Palin Was a Director of Embattled Sen. Stevens’s 527 Group | The Trail | — This can’t be good. That said, this woman must be an insufferable ball of energy.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state’s political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

Palin’s name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the “Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.,” a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. The group was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state. She served as one of three directors until June 2005, when her name was replaced on state filings.

Palin’s relationship with Alaska’s senior senator may be one of the more complicated aspects of her new position as Sen. John McCain’s running mate; Stevens was indicted in July 2008 on seven counts of corruption.

Palin, an anti-corruption crusader in Alaska, had called on Stevens to be open about the issues behind the investigation. But she also held a joint news conference with him in July, before he was indicted, to make clear she had not abandoned him politically.

And now apparently Bristol is pregnant! She’s not married and already suspected as the mother of Trig Paxon Van Palin, Sarah’s fifth child. This is all going downhill fast. It’s something to see!

Can you imagine what breakfast was like when Bristol told mom she was pregnant? Ha. I’m sure Mom was just ever so happy.

OK, so how is this for a theory. Bristol is not pregnant at all but she did have the baby Trig and that story is becoming unraveled. Sarah is going to have to leave the race and the party needs a fall guy. The fall guy caused the problem in the first place: Bristol. Palin will exit for the “sake of the family” No harm, no foul. This is too much of a weird coincidence otherwise.

Meanwhile the Dems have already showed they are sexist and ageist. The Republicans can bring in Mormon Romney for the bigotry tri-fecta and guilt-trip them to death. Genius. Palin was a red herring!


  1. Paddy-O says:

    #61 “Makes you wonder if they would have been as supportive if Bristol announced she was having and abortion…..”

    I doubt it. They are very anti baby killing. Go figure.

  2. Stars & Bars says:

    Re: Her daughter’s pregnancy. Palin should handle the press the same way Naomi Judd dealt with the press regarding her daughter Ashley Judd’s difference in values.

    Dems shouldn’t play poker, they have an obvious tell. They’re holding a loosing hand.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #65 – O’Furniture

    >>I doubt it. They are very anti baby killing.
    >>Go figure.

    Yeah but they’re chomping at the bit to kill grownups. Go figure.

    Maybe if the Naughty Librarian had taught her daughter about CONTRACEPTION, they wouldn’t be in this pickle.

    But nooooo. “Abstinance only”. Here’s a high-profile example of how well that works.

    Shit, 35 years ago, when I was a horny teenager, at least we had the common sense to take precautions.

    And even if Sarah Palin really IS the mother of Trig (which is seeming more doubtful by the minute), wtf is she doing having a fifth kid at 44? Four weren’t enough?? Or does her God discourage the use of contraception?

  4. bobbo says:

    #62–Now Paddy==take your insulin and come down off that sugar rush. I knew I was playing with fire when I gave you a point. One point.

    Most politicians are “removed” from the average voter.

    The “natural base” of the repugs is actually only the top 2% of income earners, expanded to the top 5% of income earners when you include legitimate wanna-be’s. The remaining 35% of the red state voter is about 15% illegitimate wanna-be’s (they dream about being rich and vote as if they were but never will be) and the remainder are the real dumbshits==the value voters who get played like free jukeboxes at your local honkytonk.

    The Republican leaderships understands the above and manipulate the hell out of their base==putting gay marriage amendments on state ballots to get the vote out, kicking people with black sounding names off the voter rolls and such BECAUSE THEY KNOW THEY ONLY HAVE 5% LEGITIMATE BASE.

    The Dem’s are arrogant in the sense they keep thinking people are more intelligent than they are. “No one” would believe that Kerry, a decorated war veteran, was unamerican and a coward. Well, yes, 40% of the electorate have drunk that koolaide.

    (Footnote: Electorate is 40% Dem, 40% Repug, and 20% hate both of them.

  5. Paddy-O says:

    #68 “Now Paddy==take your insulin and come down off that sugar rush. … ”

    Exactly why Dems historically have a hard time taking the White House.

    To arrogant to take good advice… LOL!

    Thanks bobbo, I’m done with the lab test. You can go back to your regularly scheduled activity.

  6. J says:

    # 66 Stars & Bars

    “Re: Her daughter’s pregnancy. Palin should handle the press the same way Naomi Judd dealt with the press regarding her daughter Ashley Judd’s difference in values.”

    Does that mean the Palin’s don’t have “FAMILY” values? Don’t sell it if you don’t have it.

    “Dems shouldn’t play poker, they have an obvious tell. They’re holding a loosing hand.”

    NIce bluff! LOL

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    #69 – O’Furniture

    >>Exactly why Dems historically have a hard
    >>time taking the White House.

    Uh, Paddy O’

    Since the founding of the Republic, there have been 14 Dems, 18 Repugs, 4 Whigs, and 4 members of the “Democratic-Republican Party”.

    When you look at the latter classe (e.g., Thomas Jefferson), it’s clear that they would be latter day Democrats.

    So that puts it at 18 Dems, 18 Repugs. And some of the Repugs would CERTAINLY not be Repugs were they running today (Abe Lincoln, Ike).

    So if anything, it’s the Repugs that have a “hard time taking the White House”.

  8. Moose says:

    “Ageist” I love this. My new favorite word of 2008. Being concerned that someone who’s of advanced age and has well documented health problems could have physical or mental problems executing his office is now a bad thing. Bring on the 98-year-old airline pilots

  9. Paddy-O says:

    #71 “When you look at the latter classe (e.g., Thomas Jefferson)”

    Yes, Jefferson was all for a gov’t that operates on Marxist ta & welfare platform! LOL You obviously haven’t read much of his works.

