– CMR[In Cali] – 16 – Male – sadly im stuck in, Alaska – — Showing just how weird this election is going to be, the boy who is invoved with Bristol Palin has been revealed by bloggers and various online links can be found here on reddit. The local boy, Chris Ray, according to his now private MySpace page indicates that he is stressed and would like to move to Tokyo. He should be looking for a book deal instead. He also alludes to the fact that the media sucks.

Meanwhile, this is only going to get worse. And we have yet to see the parodies and satires surrounding this carnival. Most of the cache pages are all gone from Google and the one that is left — linked above — does show a few of his friends who will now be hounded by the media. This upcoming zoo still indicates to me that Sarah will put a stop to it by resigning. The media and the Democrats will be excoriated for their insensitivity. We can also ask why they said this kid’s name was Levi, a decidedly Jewish name (Third son of Jacob and Leah). What was the point of that?

INVASION ALERT: Look for paparazzi, reporters, the National Enquirer and it’s checkbook, descend into town to talk to every kid in the neighborhood. Kids, they pay around $200 for snippets. A photo of Bristol and her boyfriend together and you should get $5000 at least. Maybe more.

The East Coast newspapers now say the boyfriend is actually a high-school hockey player named Levi Johnston from a different town who “doesn’t want to have kids.” It will be interesting to see who gets this story right. Read the NY Daily News account here. This story is curiously bylined by three female reporters. It took three?

  1. Lou Minatti says:

    BTW, what’s up with Jimmy Carter receiving a pass here? If someone on the other side of the aisle had called Obama a “black boy,” I guarantee you it would be front and center here, complete with self-righteous indignation.

  2. Lou Minatti says:

    “It was the Repubs that were counting on Gustav. ”

    Incorrect. It was the DNC head who was gloating. He wanted visuals of a flooded NO during the convention.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – LoMi

    Naw. They were looking for an excuse to 86 Dumbya from speaking, and God answered Dobson’s prayers.

    They got their hurricane, Dumbya was 86’d, and now all’s right with the world.

    Except the sh&tstorm surrounding the Naughty Librarian is going to eclipse even the genocide committed by Dumbya, absurd as that may be.

    The lever is pressed, the bowl is swirling. 140 days until the dawning of a new age.


  4. ArianeB says:

    #19 “I notice the ones shouting loudest about this are men. I don’t think that the men here who think this will hurt Palin’s electability understand that these personal issues make her even stronger in the eyes of the many women Team Obama offended.”

    Believe it or not most women voters, especially conservative women voters, believe that a mother with a 4 month old child with downs syndrome should be at home, not on the campaign trail.

  5. Montanaguy says:

    Yeah? Why? Her husbands diaper-changing arms are broken? It doesn’t have to be a woman’s sole duty to raise children and women don’t have that market cornered.

  6. MikeN says:

    how many posts is that about Palin now?

    For some reason the handover of Anbar to Iraqi troops didn’t quite make the cut here. I’m sure if it were still a bloodbath you would be interested.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #36 – Lyin’ Mike

    Let’s wait to see if it actually happens.

    In January, the top commander in the province said the turnover would be made in March; it was then pushed back to June. Initially, U.S. officials blamed the June delay on a sandstorm, but it became apparent that the Iraqis and Americans had second thoughts about going ahead after a suicide bomber in a police uniform killed more than 20 people, including three Marines, in the town of Karmah, 20 miles west of Baghdad.

    Time will tell if this is something that’s really going to happen, or more cow paddies from the GOP bulls|t machine.

  8. geofgibson says:

    #36 – “I’m sure if it were still a bloodbath you would be interested.”

    Oh no, real news doesn’t matter when you can report Celebrity News instead!

    Foreign affairs are not glamourous enough for the media.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #38 – Jeffie

    >>Foreign affairs are not glamourous enough
    >>for the media

    Sure they are. But only REAL foreign affairs. Not the umpteenth “annoucement” of the handover of Anbar to the Iraqis.

    We’ve been fooled enough times by these boys who cry sheep.

    Let’s see it actually HAPPEN, then maybe it’s worth talking about.

  10. QB says:

    Lou (who else) said:

    “It was the DNC head who was gloating. He wanted visuals of a flooded NO during the convention.”

    …and the Elfs are the party of hate. 😀

  11. Awake says:

    Lyin’ Mike:

    The Anbar province transition is not getting any discussion because nobody believes it actually means anything, and therefore is not worth discussing. We have been lied to so many times that ANYTHING announced about Iraq is ignored because there is ABSOLUTELY no belief in anything that we are told.

    If the Bush Administration is telling us that something is happening a certain way, it has ZERO credibility.

    The MOST outlandish tinfoil-hat rumors that you see in this blog have more credibility than anything that is said by the Bush Administration.

  12. jbenson2 says:

    The left is just furious over the selection of Governor Palin as the VP choice.

    The are digging into the family’s past history and found:
    Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, was arrested for DUI back in 1986.

    Well, to help you put that in perspective:
    The incident occurred about seven years after Obama’s last use of cocaine, to the best of my knowledge, and five years after his last use of marijuana.

    (from the NY Times no less!)

    Hehe, it just keeps getting better and better.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    #42 – jbenson2 – The are digging into the family’s past history and found:
    Sarah Palin’s husband, Todd, was arrested for DUI back in 1986.

