It’s over she says…..Har! You gotta love it. This was already posted on Wikipedia:

On an appearance on MSNBC with Mike Murphy on September 3rd, 2008, Noonan was caught questioning the choice of Sarah Palin as John McCain’s running mate after her mic was accidentally left on.[7] In the conversation she said that “it’s over,” and “the most qualified? No! I think they (the Republicans) went for this — excuse me– political bullshit about narratives –“. This came after an article published earlier that morning in the Wall Street Journal in which she called Palin a “a real and present danger to the American left, and to the Obama candidacy.

  1. J says:

    # 29 Joe

    I find it amusing that many Republicans are running off at the mouth about how the Democrats should pack it in and how the demise of the Democratic party is at hand. In fact they know with some certainty that their own party is close to self destruction yet they have to put on a smiling face a drink their Kool-Aid. Peggy Noonan is not the only Republican that feels this way. MANY do. Ask around and listen carefully. They don’t want her as VP. They think it was carless, stupid, and impulsive. The kind of decision making John McCain would be making if he were president.

  2. Tomas says:

    People who voted for Bush twice (I’m looking at you James Hill)should just sit this one out. You have proven yourself to be an idiot, you are dismissed as a rationally thinking citizen, go, enjoy life.

  3. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Let’s review Palin’s qualifications to see if Peggy Noonan might have a point. All of Palin’s experience is from Alaska, which is quite an unusual state, economically speaking. It’s the only state with neither a sales tax nor a personal state income tax, and they still have so much money from oil royalties and taxes that they PAY their residents to live there. Alaska is actually the closest state the U.S. has to Kuwait.

    As governor, when Palin helped to RAISE TAXES on Alaska oil and natural gas company revenues, that allowed her to also help pass a one-time payment to Alaska residents of an extra $1200 per resident, on top of the already existing annual payments to Alaskans that come from an oil-related state trust fund. This year, each Alaskan adult and child is expected to get $3,200 or more this October. I’m sure this has nothing to do with the high approval ratings of the people responsible.

    Sarah Palin could be a 72-year-old heartbeat away from the presidency, and all of her governing experience comes from a state that is anything but average. Let’s hope she’s as quick a study as all her supporters are saying. She probably is, since “talking points” rarely prove false.

  4. Mister Ketchup says:

    James Hill’s wife –

  5. Jägermeister says:

    #36 – Mister Ketchup


  6. Mister Ketchup says:

    #37 – Jag, I’m pretty sure he is the reason animals eat their young.

  7. MasonReese says:

    I quit seeing Dvorak as a visionary after he said of the 2008 election that it would be a Giuliani/McCain ticket and they would be unstoppable. Why does TWiT suck so bad now John?

  8. JimD says:

    Palin the “Porker” ??? You decide:
    [Open in new window]

    “Hockey Mom” turning into a HOCKEY PUCK !!! The clock is ticking !!!

  9. Greg Allen says:

    >> JimD said,
    >> Palin the “Porker” ??? You decide:

    Sure, she’s got a little junk in the trunk, but I wouldn’t call her a porker.

  10. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #39 Nice story, JimD, but here’s one from the Washington Post that tells a more complete story of Palin’s “porking” while she was mayor. She even hired a lobbyist who secured almost $27 million in legislative earmarks for her small village while she was mayor. You’ll also see that she was originally in favor of the “Bridge to Nowhere” before she was against it (does that remind you of anyone?).

    So you see, she has much more Washington-style experience than many people thought.

  11. Joe says:

    Mission accomplished, yeah, I said it.

  12. Joe says:

    So she did it well and here are the dem talking points/code words ala MSNBC so far:

    “presentation” instead of speech, “prepared for her” and “pre-planned”. As if every last one of these isn’t?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #36, Ketchup,

    You’re bad !!! Funny as hell, but that was real bad !!!

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, Dallas,

    You forgot they will also need a pearl necklace and some ear rings. And maybe a fancy smancy flowered hat as well.

  15. Greg Allen says:

    In her speech tonight, Palin mocked community organizing.

    Don’t be confused: this is code for “Coddling the lazy blacks.”

    (But, of course, most Republicans don’t use “blacks” in private.)

  16. GF says:

    Yes, it is over one way or another and I can’t wait. I’ve never seen PBS commentators so awestruck by a speech before. I’ve not seen average Republicans so revved up in a long time. One thing is for sure, all the Republicans are going to vote Republican this time. I wonder if all the Democrats will tow their party line too.

    From The NewsHour after Palin’s speech
    “I’m amazed by her confidence. …
    I expected her to do well. I think she surpassed any expectations I had…”

    “I don’t argue with David’s point…”

    “…And one final thing, I do wonder whether “drill, baby, drill” will take its place in the lexicon alongside ‘I like Ike.'”

  17. Glenn E. says:

    Let’s face it. The GOP doesn’t really want to win. If it did, they’d have chosen Ron Paul as VP. Palin is their self-inflicted wound in the leg, so they’ll loose the sack race with some face saving.

    So that John McCain wouldn’t be embarrassed, they let his wife respond to a question about Palin’s lack of Foreign Affairs experience. Mrs. McCain offered that Alaska being so close to Russia, gave Palin the needed experience. Are they serious?!! Well, since they let her make this stupid claim, the GOP can always deny it was an official view. Is that how they plan to do things for the next four years? Use the wife and Palin as a policy sounding board?

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #48, GF,

    Dream on. Just because some talking heads were impressed does not mean she is a good candidate or will bring more votes. She is in the big leagues now, what impressed people in Buttphuk Alaska won’t wow Americans in the 48 other states*.

    *NOTE: Wyoming marches to their own idiots. Many there will be swayed by her brand of idiocy.

  19. MikeN says:

    GregAllen, shouldn’t you be saying African-American?

  20. #13 – QB,

    Who is Palin’s running mate again?

    Pelosi, no?

  21. Jägermeister says:

    #38 – Mister Ketchup – I’m pretty sure he is the reason animals eat their young.


    #45 – Mr. Fusion

    Come on… it was Bush’s unknown sister. Mr. Hill is connected… 😉


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