Palin Was a Director of Embattled Sen. Stevens’s 527 Group | The Trail | — This can’t be good. That said, this woman must be an insufferable ball of energy.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state’s political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

Palin’s name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the “Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.,” a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. The group was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state. She served as one of three directors until June 2005, when her name was replaced on state filings.

Palin’s relationship with Alaska’s senior senator may be one of the more complicated aspects of her new position as Sen. John McCain’s running mate; Stevens was indicted in July 2008 on seven counts of corruption.

Palin, an anti-corruption crusader in Alaska, had called on Stevens to be open about the issues behind the investigation. But she also held a joint news conference with him in July, before he was indicted, to make clear she had not abandoned him politically.

And now apparently Bristol is pregnant! She’s not married and already suspected as the mother of Trig Paxon Van Palin, Sarah’s fifth child. This is all going downhill fast. It’s something to see!

Can you imagine what breakfast was like when Bristol told mom she was pregnant? Ha. I’m sure Mom was just ever so happy.

OK, so how is this for a theory. Bristol is not pregnant at all but she did have the baby Trig and that story is becoming unraveled. Sarah is going to have to leave the race and the party needs a fall guy. The fall guy caused the problem in the first place: Bristol. Palin will exit for the “sake of the family” No harm, no foul. This is too much of a weird coincidence otherwise.

Meanwhile the Dems have already showed they are sexist and ageist. The Republicans can bring in Mormon Romney for the bigotry tri-fecta and guilt-trip them to death. Genius. Palin was a red herring!


  1. bobbo says:

    HaH! This will be a two’fer: By definition, strong people, male or female, don’t subjugate their intelligence to a nonsensical dogma created by “other” people==or even gods should one or more turn out to be actually be moving the stars.

    Strong–to think for ones self.
    Weak– why be redundant?

  2. Thomas says:

    “Illegally” moved from the AoC? They held a Constitutional Convention and rewrote the Constitution. How was it illegal?

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #92 – O’Furniture

    >>Yep, but if I have to pick someone to hang
    >>out with, I’ll take a misguided guy who
    >>thinks he’s killing ADULT terrorists and
    >>such, over a guy who is into killing babies
    >>on a whim…

    Maybe you’ve missed the debate, O’Furniture, there there are a whole heck of a lot of people who don’t think that a 10-celled embryo is a “baby”. For those who think otherwise, they always have the option not to have an abortion.

    On the other hand, the brutal and premeditated murder of some 35-year-old guy that’s going to be exonerated two weeks after his execution? Now that is grisly. And if you think all the executees are “terrorists” and none of them are innocent, you REALLY must have been living under a rock for the past 40 years.

  4. Paddy-O says:

    #95 Try not to take booboo too seriously. He’s here as DU needs a token “special needs” blogger.

  5. bobbo says:

    #95–Thomas==thats what I recall from my prodigious reading of History/Biography. So happy google backs me up.

  6. bobbo says:

    Thomas–I recognize and respect your ability to slow down and actually ask a question==and to contest my memory and quick google if you care to give it that much energy.

    Paddy==when’s the last time you learned anything, changed your mind, or had a new idea?

  7. Paddy-O says:

    #96 “Maybe you’ve missed the debate, O’Furniture, there there are a whole heck of a lot of people who don’t think that a 10-celled embryo is a “baby”.”

    Nope, I didn’t. A 3 month old baby isn’t 10 cells. Try again and answer my question.

  8. Thomas says:

    First, that is a pretty flimsy link for backup of such a bold statement. Second, if you rewrite the Constitution, then Article 13 does not apply by definition. Third, Article 13 also says that the States can change the Articles if approved by the Congress and the Legislature:

    nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; **unless** such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the Legislatures of every State.

  9. bobbo says:

    #100–Paddy==Mustard will of course be spicier than myself but Palin is anti-contraception. That is against killing one cell==even in the case of rape and incest, so I give her marks for being intellectually consistent on the start of life issue.

    But how can anyone be so pro-life and her son volunteers with her support to go out and kill whomever he is told? Funny how often that schism appears in the fundies.

    Its a quibble, but it is purely the womans decision on whether or not to get an abortion–if the fundies haven’t scared off all the providers so that abortions can be had==including day after pills. Men do get to make the decisions about killing actual human beings though.

  10. bobbo says:

    Thomas==just curious. Do you call that a vanguishing comeback or a quibble?

  11. johns says:

    BWAHAHAHAHAHA, nice job MCBush 🙂

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    Well, to give the Naughty Librarian her due, she does claim to be pro-contraception (even though the pill often works by preventing implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium, but she proably doesn’t know that)

    I guess she didn’t pass that message along to her daughter, though.

  13. Thomas says:

    Haha. Touche. I suppose it depends on the retort. 🙂

  14. bobbo says:

    #105–Mustard==I think you are right. A second look at my quick google shows my source to be less credible than yours.

    #106–Thomas==likewise, I think your independent review was vanguishing. My memory is pretty good and a proper review might have to include going back to what those legal words/customs were in the 18th Century. My reading of the language with current literacy would be the same as yours.

    So–on two ocassions right in a row, googling with an open mind, shows that the first layer of the onion is not sufficient. That always makes me cry.

  15. MikeN says:

    #96, one candidate voted against protecting babies outside the womb, if they survived an abortion attempt. HE was aok with nurses leaving the ‘clump of cells’ in a closet without care.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #108 – Lyin’ Mike

    Any embryo that is aborted before the third trimester has about a 0.00% chance of surviving and living a normal life.

    If that harsh reality is inconsisent with your world view, tfb.

  17. bobbo says:

    Mikey==details. DETAILS. What are the details?

