Palin Was a Director of Embattled Sen. Stevens’s 527 Group | The Trail | — This can’t be good. That said, this woman must be an insufferable ball of energy.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state’s political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

Palin’s name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the “Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.,” a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. The group was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state. She served as one of three directors until June 2005, when her name was replaced on state filings.

Palin’s relationship with Alaska’s senior senator may be one of the more complicated aspects of her new position as Sen. John McCain’s running mate; Stevens was indicted in July 2008 on seven counts of corruption.

Palin, an anti-corruption crusader in Alaska, had called on Stevens to be open about the issues behind the investigation. But she also held a joint news conference with him in July, before he was indicted, to make clear she had not abandoned him politically.

And now apparently Bristol is pregnant! She’s not married and already suspected as the mother of Trig Paxon Van Palin, Sarah’s fifth child. This is all going downhill fast. It’s something to see!

Can you imagine what breakfast was like when Bristol told mom she was pregnant? Ha. I’m sure Mom was just ever so happy.

OK, so how is this for a theory. Bristol is not pregnant at all but she did have the baby Trig and that story is becoming unraveled. Sarah is going to have to leave the race and the party needs a fall guy. The fall guy caused the problem in the first place: Bristol. Palin will exit for the “sake of the family” No harm, no foul. This is too much of a weird coincidence otherwise.

Meanwhile the Dems have already showed they are sexist and ageist. The Republicans can bring in Mormon Romney for the bigotry tri-fecta and guilt-trip them to death. Genius. Palin was a red herring!


  1. John, I have to say, I was an am disgusted by the headline of your “story” and by the story itself.

    One of the first attacks on Palin wasn’t based on politics, but instead was an attack on her family.

    Now blogs like your are turning what should be great news, that her daughter, instead of looking at pregnancy as being “punished with a baby” as Barack Obama has put it, is embracing “the sacred responsibility of parenthood,” as Michelle Obama has put it.

    I’d rather hear you talk about Apple and Microsoft then see try to take an cheap shot at the Palins at their daughter’s expense.

  2. J says:

    My statement the other day doesn’t seem so far fetched now JCD does it? Like I said landslide or large majority win for the Democrats.

    Let me also say this. It is going to get even worse for the Republicans by the end of this week or the next. There are still many closet’s to open. This woman has a virtual hidden graveyard.

    I guess she wasnt that great of a pick was she? Stick with her, YOU LOSE. Dump her and pick Rommney, YOU LOSE. This all boils down to lack of judgement!!!!!

  3. JimR says:

    Ok, so McCain dumps Palin because her daughter is pregnant, and he picks (Romney?). Then Obama dumps Biden because he lied about his age (he’s really 92) and picks Clinton. McCain reconsiders Palin and Romney steps aside gracefully. Hilary puts on weight and it’s soon discovered that she’s pregnant. Palin’s daughter disappears, but Puntin assures the media that she is simply on vacation. McCain praises Puntin for giving her daughter motherly support and a vacation. A left female foot in a sneaker washes up in North Vancouver. Hilary decides to keep her baby, and soon after Obama commits suicide. No one makes the connection. Not to be outdone, McCain commits suicide too. Palin invites Hilary on a hunting expedition.

    The End

  4. Bill says:

    Oh, wow! my wife told me all of this the night they announced Gov. Palin

    This is Karl Rove all the way!

    but JimR might be right in the end!

    WOW!!!!!!!! Let the mayhem begin!

  5. stork123 says:

    I think the plan was for her to drop out from the beginning. Take the media away from Obama’s week for a bit and then execute “quick exit” and bring in Plan A. They will certainly look like a rockstar compared to Palin.

  6. Forget the whole baby flap, I see much worse with her nomination. She belongs to an Assemly of God congregation with ties to an apocalyptic, paramilitary, dominionist sect: think Taliban for Christians. For all the flap over Obama’s pastor, this situation is far, far worse.

    Notwithstanding the fact that she is a young earth creationist who would “teach the controversy”. A member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, famous for aggressive proselytizing (think Air Force Academy). Her education is a B.S. in Coummunications. Mayor of a small town and governor for less than two years.

    But if this is a strawman and McCain pulls her off, what does this tell you about HIS decision making process? How is the Republican Party going to survive that? It’s just unimaginable how bad this selection was.

    If she is on the ticket at the end of the month I would be shocked. If you are voting on election day and she is still there, just ask yourself, “President Palin”? I shudder at the thought.

  7. #27 you apparently do not know what “yellow journalism” actually is. This is a clear opinion and a clear theory based on possibilities. Yellow journalism refers to “senational reporting” not personal opinion and thoughtful theorizing.

    #32 Biden would have to quit. He’s been officially selected by the consent of the conventioneers. This is not the case with Palin. There still has to be a vote at the convention.

  8. Matt Garrett says:

    2003 was five years ago. She’s called Stevens out (before being VP, BTW) for this corruption, so obviously she saw what was going on and decided to do something about it.

    you guys do know that Obama is running against McCain, right?

