MOSCOW – He’s driven a big truck, flown in a Russian fighter jet and fished shirtless on national television.

Now comes Vladimir Putin’s latest image-boosting escapade, a visit to a Russian wildlife preserve that gave him the chance to wear camouflage, stalk through the woods and shoot a tiger — all for a good cause.

According to Russian media reports, Putin, taking a break from lambasting the West over Georgia, was visiting the Ussuriisky Nature Reserve in the far east of Russia to see how researchers monitor the tigers in the wild. Just as Putin was arriving with a group of wildlife specialists to see a trapped Amur tiger, it escaped and ran toward a nearby camera crew, the country’s main television station said. Putin quickly shot the beast and sedated it with a tranquilizer gun.

“Vladimir Putin not only managed to see the giant predator up close but also saved our television crew too,” a presenter on Rossiya television said at the start of the main evening news. The 55-year-old former KGB spy, who cultivated a macho image during his eight years as the Kremlin chief, was shown striding through the forest in camouflage and desert boots before grappling with the feline foe.

The TV footage did not show Putin shooting the beast but did show him helping to measure the Amur tiger’s incisors before placing a satellite transmitter around the neck of the beast, which can measure around ten feet from nose to the tip of the tail.

In other news, Putin offers to save McCain from that Alaskan cougar that’s been following him for a few days. (Sorry, I took that directly from, it was just too good to pass up).

  1. Miguel says:

    I’m afraid this Mr. Putin wants to become some sort of national idol with these stunts…

    Remember other national idols? Stalin… Hitler… Mussolini…

  2. sinn fein says:

    Phuck Putin! Tigers are worth infinity more than any damned tin horn KGB POS.

  3. bobsyeruncle says:


  4. bobbo says:

    Since when will a tranquilizer gun put down an attacking tiger? Must be that special KGB sauce they use on reporters.

  5. JimR says:

    #4, “Since when will a tranquilizer gun put down an attacking tiger? ”
    LOL, bobbo, and in such a short distance and time span!

    I suspect…
    Technically the tiger was running towards the “nearby camera crew” but they were behind a fence, and the tiger was already partly sedated, and….

  6. apeguero says:

    Hey Miguel, #1, you forgot Chavez…Castro…

  7. edwinrogers says:

    News is, they still have wild tigers in Russia, their state funds and runs an effective wildlife conservation system, the cages were to keep humans out – not the tigers in.

  8. gaysay says:

    What a homophobe. He did NOTHING to help
    that gay guy in las vegas.

  9. elcasey says:

    I love the standard ignorance about Russia and its politicians so prevalent in the US and especially on the internet.

    Putin already *is* a national idol in Russia, he consistently had a 65% approval rating when he was President.

    He’s no boy scout, but since when does looking out for the interests of your own nation over those of the US and NATO make you some sort of evil dictator? Yeltsin was Clinton’s sad, drunk lapdog and American economic advisors and USAID scams stole billions from the Russian economy and nearly destroyed the nation.

    If you know nothing about Russia, if you’ve never lived there, please keep it to yourself. We (yes, I’m American and have lived in Russia) should be taking a hard look inward a lot more than we do at Russia and Putin.

  10. B. Dog says:

    I like those big tigers. I’m glad that he cares about wildlife and thanked the Europeans and Americans for helping to save the tigers when Russia had so many problems they couldn’t look out for them. As a contributor to the WWF, I have to say that I was glad to help, Vladimir.

  11. Rick Cain says:

    I’m heterosexual but I gotta admit, lately Putin has got me a bit conflicted.

  12. Lou says:

    Seems fishy to me.

  13. Gasbag says:

    Coming this Xmas the “Vladimir Putin action figure”

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    “Beast”? Why do they keep saying “beast”? They used “beast” 3 times in that intro. Isn’t Vladimir the “beast” in this story?

    And damn! That’s a fast-acting tranquilizer he was using. Like something out of James Bond. Unless JimR is right, and the “beast” was already sedated, and the camera crew was behind a fence…

  15. joaoPT says:

    Tiger saves Tv Crew from attacking Putin

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    My hero.


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