• Googlers try to sneak in onerous EULA. BUSTED! The company should be ashamed of itself.
  • Web controlled door locks announced. Dumb idea.
  • Xbox 360 to be reduced to $199.
  • Corning warns of LCD glut.
  • Sony raising the refresh rate of its LCD-TV.
  • Why is the phrase “Upping the ante…” showing up a lot?

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  1. QB says:

    I think the EULA is not the result of any evil intent. I think it is the result of a company that has outgrown it’s internal organization, such as it was.

    Google is about to pull an “Apple” where you see more problems and glitches from their rollouts.

  2. QB says:

    “Upping the ante” == too much poker on TV

  3. @#1: If EULA happened as an isolated event your guess would be correct. But, guess what: Google’s Chrome is built like the ultimate keylogger, sending everything you typed in (even if you didn’t press ENTER) with your IP# and any other identifying data Google have on you (ex. gmail address and such). Also, only the self-built Chrome is actually Open Source. Get the pre-built one (as most will do) and EULA (be it new and less offensive one) applies which means that the Google could have placed proprietary spyware in it and excused itself via lawyer-speak… If they at least didn’t try to pretend that it is Open Source I’d give them some points for honesty.

    Why do people on the Web behave like headless sheep or children? Why not think a second about the implications of the greatest identity and behavior tracking company giving you a “software candy”. Guess what they want to do to you in exchange?

  4. chuck says:

    May I suggest to those who are outraged by Chrome’s EULA – try un-install. As part of the un-install process it takes you to a Google feedback web-page where you can rant all you want.

    Maybe after Google gets 26 million “feedback” messages they’ll re-think the EULA.

  5. Jägermeister says:

    I installed and uninstalled it last night. It didn’t uninstall the nasty little Google Update application, which called home to the server farm every hour.

    As for the browser… it was mighty fast. As I wrote in another thread… I hope the Firefox team implements some of the architecture… especially the tab threading.

  6. Greg Allen says:

    So, is everything I’m writing, right now, property of Google?


    Is Google now guilty of libel?

  7. mathaway says:

    The 240Hz refresh rate is just another piece of marketing crap. So far every time a new consumer technology was released, it was matched by or trailed behind a release of professional technology. Considering their high-end evaluation grade monitor, The BVM-L230, is only 120Hz, I would guess that the 240Hz thing is BS.

  8. Lou Minatti says:

    “As for the browser… it was mighty fast.”

    I noticed that too. The pages seemed to render much faster. Other than that I am not sure what the benefit is. I farted around with it for an hour or so, but I am back to Firefox.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    Could it just be a coincidence that Microsoft tried buying Google, and now this browser comes out that’s more onerous than IE? Did Microsoft know Chrome was coming? Did they hope to exploit it or kill it? Think about it.

  10. ECA says:

    I have a neighbor that has one of those DIGITAL locks on his door.
    I showed him the math for 6 buttons(on his door)
    And it showed him that it wasnt worth it.
    I also pointed out that he should take the batteries OUT, so someone wouldnt TRY to use the combination to GET IN, WHILE he was home.
    99% of combinations…

    I also showed him HOW to make a combination HARDER, IF he used one.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    No need to go through the electronic door lock… just clone his garage door opener and walk into his house through his unlocked inner door. 😉

  12. the answer says:

    Ha where are the google fanboys now?

  13. ECA says:

    YEP I know about using a freq scanner, and recording the BEEPS..
    And a few other tricks…
    And i TRY to tell those people with auto CAR openers…

  14. gmckay says:


    Most garage door openers employ ‘code rolling’ technology that will render your code sniffer useless.

    As for the web enabled door lock, hasn’t anyone been made aware of how absolutely simple it is to ‘bump’ your lock in less than 1/2 a second?

    Otherwise, the weakest link theory will always apply to security..and the achilles heal ain’t web hacking the lock for sure.


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