Is the fact that Sarah Palin is an Evangelical Christian a problem for you?
I don’t care.

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  1. STEVE says:


  2. Matt Garrett says:

    You guys are nothing more than religious BIGOTS! Why doesn’t Obama’s Religious Affiliation pose a problem? When will you post a POSITIVE Christian story?

    [Don’t complain… just click NO. – ed.]

  3. Dallas says:

    Not at all.
    I think it’s GREAT she is positioned squarely on the extreme side of the GOP curve. Even better, I like seeing Evangelicals jumping up and down for her.

    I’m disappointed the real Republican crazy aunts are still locked up in the convention basement. cellar. I think that is cruel.

  4. Brian says:

    they’ll never post a positive Christian story. it’s against their religion.

  5. QB says:

    A repost but more appropriate here.

    “A task that is from God.”
    — Sarah Palin, on the Iraq War

  6. chuck says:

    All the candidates believe in a magical friend that lives in the sky. The fact that one feels that they believe it more than the others is irrelevant.

    I voted “I don’t care.”

  7. David says:

    Chuck, the difference is that Obama has said there are portions of the bible not to be taken literally, while Palin believes the earth is six thousand years old and was created in seven days. Acceptance of modern scientific principles is more important than what one chooses to call their religion.

  8. brian t says:

    “Christian” is not a problem; if only more Christians behaved in a “Christian” fashion, the world might be a better place.

    “Evangelical” is a problem, because it means that it’s not enough for you to be of a particular religion: you are obliged to push your religion on others who might not want it. You are right, everyone else is wrong, no substantive debate is entertained.

  9. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz says:

    Evangelical has took over all my TV’s!

    I was testing a new Tivo box for customer. no season pass at all, just left it running for a week and it automatically recorded all the Evangelist religions shows.. Weird.

  10. QB says:

    The next bout of fun in this misadventure will be her pastor Brickner. This will be a Jeremiah Wright type story.

    McCain is really going to have to struggle to get attention.

  11. JimD says:

    Is Palin a TOTAL WHACK JOB ??? You decide:

    Pehaps she will explain in her speech tonight, why, if the Iraq was was a “Mission from God”, Bush/Cheney/and the rest of the NUT-JOB NEOCONS had to LIE THEIR A$$E$ OFF TO SEND OUR TROOPS TO DIE IN THE DESSERT !!! Oh, and EXACTLY HOW MUCH ***WAR PROFITS*** Prick Cheney and Halliburton have pocketed from NO-BID, BLANK CHECK CONTRACTS!!!

  12. GregAllen says:

    >> Matt Garrett said,
    >> You guys are nothing more than religious BIGOTS! Why doesn’t Obama’s Religious Affiliation pose a problem?

    Are you new here? Obama’s religion has been discussed ad nauseum, too.

  13. GregAllen says:

    >> QB said,
    >> “A task that is from God.”
    >> – Sarah Palin, on the Iraq War

    We have leaders like this, yet Americans act genuinely dismayed when Muslims believe that the Iraq invasion is about forcing Christianity on a Muslim nation (and taking the oil Allah has give them.)

    Muslims have plenty of evidence to believe it.

  14. QB says:

    #15 Yup, that’s how it comes across. I have a feeling the next “cold war” will be Christianity + Jews vs Islam.

    We’ll miss the days when Communism was the evil empire.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    Since most middle-aged Family values Republicans tend to be found doing something homo I will make your brains bleed by suggesting you guys to imagine Palin doing it with Cheneys’s Lesbian daughter.

  16. GregAllen says:

    >> QB said, on September 3rd, 2008 at 3:55 pm
    >> #15 Yup, that’s how it comes across. I have a feeling the next “cold war” will be Christianity + Jews vs Islam.

    Don’t forget the Hindus! They have a conservative nationalistic wing, too.

    Remember though, that it is the CONSERVATIVE wings of those religions that want to tear each others throats out.

    I’m a liberal Christian and we get along fine with the other religions. We love them, actually.

  17. GregAllen says:

    >> Angel H. Wong pm
    >> Since most middle-aged Family values Republicans tend to be found doing something homo I will make your brains bleed by suggesting you guys to imagine Palin doing it with Cheneys’s Lesbian daughter.

    Mary Cheney looks pretty nice, too. So most guys won’t have much problem imagining that scenario.

  18. Cursor_ says:

    Ok to be a christian, in the sense that christ put it means to follow The Two Great Commandments.

    Love God with all the heart, mind and soul.
    Love your neighbour as yourself.

    There is no politcian alive that can do both of them.

    What is worse, is that if you fail at one, you fail at both.

    Can’t do the two? Then you cannot follow christ and you are not a christian, because a christian is a follower of christ.

    Its a moot point people. All politicians will spout religion to appear pious, but they are not.


  19. hhopper says:

    Angel you horny bastard!

  20. Greg Allen says:

    >> Cursor_ said,
    >> Can’t do the two? Then you cannot follow christ and you are not a christian, because a christian is a follower of christ.

    You have a remarkably legalistic view of Christianity.

    I’ve heard endless preaching all my life and even the most conservative and liberal preachers agree that Jesus and his teachings are an ideal we aspire to, rather than attain.

  21. QB says:

    #18 GregAllen

    There are a remarkable number of saintly people in all religions. Unfortunately it is much easier to hate your neighbor than love your neighbor.

    I think we all have problems with religious types who take the easy route.

  22. qsabe says:

    I loved my neighbor. Her old man got really pissed. I had to move. I won’t love my neighbor anymore, too costly.

  23. Mister Ketchup says:

    I think the results speak for themselves. Having imaginary friends is not an asset.

  24. Greg Allen says:


    Thanks for acknowledging that some religious people are good. There are people on this blog who won’t even go that far.

    The longer I lived among Muslims and Hindus, the more I came to believe that the problem with militancy and extremism is CONSERVATISM, not religion.

    It’s a simple logical deduction: liberal Muslims, Hindus, Christians and Jews get along nicely.

    But the CONSERVATIVES what to kill each others. (Conservative atheists want to kill, too.)

    The logical conclusion is that it is CONSERVATISM, not the religion, which leads to militancy.

  25. hhopper says:

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with religious people. The problem comes in when their beliefs cause them to make decisions that adversely affect other people.

  26. Greg Allen says:


    I am a religious person (Christian) and I make no claims that it categorically makes me superior to atheists or other religions.

    Too many people (including atheists) think they are categorically superior to others because of how they believe.

    It really gets ugly when people think that the world would be better if those who believe different were extinguished.

    Search this blog and you’ll find people who talk like this. Here, it is mostly the atheists who want to kill the religious people, but on other blogs the religious people are the same.

  27. Judge Jewdy says:

    #28 – Greg Allen, you call yourself a Christian and when others don’t believe the way you do, suddenly we are labeled bigots. No one wants to kill the religious people, then what would we laugh at?

  28. QB says:

    I’m amazing at the religious nonsense they teach in Alaskan schools.

  29. QB says:

    Ha, me tipe guud.


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