Is Sarah Palin a Dingbat?

Yes, majorly
Yes, but Hillary is worse
No, She is Smart
As long as she looks hot in a bikini

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  1. GregAllen says:

    >> Dave W said,
    >> The very fact that she and her family can’t control their reproductive processes should be an immediate disqualification.

    Oh. C’mon. This is a loser issue for we Dems.

    Teen pregnancy can be in any family with teens. Dem. GOP. Green. Aryan Nations. Communist. You name it.

  2. GregAllen says:

    To me, the biggest issue is Palin’s ties to the Alaska Independence Party.

    Are you aware of this group? They are anti-American and want to succeed from the Union!

    If I’m not mistaken, we fought a civil war over that issue. And the GOP’s #2 has supported it?

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    #25 said, “Palin is a conservative evangelical Christian.”

    Wow, that is definitely a cock-blocker for me.

  4. MikeN says:

    >Summary of Last Night’s Repuke “Love Fest” – Some Old White Guys tell us why their Old White Guy Candidate will bring us

    Plus Joe Lieberman at personal political cost endorsing him. Obama gave us a congressman who lost his seat after he banned internet gambling. The Republicans countered with a vice-presidential candidate, and before that a Democratic keynote address speaker

  5. George says:

    I can’t wait for the “secret” sex tape.

  6. Mr Diesel says:


    I would certainly never ban someone unless the made threats. Other than the occasional editor removing comments I haven’t seen anyone banned here but this blog is to make John money and to say anything else would be disingenuous on his part.

  7. McCullough says:

    #35. Lieberman gave the weakest speech ever. Listening to him one word kept crossing my mind “milktoast”. I dont know why.

  8. clockwork oranjaboom says:

    Hey John;
    Can you verify Sarah Palin is a Mac user?
    And maybe get Sarah Lacy to bounce her issues around on Cranky Geeks one more time..

  9. gooddebate says:

    Thanks for the well, um, honest quote. Kinda like putting the word porn in a headline. For a minute I was afraid that you actually believed it all (for instance the implication is a little sexist, am I wrong? But that’s what you’re going for).

    I’ve always been of the opinion that you have to let everyone say what they want no matter how distasteful, otherwise you never see what it looks and feels like.

    BTW, I’ve been following you for too long, I don’t believe you haven’t chosen sides.

  10. jpfitz says:

    #20 John

    “I’m the one who dropped the bikini question into the poll to see what percentage of readers would go there. As I suspected, it’s a lot”.

    What do you expect John from a bunch of guys. And the dingbat didn’t fit, so, sexy time.

    Really though the more I read about her bible thumping, moose killing and abstinence only teaching in schools. Not to mention the AIP
    which I think is all about the oil up there. And man she seems to have a lot of energy and spunk, so much so she is a little scary.

  11. JCD's Lovechild says:

    Cripes! This is what you call content John? HAR!

  12. GregAllen says:

    >> Mr Diesel
    >> this blog is to make John money and to say anything else would be disingenuous on his part.

    I get that and don’t have a problem with it.

    The “liberal bias” is real, too. But can be overstated.

    For example, if John was simply a Dem hack, he wouldn’t dug up that 20-year old video of Biden.

  13. Joe says:

    Nobody who is so amused and confident in their chances spends so much effort toward convincing the opposition they’ve made a mistake, no less that they should reconsider now to have a better shot.

    These few days will be remembered as the “jump the shark” moments for the Democrats.

    McCain/Palin are in danger allright, in danger of defeating “progressives” to within an inch of their so called lives.

    I hate the smell of liberalism any time of day, smells like crap.

    Oh and have a nice day.

  14. jescott418 says:

    OK let’s forget how little experience she has. Still, how could John McCain make such a rash decision for such a important position?
    Judging by all the older White people at the convention I am sure no Black VP was ever considered. I am beginning to wonder if the Democrats and Republicans are not coming down to demographic lines.
    It certainly looks like the rich White folks against the rest of us.
    Don’t get me wrong, I think John McCain is a honest enough man and does have his party loyalties and even in his own way believes he doing right for his country.
    But what worries me is his character. Which is very similar to George Bush. He believes in what he believes and sticks to his guns.
    George Bush has done this and sometimes I think sticking to your guns is a bad thing. Their must come a time when you rethink your beliefs and reevaluate them. I don’t mind a president that changes his mind or admits his belief was wrong.

