Is Sarah Palin a Dingbat?

Yes, majorly
Yes, but Hillary is worse
No, She is Smart
As long as she looks hot in a bikini

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  1. jablan says:

    I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks she’s Republican eye-candy.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Dingbats are cute. Palin is dangerous.

  3. bobbo says:

    Dingbat: 2 : nitwit, kook

    So no as there is no religious component to the definition. Unfortunately, she’s smart, ambitious, inexperienced, convinced of the correctness of her position, and sees no reason to let the law interfere with her goals.

    Very Dangerous.

  4. apeguero says:

    Boy the Libs are scared of this one 🙂

  5. laxdude says:

    Why couldn’t they have gone with Christie Todd-Whitman? More experience (two term governor) and had a public fallout with the current administration. Or to be a viable candidate does she have to be a currently viable breeder?

  6. With all far left hoopla about Palin most people miss the point. She is Right equivalent to Obama and will equally stir that side of American public. In particular, all the following check equally for each:
    -Documented far(left/right) political actions
    -Far (left/right) election promises
    -Undocumented claims that they work well with others
    -Huge home turf support (IL/AK)
    -Ability to stir up passionate response
    -Run politically under a “change” banner with success.

    I see their participation in this election as advantage in a sense that the new generation is entering political scene in a big way. That’s what we have for the future, take it or leave it.

  7. JimD says:

    Summary of Last Night’s Repuke “Love Fest” – Some Old White Guys tell us why their Old White Guy Candidate will bring us MORE OF THE SAME OLD WHITE GUY GOVERNMENT – TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH, AND 100 YEARS OF WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST !!! Had enough ??? You know what to do !!!

  8. Judge Jewdy says:

    It certainly makes you wonder about the 48 (so far) assholes that said no.

  9. Widgethead says:

    I do not think she is a Dingbat per #3 definition. She is provincial, because she come from a background in a low population state.

    Are we so shallow now that “she looks hot in a bikini” is a real requirement? Sexist in the worst way.

  10. Bob says:

    #7, I see as usual neo-libs look at race first. Makes you wonder if the ones who shout racism all the time, are racists themselves.

  11. J says:

    # 4 apeguero

    “Boy the Libs are scared of this one ”

    LOL No. What you sense is disgust and amusement. Disgust that she is what the Republican party thinks is change. Amusement that they think they can win.

    A hypocritical, corrupt, NRA, creationist. That is how Republicans define change.

  12. gquaglia says:

    Why couldn’t they have gone with Christie Todd-Whitman?

    If you lived in NJ you wouldn’t be asking that. She fucked this state up financially big time.

  13. Michael says:

    “Summary of Last Night’s Repuke “Love Fest””

    I saw some of the RNC – boring indeed. But to call it a love fest is insane. Did you see the stadium full of people crying while Obama gave his speech? They’ve made him their own personal messiah. He can do no wrong. He could announce today that he likes to eat the brains of an aborted fetus and they’d all still vote for him!

    Some folks on here like to use the term “sheep” to describe anyone who isn’t a liberal democrat. Please just look at the mass of humanity that worships Obama and tell me if that isn’t what you mean by “sheep.”

    It was like watching the old videos of an Elvis concert. Sad.

  14. Judge Jewdy says:

    #13- Michael said, “He could announce today that he likes to eat the brains of an aborted fetus and they’d all still vote for him!”

    I would!

  15. Angus says:

    I think she’s sorta being made into the Anti-Obama. With Obama, he’s a blank slate on which liberals place their hopes and dreams. On Palin, she’s a blank slate on which liberals place their hate, distrust, and fears.

  16. apeguero says:

    Either way we look at it, I sure am glad it wasn’t another rich, old, knows-more-than-anybody, better-than-anybody, Anglo-Saxon, male that was picked. Sorry. Not meaning to sound racist although this comment sounds that way. But I think McCain needed to pick someone else other than the status-cuo. Powell or Condi would’ve been a better choice, or even Tancredo or Elizabeth Dole. So, Palin? Hell, I’ll bite.

