“The evidence shows that this has happened at least six times in earth’s history.”
Found by Mister Justin.
By hhopper Wednesday September 3, 2008
“The evidence shows that this has happened at least six times in earth’s history.”
Found by Mister Justin.
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Love the producer’s highly educated use of English grammar at the end: “The evidence shows that this has happened at leasts [sic] 6 times in Earths [sic] history.”
That’s one Big Ass-teroid for sure creating at least six pairs of Adam and Eve’s.
Although, God will in fact distribute send a Release 7 Asteroid, lets hope a minor ‘update patch’ gets sent to the Twin Cities this week to save America.
#1–Mark==you are an ass wipe.
I’m not sure that this is accurate. If ALL life is destroyed, than that would mean all the raw ingredients all with that defining moment creates life anew must repeat itself. Six times.
I’m not sure why they expect a fire storm either. Local maybe, but not worldwide. In my uneducated estimation, it would be the earthquakes that seriously injure all life on earth.
Third, the amount of damage would also depend upon the speed of the collision. One scenario would be if the earth and asteroid met while traveling in opposite directions. Depending upon the mass of the asteraoid, that would be total devastation.
Another scenario would be if the asteroid is captured and slowly pulled into the earth. Again, depending upon the mass this would be a much smaller impact.
One last comment as I finish my coffee. While this may have happened six times already, the likelihood of it happening again are remote. Most of the debris that was floating around during the Solar System’s formation have been absorbed by the planets already. What is left has mostly gathered in the Asteroid or Kuiper Belts with relatively stable orbits. But yes, there are and will be exceptions.
I’d like to see the evidence before I hop a flight to Mars
6 times before? What complete and utter bullshit!
And by the way, TURN YOUR SPEAKERS DOWN if you don’t want to be audibly assailed by 5 minutes of a large black woman having an orgasm.
So, where the evaporated water went? At the end you see a clear hot earth but it should be covered by clouds from the evaporation of the seas.
Will republicans consider that global warming?
6 times already huh? A 7th time sure would come in handy right about now, I say.
Well if it were to hit New Orleans this week it would show that God is on the Democrats side.
Here’s a preview of September 17th, 2036.
Obama should incorporate this into his flaccid message of change (just scratch the “hope” bit). The democrats will love this sort of uplifting message that reaffirms their core belief of choice.
“Like Wow man! a late-term abortion of Mother Earth. Cool.”
Damn you, Al Gore, why did you allow this to happen? Obama will save us.
It’s always so easy to pick out those whose music appreciation centers around New Kids on the Block and Britney Spears. That “black woman” is actually a white woman named Clare Torry and it happens to be a song from one of the greatest albums ever made. Dark Side of the Moon was released in 1973 and STILL sells almost 10,000 copies a week. It was on the Billboard charts for almost 14 straight years! No band or album has ever reached that accomplishment. Now shut up and go back and liten to your new Jonas Brothers CD’s.
I am quite confident that man will be able to stop any asteroid that strays towards earth, just as he has complete control over climate change. Bring it on!
I never knew the earth was egg shaped.
Guess we can burn all the fossil fuel we want until September 17th, 2036.
It’s an oval, wider at the equator like most Americans.
There’s research under way and I believe a theory or hypothesis that says bacteria life resides well below within the Earth’s crust. The belief is that when this happened in the past, the bacteria was exposed once the Earth cooled down and became a water world once again.
Question is, how many different versions of man could’ve roamed the earth in the other so-called 6 times? Interesting stuff.
My 5 year old son saw this and keeps asking me every once in a while when that asteroid is coming and what we’ll do about it…
hear hear
#19–apeguero==you say: “Question is, how many different versions of man could’ve roamed the earth in the other so-called 6 times? Interesting stuff.” //// The fossil record is clear apes/hoomans evolved after the last (ie No 6) asteroid collision.
Yes. The record is clear of that but if we went through this 6 times then one can only wonder (with no possible answer) as to what life was there before 6 or 5 or 4, etc, struck Earth and turned the Crust inside out.
#13 – Bravo!
That would make a cool disaster movie. I would be interested in seeing the citations for the 6 times we’ve been hit prior. (I can think of three craters, and I’m wondering what the other three are)
Cool Vid.
#13, yeah…they just don’t make albumns like they used too.
#22–apeguero==gosh, watch any show on the Discovery TV channel. After we got hit by what created the moon, there have been no impacts that turned the crust inside out==and I’m not sure that impact did either.
A world encircling firestorm does not turn the crust inside out. It does not destroy the fossil record but rather becomes part of it. The fossil record SHOWS the six impacts (if there were 6, I can only recount 3, but this isn’t my subject.)
Ever hear of gwandgana land (sic) when all the continents where together billions of years ago?
Not since The Wall they don’t… Or Animals…
Shoot, it just occured to me if we get #7 I won’t have to pay my mortgage! 🙂
Better bring in the lawn funiture.
Two words: Asbestos Surfboards