I wonder if this could get you arrested.

  1. jca2010 says:

    Once a guy in front of me reclined his seat as we waited on the apron for takeoff. The attendant came ’round and asked him politely to raise the seat for takeoff. Soon as we turned onto the active runway he dropped his seat back all the way… I mean ALL the way. Immediately I extended my arm. His button was still pushed so I was able to move the seat forward.. I slammed it so hard I’m pretty sure his head hit the seat in front of him.

    Fucker thought he’d lower his seat once he knew the attendants were buckled in for the roll.

    I regret not apologizing… to the guy two seats in front.

  2. hhopper says:

    My solution is take the train.

  3. Paul Camp says:

    Probably some kind of copyright violation.

  4. Daniel Dacey says:

    Hey everybody #8 is the guy in front always reclining his seat.

    Apparently we are all suppose to do synchronised seat reclining, so he is happy.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    # 34 hhopper said:

    “My solution is take the train.”

    Damn straight! Now if only the airlines hadn’t killed (almost) all the passenger trains. (And the few that remain are in their sights.)


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