    Nice try. It was announced by the republicans. Keep on trying. One day you might be right.

  14. Dwight David Diddlehopper says:

    I’d say although this bogus scandal stuff is going to work out okay for McCain.

    Palin is there to bring in the Right that was going to sit this one out. She was not picked to win over the Kos Kiddies or the Truthers. The Right, who were threatening to sit this one out, isn’t going to think less of her for the daughter’s pregnancy, the husband’s drunk driving arrest when he was 19, or her plane ride after her water broke. Nor are the undecideds from the middle.

    The only way to beat her will be if she makes gaffes like “57 states”, claiming that 10,000 people in Kansas died from a tornado, or starts attacking Obama for his lack of experience.

    Here in crackpot central, the Bay Area, everybody may be repeating the Kos/democratic underground talking points but in the rest of the country the Sunday preachers will finally come back into the game and will be telling their congregations to get to the polls this year and vote for McCain/Palin.

  15. RSweeney says:

    Shame on you.
    There should not be ONE post on this matter.

  16. bobbo says:

    #42–jb==no its not better. Its people like you finding satisfaction by digging as deep and as irrelevantly as you can that has our elections in such a sad state.

    Look in the mirror.

  17. SN says:

    “And yeah, why DID they say his name was Levi?”

    Obviously, Levi is his street name.

  18. SN says:

    John Dvorak: “Have you ever seen the media go crazy?

    Your use of a shark is appropriate. It’s only because the media has fresh meat that Palin is getting all of this attention.

    The media has already investigated any other VP nominee to death because he or she would have already been in the public spot light. So all of their dirty laundry would have been old news.

    But Palin is new and she has a treasure trove of uncovered dirt, just waiting to be exploited.

  19. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    As a longtime member of the NRA, Palin should have been able to easily arrange the traditional shotgun wedding this situation calls for.

    Don’t make us send in Dick “dead eye” Cheney — that could get ugly.

  20. sickofmediasharks says:

    No wonder no decent, intelligent person wants to get into politics. Look at this disgusting feeding frenzy on the candidate’s family. Let’s please focus on the issues and qualifications of the candidates, please!?

    By the way, isn’t Sarah kind of hot, in a “Mary Ann” sort of way…?

  21. SN says:

    50. “Let’s please focus on the issues and qualifications of the candidates, please!?

    We are focusing on the issues. The fact that Sarah’s 17 year old unmarried daughter is pregnant shows that Sarah and the rest of her right wing nuts are hypocrites. Hypocrisy is certainly an issue.

    And the fact that “just say no to teen sex” does not stop teen pregnancy is also an issue.

  22. Dwight David Diddlehopper says:

    “The fact that Sarah’s 17 year old unmarried daughter is pregnant shows that Sarah and the rest of her right wing nuts are hypocrites.”

    You may want to look up the definition of hyocrite. If her daughter goes and gets an abortion and Sarah condones it, then she is a hypocrite. Do you understand?

  23. mthrnite says:

    My dad always said “Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk.” I think the Republicans will easily spin this away, making the Democrats look bad in the process. Republicans.. give ’em enough rope and they’ll hang you with it… or something like that.. you get my drift.

  24. QB says:

    Things are now going to get tough for Palin and it won’t be the DNC or those “crazy liberals”. It will be the press and the electorate. The press is going to go crazy digging into Palin from every direction. The digging will go on for the rest of the campaign since she is fresh meat. I still think she will take the spotlight off McCain.

    The big problem she faces is the electorate. After the convention she will be stumping on campaign trail doing town halls, interviews, factory visits, etc. She will get questions from all sides about everything and odds are she will screw up at some point. The test will be how she handles these types of problems.

    Apparently she is good at town halls and similar venues, but she’s always been on friendly turf in the past.

  25. Hyph3n says:

    Forget the lefty blogs… Drudge has the poor kid’s face on is website.

    I doubt this is a sucker punch to the Democrat. Yes, if she has to resign the Repubs might reap the “this-is-a-private-family-matters” vote. But right now they seems to be falling into a bigger narrative that the McCain campaign is an unorganized mess who can’t vet his own VP.

    If the reports are true that Republican lawyers are on their way to Alaska to find out anything else about Palin, it’s not showing a lot of confidence in the job that they were suppose to do the first time.

  26. Steve S says:

    # 49 Gary, the dangerous infidel said,

    “As a longtime member of the NRA, Palin should have been able to easily arrange the traditional shotgun wedding this situation calls for.”

    I think in Sarah’s case a “.30-06 wedding” might be a more appropriate caliber.

  27. Rick Cain says:

    Chelsea Clinton went through this crap too and she didn’t even do anything embarassing!

    It must have angered the GOP so much that they did a recreation of Rumplestiltskin when his name was guessed.

    For once the Bush daughters seem just average.

  28. Rick Cain says:

    To make things worse, there’s rumors of regular drug use by the daughter, which makes sense as to how she managed to poot out 2 kids including one retarded baby in only 2 years.

  29. Uncle Patso says:

    Is this really news? Is this really worthy of comment from dozens of people who have never met any of the principals?

  30. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #56 Steve S wrote, “I think in Sarah’s case a ‘.30-06 wedding’ might be a more appropriate caliber.”

    Of course you’re correct that a rifle is the better choice. If she had a shotgun in hand, Palin might reflexively “shoot skeet” when the bride throws the bouquet 😉


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