  10. Tex says:

    The unmarried pregnant teenager is an obvious ploy to attract more African-American voters to the Republican ticket.

  11. Montanaguy says:

    It’s going to be fun… at least for a day, the Donks have something to rant about besides trying to defend ‘The Messiah’ against all the heretics out there.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    #73 – O’Furniture

    >>Yes, Jefferson was all for a gov’t that
    >>operates on Marxist ta & welfare
    >>platform! LOL

    You think the Democrats “operate on Marxist ta & welfare platform”???

    You obviously haven’t been paying attention to any of the Democrats that have run for office in the last 40 years.

    And if Jefferson were alive today, he’d be hawking loogies at the Repugs. You bet your boots I’ve read a lot of his writings.

    And they’re the antithesis of McBush, Dumbya, Pappy, and Bonzo. They’re not marxists, they’re simply fascists.

  13. JFetch says:

    Anyone mad at people dragging her family in this needs to remember by entering the election, her family became fair game. She knew the risks, and so did her family.

  14. Thomas says:

    Yes, illogical. I’ve heard liberals blame Bush for all kinds of ridiculous things including mortgage interest rates and 9/11 and host of other nonsense that has nothing to do with Bush.

    Riiight. You mean like a child calling out an “Yo mamma” joke to an adult and the other children of the playground thinking he “bested” the adult? Check.

    > Her family is not being attached,
    > SHE is being attacked.

    Sophistry. Clearly their goal is to discredit Palin by attacking her family with these claims about the source of her children.

  15. Paddy-O says:

    #76 “You think the Democrats “operate on Marxist ta & welfare platform”???”

    “from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” – Marx

    Yep, just like the Dem platform.

  16. Thomas says:

    > And they’re [Jefferson’s writings]
    > the antithesis of McBush,
    > Dumbya, Pappy, and Bonzo.

    I would agree. However, they are ALSO the antithesis of Gore, Pelosi and Obama. Jefferson vehemently a strong central government.

  17. Thomas says:

    > When you look at the latter
    > classe (e.g., Thomas Jefferson),
    > it’s clear that they would
    > be latter day Democrats.

    Nonsense. Frankly, he’d be aghast at both parties. Jefferson was a huge opponent of a strong central government and would have found the policies of the modern Democrats to be appalling. I would bet that if Jefferson were alive today, he’d be an independent calling for another Constitutional Convention.

  18. Thomas says:

    #80 should read:
    “Jefferson vehemently opposed a strong central government.”

  19. ArianeB says:

    #19 I have been thinking the EXACT same thing this morning.

    I’d almost bet money that will be the case.

    The social conservatives love Palin, but the Wall Street wing of the GOP hate the choice. The National Review has been running quite a few anti-Palin opinion pieces on their site.

    If the “contributors” nix the Palin choice, she will be gone. The delegates will fall in line, and it will go down with Palin announcing she “has to spend more time with her family”.

  20. Paddy-O says:

    #81 “I would bet that if Jefferson were alive today, he’d be an independent calling for another Constitutional Convention.”

    Don’t know about that…

    “the tree of liberty should from time to time be refreshed with the blood of tyrants”

  21. Judge Jewdy says:

    Get yours today!

  22. Tom McMahon says:

    The Real Question at play here: Why do so many liberal men feel so insecure in the presence of strong, conservative women?

  23. Thomas says:

    Well, that is simply a more violent version of a Convention. Either way, he’d be disgusted at both parties.

  24. bobbo says:

    Thomas==right you are.

    Nice short review of Jefferson and the two party system. Seems he’d vote for more states rights. Any guess as to how long it would take for states with any power at all to fall apart just as they did under the Articles of Confederation?

  25. dbchips says:

    lololol these storys are cracking me up…kid knocked up, and not johns fault..made my day..

  26. Paddy-O says:

    #87 “Well, that is simply a more violent version of a Convention.” 😉

    #88 “Any guess as to how long it would take for states with any power at all to fall apart just as they did under the Articles of Confederation?”

    A long time. The major erosion of States Rights didn’t happen until almost 100 years ago…

  27. Mister Mustard says:

    #86 – Tom McM

    >>The Real Question at play here: Why do so
    >>many liberal men feel so insecure in the
    >>presence of strong, conservative women?

    Conservative women generally aren’t strong. They’re Susie Homemaker types who bring home beer and video games for the Mister.

    You’re not seriously putting forth the proposition that Sarah Palin is a “strong, conservative woman”, are you?

  28. bobbo says:

    #89–Paddy, paddy, paddie, padeeee.

    The States gave up a lot of power when they illegally moved from the Articles to the Constitution.

    Try to follow the bouncing ball.

    I’m curious==what happened 100 years ago?==or forget the date and just give what issue really disempowered the States? Its all very gradual==after the civil war?

  29. Dwight David Diddlehopper says:

    I’ll tell you why the Dems will lose:

    “O ba ma, O ba ma, O ba ma” vs. “U S A, U S A, U S A”

    More Americans resonate deeply with the latter, and for a good reason that many here can’t appreciate or understand.

    The repubs are a lot smarter than the dems and McCain will deliver a seriously high level killer speech, in contrast to the predictable Dems whining. It’s gonna be fun. Don’t miss it.

  30. Paddy-O says:

    #67 “Yeah but they’re chomping at the bit to kill grownups. Go figure.”

    Yep, but if I have to pick someone to hang out with, I’ll take a misguided guy who thinks he’s killing ADULT terrorists and such, over a guy who is into killing babies on a whim…

    How ’bout you Mustard?


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