    Mitt Romney? No thank you. Mandatory health insurance for everyone in Massachusetts, Mr Romney? Thanks for adding another bill to my monthly budget for a service that I get nothing out of while the people this was supposed to keep from stiffing the system (illegals and others) still stiff the system because they don’t file for taxes or give a rat’s ass about the law. Meanwhile, people barely getting by are stuck having to pay more and small business owners have to suck it up somehow. Made a lot sense didn’t it?

  17. gooddebate says:

    John, why do you want to participate in this…

  18. Steven Long says:

    #4 I don’t understand why people characterize the response to her as ‘fear.’

    I actually did have a friend that reacted that way, she is pretty emotionally invested in Obama winning and she was afraid that Palin will screw that up.

    But a lot of response to Palin is of the ‘this is highly entertaining’ variety, not fear.

  19. #18 because, well, uh, I have a penchant for that which generates interest. Palin drives numbers plain and simple. This blog is a never-ending experiment in online content and public response. The key is to keep this blog kind of in the middle of the debate without actually taking sides. Not easy. I’m the one who dropped the bikini question into the poll to see what percentage of readers would go there. As I suspected, it’s a lot.

  20. Rabble Rouser says:

    The response is OUTRAGE, NOT fear.

    Fear is only instilled on right-wing people by threats from their leaders, who say that they could be attacked if they do not give up their constitutional rights.

  21. Rabble Rouser says:

    #17… WTF is status cuo?

    Everyone at the convention last night said that they were “Mavericks” along with McCain. How can this logically be true?

  22. Who says:

    I understand the daughter may get a job as a night deposit box at a sperm bank.

  23. Greg Allan says:

    I have to say, I really like the “hot teacher” look.

    I don’t need to see her in a bikini.

  24. Greg Allan says:

    >> apeguero said,
    >> Boy the Libs are scared of this one

    Not scared, I think.

    But they are making a mistake to not take this appointment seriously.

    Palin is a conservative evangelical Christian.

    McCain was having problems with that very important voter base and Palin has really helped, best I can tell.

  25. Mr Diesel says:

    John C Dvorak said, on September 3rd, 2008 at 8:40 am

    “Palin drives numbers plain and simple. This blog is a never-ending experiment in online content and public response. The key is to keep this blog kind of in the middle of the debate without actually taking sides. Not easy. ”

    That’s a joke right? This block is clearly bent towards liberals and always has been for as long as I have been reading and the sole purpose is to generate revenue for you John.

    Nothing more and nothing less.

    While I had hoped your blog would be associated with technology I am saddened to see that it is just a place to stir things up for a higher click count.

  26. Judge Jewdy says:

    #26 – That’s a joke, right?

  27. Widgethead says:

    John, you must have seen this tiny url under my name that made you decide to use answer #4.

  28. GregAllen says:

    Mr Diesel,

    The blog has a liberal majority and a liberal bias, for sure.

    But lots of conservatives have hung out here for years.

    Compare this to some conservative blogs where liberals get banned for just honestly sharing their opinions.

    I’ve been banned from “Right Wing News” and “The Free Republic” for simply expressing my views.

    Seriously — not flaming, no profanity, no attacking. I was simply expressing my views and I got banned. In fact, I was much more subdued on those blogs than on here and I got banned.

    DU is nothing like that.

  29. Dave W says:

    Well, fear in the same sense that I fear baked prune and broccoli pudding. More of a disgust actually. Not fear like of Hitler.

    The very fact that she and her family can’t control their reproductive processes should be an immediate disqualification.

  30. GregAllen says:

    >> Dave W said,
    >> Well, fear in the same sense that I fear baked prune and broccoli pudding.

    I guess I’m saying that liberals probably don’t fear Palin enough!

    McCain seems to have successfully brought in the Religious Right with Palin’s appointment.

    This just might win him the election. He certainly NEEDED to do this and it seems like he has.


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