– CMR[In Cali] – 16 – Male – sadly im stuck in, Alaska – — Showing just how weird this election is going to be, the boy who is invoved with Bristol Palin has been revealed by bloggers and various online links can be found here on reddit. The local boy, Chris Ray, according to his now private MySpace page indicates that he is stressed and would like to move to Tokyo. He should be looking for a book deal instead. He also alludes to the fact that the media sucks.

Meanwhile, this is only going to get worse. And we have yet to see the parodies and satires surrounding this carnival. Most of the cache pages are all gone from Google and the one that is left — linked above — does show a few of his friends who will now be hounded by the media. This upcoming zoo still indicates to me that Sarah will put a stop to it by resigning. The media and the Democrats will be excoriated for their insensitivity. We can also ask why they said this kid’s name was Levi, a decidedly Jewish name (Third son of Jacob and Leah). What was the point of that?

INVASION ALERT: Look for paparazzi, reporters, the National Enquirer and it’s checkbook, descend into town to talk to every kid in the neighborhood. Kids, they pay around $200 for snippets. A photo of Bristol and her boyfriend together and you should get $5000 at least. Maybe more.

The East Coast newspapers now say the boyfriend is actually a high-school hockey player named Levi Johnston from a different town who “doesn’t want to have kids.” It will be interesting to see who gets this story right. Read the NY Daily News account here. This story is curiously bylined by three female reporters. It took three?

  1. Montanaguy says:

    She has so little backbone that she’d resign because someone knows who her daughter’s boyfriend is? What? Maybe I don’t understand your line of reasoning.

  2. Paddy-O says:

    This is going to be interesting to watch!

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    Oh man. That myspace page exemplifies everything that is bad about myspace. Unreadable text, shitty rap musing blasting out, what was he thinking???

    And yeah, why DID they say his name was Levi? What up with that? Disinformation? They don’t know who the father really is? Sheesh.

    This whole thing is turning into a total clusterf*ck.

    I can only imagine that McBush is pounding his head against the wall saying “Yeah, she’s hot, but is she worth all this trouble??”

    I wonder why all his “friends” are skanky boys. What, Bristol’s not even his “friend”? Or does she subscribe the the McBush view of the internet, and doesn’t know how to access it?

    Dang. This is going to get ugly.

  4. #1 — Have you ever seen the media go crazy? It’s very unpleasant and this is political. Yeah, under normal circumstances this is stupid and not worth following. But you have an Obama enthralled MSM and a Christian lady VP hopeful whose unwed daughter is pregnant. Come on. It can get ugly fast. The good news is the newspapers are so cheap and worried about spending any money they may relent on sending anyone to Podunk, Alaska.

    But I can assure you that the Enquirer will be there with its John Edwards team buying the story from the locals and scooping everyone.

    Palin will look like the good Mom protecting her brood. Nobody wants kids to go through this crap. It depresses them to have unwanted negative attention to this degree. Palin would seem cold-blooded to stay the course. That said maybe it will not get worse.

    #3 Mustard. Look more closely. That page does not show all his friends. It’s a clip with a link that would have taken you to the other few hundred. Cripes. Pay attention.

  5. Awake says:

    A nice quote from the Reddit Link on the original post above:

    Chris Ray lives in Palmer, Alaska. Population 6,920. A small, podunk town. This also happens to be the town where the “Mat Su Reigonal Hospital” is, where Sarah Palin claims to have given birth to the baby.

    So. We have what appears to be the father Chris Ray, whos in love with classmate Bristol Palin, and her supposedly pregnant mother, supposedly giving birth in a podunk hospital in the same city, with no mention of the birth on the hospital’s own birth announcements webpage.”

    OK… they probably only have one real hospital in the whole area where Palin acquired her massive “executive experience” as Mayor of the next block (I mean city)… but this is getting more and more suspicious by the minute.

    I still scream ‘bullshit’ about any woman that would claim that she took a 15 hour connecting flight trip after she started to leak amniotic fluid and was 1 month away from due birth. Sounds like pure BS to me.

  6. Paddy-O says:

    #3 “I can only imagine that McBush is pounding his head against the wall saying “Yeah, she’s hot, but is she worth all this trouble??””

    Sounds like Bill Clinton.

  7. Zybch says:

    My god MySpace is dreadful. EVERY page looks like someone vomited on their screen (some sound like it too).

  8. Montanaguy says:

    On the other hand,in the eyes of many americans, she’d look good standing strong for her daughter, despite her own values or politics. Anyone who has had kids knows that you can’t cast a stone at someone elses parenting because of what their crazy teens do. I loved my teens, but wow…
    I think this could backfire on the dems/leftists if they play this up… a lot of regular people who’ve been through the wringer with their kids will resent this also and feel sympathetic to Palin. Look at the sympathy and support Hillary got for Bill’s shenigans. She came out of it looking good to a lot of folks.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    #6 – O’Furniture

    >>Sounds like Bill Clinton.

    Not really. Bill Clinto retired victorious, and is now a multimillionaire.

    McBush is probably going to slink away with his tail between his legs.

    Of course, he’ll still be a millionaire, thanks to his Beer Mama. But unless the leopard changes his spots, he’ll be doing the hokey-pokey with some hot babe while Cindy sits at home fuming, and then he’ll be out on his bum, making ends meet with his Senator’s salary.