  15. Noam Sane says:

    Here’s some info on her style of governance from someone who knows her.

  16. Angus says:

    Throw up anything with the name Palin on it, and the ugly side of the internet shows up to troll it.

  17. apeguero says:


    “The very fact that she and her family can’t control their reproductive processes should be an immediate disqualification.”

    Gee, you just dissed probabaly half of the US population with a comment like that.

    Also, let me name some names of either successful Presidents or Senators: JFK, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Robert Bird, Barry Obama, should I go on? Hell, Ted Kennedy killed some girl in his early years, Barry Obama admitted in his own book to both smoke pot and snort coke, and Robert Bird was a grand Wizzard in the KKK.

    Disqualified because her teenage daughter didn’t take the pill or make her boyfriend use a condom and got pregnant? What else is new in this country? That alone will put that mother in line with many of the real people out there that are fighting hard, every day, to make ends meet while trying to raise a family; many on one income!

    It’s about time we get a candidate that has some real life challenges and experiences and not some silver spooned, protected, corrupt politician.

  18. apeguero says:

    @my own #48 comment: I forgot to ad John Edwards. Interesting how he got a free ride by the NYT, and the rest of the media but now the same media is hammering Palin and her daughter for having a bastard child. Isn’t there some suspicion that he had a love child with his lover? He did run for President and was Kerry’s VP pick and a possible Obama VP pick.

    Again, I’m lucky my parents were married before they had me and my wife and I were married before we had our kids but, according to this report, and many others, a large portion of our population is also guilty of this. So, go ahead and condemn her for “allowing” her daughter to have a kid out of wedlock and watch it back-fire.

  19. GregAllen says:

    >> Joe said,
    >> I hate the smell of liberalism any time of day, smells like crap.

    Conservatives hate liberalism until they get discriminated against. Then they cry civil rights louder than the rest of us.

  20. Guyver says:

    There is absolutely no media bias on this. 🙂

    Note the two magazine covers to the right hand side:

  21. Joe says:


    Everyone hates liberalism, even Liberals when it comes back to bite them [see RNC VP acceptance speech tonight].

  22. QB says:

    “A task that is from God.”

    Sarah Palin, on the Iraq War

  23. GregAllen says:

    “Our candidates now pre-indicted.”

    Whaddya think? Maybe this is the winning strategy for the GOP.

  24. GregAllen says:

    >> QB said,
    >> “A task that is from God.”
    >> Sarah Palin, on the Iraq War

    War is clearly from hell. But the conservatives get confused.

  25. Mister Ketchup says:

    #47 – Anus, thanks for pointing out the obvious.

  26. BigCarbonFoot says:

    #32 – you nailed it. Barry-O’s mother was 17 and unwed when she conceived him. The Dems are panicking and throwing shit in every direction hoping some of it sticks and they’re recklessly showing their own hypocrisy in doing so. “Should she be running for VP when she’s a mother?” is another good one. No one ever asked that of Pelosi or Hillary. I thought being a mother and having a career was the goal of feminism. Nobody is asking Barry-O if it would be fair to his daughters for him to be gone running the world into the ground.

    Believe it – the Dems are in full panic mode. First Hillary was supposed to glide to her coronation…woops she got knocked off by Barry-O. Then BO thought he had a walk in the park to his ascension to messiah… but wait McCain was running even and gaining even before the VP pick. Now the Dems and media are having a complete shitfit.

    What a spectator sport.

  27. Dallas says:

    OK. The Results are in and are now Official.

    Now what?

  28. KevinL says:

    Oddly enough, this poll is statistically a more accurate sample of the population than all of the “Approval Rating” polls published in the news. Hopefully people aren’t relying on this poll to decide who to vote for. Palin is “Nasty Hot” though so she gets my vote.

    (Alaska – Coldest Sate, Hottest Gov)

  29. J says:

    # 57 BigCarbonFoot

    Wow are you fucking delusional.


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