the responsilibity. He said easy, not without some effort.


  9. Somebody_Else says:

    No one who believes that creationism and young Earth mythology should be taught alongside real science is qualified to be president.

    Please keep your imaginary friends to yourself.

  10. Fair Trade says:

    I’m not sure I believe her when she says she’s a Christian – she’d say anything for a vote or a grant.

  11. John Provocative says:

    Remember,the faith of George W. Bush determined his foreign and domestic policy.
    ” “God” wanted me to be president”
    ” “God” told me to strike Sadaam”


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