    I see no reason there should be a “presumtion” for life when a defective baby is born and has no reasonable chance of anything near a normal life–or even a life longer than one week? Most adults at the end of life make the decision for death with dignity==why not the same for the deformed child (eg-hydrocephallic kiddies with serous fluid instead of brain tissue.)

    Leave these issues to the parents and their doctors and quit inflicting your morality on people who actually suffer the consequences of such decisions.

  18. deowll says:

    If her husband was running for vice President I might care that he had a DUI convection 24 years ago.

    He isn’t and I don’t.

    If I had any reason to believe that anything written about Palin’s daughter was more than the lowest kind of sleaze bag slander I might care about it.

    I don’t have a reason to believe that those stories have even a shred of truth in them and I don’t care to read malicious, spiteful, hate mongering speculation.

    That is no doubt why MSN and nobody else who cares a rap about their reputation really wants to break this sort of crap.

    I don’t want to know about the girl’s boyfriend. Nothing, not one word.

    Can somebody around here lower the BS factor? This blog is going down hill into the sewer faster than a speeding bullet.

  19. Jägermeister says:

    #111 – deowll

    Feel free to close your browser.

  20. doug says:

    the more interesting bit (if less salacious) is that Palin used to belong to the Alaska Independence Party, an overtly secessionist organization:


  21. Rick Cain says:

    Oops, we can’t criticize republicans. I didn’t know about that rule.

    So apparently:

    1) You can’t criticize a party candidate whose platform is inflexible on premarital teen sex even though her daughter snorts crushed diet pills and gets knocked up out of wedlock.

    Meanwhile, the GOP wants you to know that Obama and Biden sound a lot like “osama bin laden”. Thats news! Print it!

  22. MarkP says:

    #115 Believing in or arguing for a state’s secession is not treason. The First Amendment covers us for that. Violent insurrection is treason. I can’t say I’ve heard Palin advocate that. Let’s not confuse the issue with hyperbole just to nail the latest bimbo to rise to the top of the GOP sludge pit.

  23. Mister Mustard says:


    >>I do kinda wonder what the “vetting”
    >>process was.

    From the 9/2/08 NYT:

    “Aides to Mr. McCain said they had a team on the ground in Alaska now to look more thoroughly into Ms. Palin’s background. A Republican with ties to the campaign said the team assigned to vet Ms. Palin in Alaska had not arrived there until Thursday, a day before Mr. McCain stunned the political world with his vice-presidential choice. The campaign was still calling Republican operatives as late as Sunday night asking them to go to Alaska to deal with the unexpected candidacy of Ms. Palin.”

    As JCD said, “Oooops!”. Kind of slipshod “vetting”, I’d say.

    I can’t wait to see what else they dig up.

    Sounds like Thomas Eagleton redux, only worse. Just wait until we find out that she had a lobotomy, and used to be a pole dancer.

    This seems pretty minor-league for a guy who wants to be POTUS. Sheesh.

    The worst is yet to come.

  24. Salty Dog says:

    Since when is it ageist to just ask that the guy with the power to start WWIII not be so old that senility or dementia are legitimate concerns? And would it be too much to ask that his medical issues/history weren’t hundreds (literally) of pages long?

    What is this secret love you have for McCain – a guy who makes more gaffs, mistakes, Grand Canyon sized leaps in logic, blunders, lies and all-around F-ups on a weekly basis than anyone in political history? All of which seem to be ignored by the media and public at large.

    Add to it the fact that watching him speak is like watching a demented, homicidal, slow-witted muppet and it makes me question reality that he’s actually on the ticket.

    PS – Obama and Biden are a joke in their own right as well. Mmmm, I think I’ll have some salt to go with my bitterness.

  25. Noam Sane says:

    “Meanwhile the Dems have already showed they are sexist and ageist.”

    No, I would say they are simply anti-asshole.

  26. Angus says:

    This comments section could be viewed in the years to come as proof and example that the left and the right cannot have a resonable argument without things getting dirty and divisive.

    No one cares about her stance on drilling or taxes, but everyone’s all over her kids. Saul Alinsky politics at their finest.

  27. KwadGuy says:

    “No one cares about her stance on drilling…”

    Based on the evidence, I think it’s clear: Yes, and often. In fact, the whole family is on board.

    Sorry, but you threw that slow lob over the plate and someone had to hit it back.

  28. smartalix says:


    Like it or not, this issue strikes at the very heart of our society. Sex education with or without contraception?

    We have in this case, a vice-presidential candidate who advocates a policy her own family has trouble implementing. But instead of saying that the issue opened her eyes to the reality of the situation teens face and that our sex education maybe needs to be a little mroe comprehensive….

  29. Thomas says:

    How do you figure that she has trouble implementing her own policy? If anything, she is an example of what happens when you *do* implement her policy.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    This thread is about her supporting Senator Ted Stevens. The Republicans have made a big deal about Obama’s relationship and house purchase with Rezco even though it was totally above board. When the house was purchased Rezco was not even under investigation. Yet somehow the Republicans want to claim Palin off limits.

    I don’t get it. As soon as she got into office she showed the exact same corrupt tendencies of her predecessors and mentor. Instead of being a shining light of cleaning up dirty politics, she has shown she can lie with the best Republican and work for the most corrupt.

    No, I don’t give a polar bear’s ass about her kid getting knocked up at 16. I do care when she stands on a stage and pretends that that baby is hers and she deserves even more credit because the baby has Downs Syndrome. That is deceitful.

    Nor do I care that Cindy McCain had an abortion when she was only 17 or that John’s brother Joe claimed he was gay in order to avoid service during Vietnam. As soon as you put these people on the stage as window dressing for your own political purposes though, they become targets as well. If you don’t want them as targets, don’t use them. The same holds for Obama’s family.


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