  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #8 – Monatana

    >>a lot of regular people who’ve been through >>the wringer with their kids will resent this

    Naw. Most “regular people” just do the best they can, and (to quote Winston Churchill) “keep buggering on”.

    They don’t try to pass law to control other people’s behavior when it isn’t consistent with their religion, or sing the praises of “family values”, when their own family values are suspect. Between her and McBush, I’d say we’ve got a nice latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah.

    And hey. I don’t care what she does in her personal life. It’s the hypocrisy that puts a burr under my saddle.

    But that’s what the Repugs are best at, right? Hypocrisy?

  11. Matt Garrett says:

    Gutter Politics. You do know that Obama is running against McCAIN, don’t you?

  12. Paddy-O says:

    #9 “Not really. Bill Clinto retired victorious”

    And then had his law lic stripped for being a criminal. LOL

  13. Montanaguy says:

    Yes, but ‘regular people’ vote and sometimes (or more) with their emotions. That’s what I’m getting at. Personal attacks get the emotions going. She could be seen as ‘the little guy’ getting hammered by the mean-spirited dem machine – that’s why this kind of thing can backfire. If I was a liberal I’d step carefully around this business and stay on the issues. But, maybe that’s why I’m not a liberal, because they’re going after this matter with a vengeance.
    I don’t get your line about laws that “control other people’s behavior” Isn’t that what all laws are about? Or just the ones you don’t agree with?

  14. QB says:

    #9 Mustard said: “Bill Clinto retired victorious”

    Are you kidding? Republicans took over both houses of Congress for the first time in decades. He couldn’t help the election of his Vice President.

    If you want to be successful you have to win elections. He left the Republicans in the driver’s seat and the Democrats adrift.

  15. #14 and that didn’t last long, did it?

  16. DNS ATTACK says:

    face it she is untouchable… attack her and you attack every mom out there…anything anyone says about her will be considered sexist from the McBush camp

    McBush = 1
    Obama = 0

  17. Eduardo says:

    Obama has graciously reached out to the pregnant teen,

  18. QB says:

    #15 I think the Republicans did more to put themselves in dog house than anyone else. Maybe they are taking a page from the Democrat’s playbook?

  19. Lou Minatti says:

    “This upcoming zoo still indicates to me that Sarah will put a stop to it by resigning.”

    Interesting theory, John. But you’re barking up the wrong alley. This was all vetted.

    I notice the ones shouting loudest about this are men. I don’t think that the men here who think this will hurt Palin’s electability understand that these personal issues make her even stronger in the eyes of the many women Team Obama offended.

    Obama’s message is “change,” and what did he deliver? An old Washington insider with hair plugs.

  20. Montanaguy says:

    I have to admire Obama for his stance on this: Leave those kids alone! (A little Pink Floyd in the background)

  21. Joe says:

    Clearly, this isn’t the “it’s (his) private life” crowd. McCain should have drafted Hillary and just slept with one eye open for eight years. Two birds, one stone.

  22. richardbt71 says:

    What’s next? Child porn found on a home computer? Evidence of her beating up puppies? Oh I know, she’s the unknown granddaughter of Hitler.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    #19 – LouM

    >>Interesting theory, John. But you’re barking
    >>up the wrong alley. This was all vetted.

    Well, I’d say that the vetters are going to be applying for unemployment insurance before very long.

    The last thing the holy rollers want propping up McBush is a stone-thrower who’s living in a glass house.

    He woulda been better off picking Mitt, weird religion and all. Unlikely that he has any skeletons in his closet.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Mustard. Look more closely. That page does
    >>not show all his friends. It’s a clip with a
    >>link that would have taken you to the other
    >>few hundred. Cripes. Pay attention.

    Yeah yeah. I’m well aware of the technical aspects of myspace dot com. I have kids. And the kids have friends. And they ALL put their beau or belle as one of the top friends. I mis-spoke when I said she wasn’t his friend; I should have said the mother of his child wasn’t a “top friend”. The web page was so unleasant to view/ listen to, I couldn’t bear to look through all 600+. Maybe that was the point.

    Maybe the illicit father isn’t very facile with myspace. Or maybe he just doesn’t consider the Palin girl to be one of his top friends.

    In any case, this is going to get truly ugly. I actually feel sorry for Gubner Palinand her family. She’s just not squeaky-clean enough (or devious enough) to make it through the frat-boy paddling that’s going to come.

  25. Tex says:

    And still, not a word from Hillary about Chelsea’s three abortions.

  26. The Pirate says:

    Mr. Mus’tard will be eating crow come November.

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #26 – Pirate

    ARRRGHH, matey. I don’t think so. I realize that there a strong conservative bias against the Darkie candidate, but come on. McBush? The Naughty Librarian? That’s just not going to play in Peoria.

  28. geofgibson says:

    “OK, this is the last post on the matter.”

    Sadly, I doubt it.

  29. Lou Minatti says:

    DNC leaders are crying that Gustav didn’t deliver for them. So is Michael Moore.

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    #29 LoMi

    It was the Repubs that were counting on Gustav. And at least the storm came through for them to the extent that it cancelled Dumbya’s speech.

    That buzzkill would have been enough right there to put an end to the McBush/ Palin dream.


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