  9. bobbo says:

    You know, its been mentioned in passing but what are “the family values” of the Palins? Two working parents==kiddies raising themselves or with surrogates?

    If you think being “a hockey Mom” qualifies Ms Palin to be Governor of Alaska or VP or POTUS rather than a part-time Sunday school teacher while she finishes raising her family, then I don’t know what kind of fantasy land you live in.

    Sounds like she’d rather lose a family than lose an election. Hah!!!

    The thing about being religious is you can’t have one foot deep in the good book and the other foot in reality. You gotta make a choice.

    You can have a career and a family–just not at the same time.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 – Mr Lepage

    >>One of the first attacks on Palin wasn’t
    >>based on politics, but instead was an attack
    >>on her family.

    Isn’t that pretty much ALL of what the Repugs’ attacks on Clinton were about?

    If they had to attack his politics, they’d be sitting mute.

    And Palin has so little political experience, there’s no way to know what she’s all about.

    Except that she’s a flip-flopper. But that seems to be a good thing in the GOP.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    The Young_Trigg story got yanked… What was controversial about it, John?

  12. J says:

    # 38 John C Dvorak

    “Biden would have to quit. He’s been officially selected by the consent of the conventioneers. ”

    No he won’t and so what? JCD you know none of that matters. It is all how it is spun in the media. Does John McCain have good judgment? I don’t think so and I am sure it is going to look like that to most of the country by election day.

    LANDSLIDE or large majority. I stand by that. Come November 5 I will be proven right. This pick was a disaster and it was caused by infighting of the Republican party. The same thing that usually kills the Democratic party every election.

  13. Thirdrail says:

    The GOP is very clever. Now they’ve got Obama running against their VP. And they’re successfully turning the democratic grass roots discussion into an episode of Desperate Housewives, robbing Obama supporters of any ‘high ground’ thinking they could have claimed a week ago.

    Eventually Karl Rove will realize he could just show up at Democratic functions and rattle his keys to distract them, and then this process will be much more streamlined.

  14. Paddy-O says:

    #27 Yellow Journalism is saying, without evidence, that the child with Downs is the daughter’s not Palin’s.

    You’ll see a lot more from the MSM before the election…

  15. joe says:

    Hey, you had an article on her wikipedia entry make over but the article was killed. Why was it killed? John are you secretly an agent of the GOP?

  16. J says:

    Irish Twins? LOL

  17. QB says:

    I bet McCain is going to stick with her – he’s stubborn and such. The whole baby thing will just rally the evangelical base even more.

    The 527 committee is a nightmare. The worst part of this for McCain (like or hate him) is no one is going to be paying any attention to him during this campaign.

  18. soundwash says:

    # 18 Jägermeister (on my #14 post)

    (i write in a text editor then paste into
    the blog)

    this paragraph was supposed to be last:

    “sounds like typical pointless/meaningless mudslinging…yes, the campaign has truley begun… ;p”

    what i was trying to infer in my post was that
    all pres campaigns are pre-designed and pre-scripted years in advance..(as is most of our politics)

    imo, all this pre convention mud being slung out, no matter which side puts it soley for the use of talking/flaming points in the media and speeches down the line..

    its all just bait each side chums the public with to create the drama our dramaqueen public has been brainwashed to love…

    as for the website register..i think its a safe bet, given how tighltlipped they managed to keep the pub’s VP pick right up to the day
    of announcement, that only a campaign insider could have regged it.. could lambaste me for flawed logic, fact finding, precedent or wont bother me a bit. i think its a safe (omg) “assumption” -there, i said it.


    take care,


  19. Thomas says:

    The more the democrats attack her family, the more votes they lose.

    The VP debates will be incredibly interesting. Biden will be at a terrible disadvantage in that he’ll be expected to win gracefully and easily. Anything less and he looks like a fool. If he wins by attacking Palin, he’ll come off as a bitter elitist.

    Frankly, the democrats should be worried that they are not farther ahead at this point. Traditionally, they have a good lead at this point and the republicans close near the election.

    This election is still, IMO, entirely Obama’s to lose. If the Democrats cannot win in this atmosphere of illogical Bush hate and with an uber-liberal running, they should simply admit they are a grease fire and split into separate parties.

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    #50 – Tommie

    >>illogical Bush hate


    Have you been living in a cave for the past 8 years, or what??

    Anybody who’s been up and awake for the past 8 years knows, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Bush is the worst president over to stain the Oval Office.

    Good Lord, man!

  21. QB says:

    #50 Thomas said: “This election is still, IMO, entirely Obama’s to lose.”

    Most sensible thing said all day.

  22. Paddy-O says:

    “This election is still, IMO, entirely Obama’s to lose.”

    This is true. With the Bush millstone around the neck of the GOP, Obama should have AT LEAST a 15 point lead by now.

  23. J says:

    # 53 BryanP

    “If the dems have all this ammunition then why do they feel the need to attack her family?”

    SHE PLAYED THE FAMILY CARD!!!!!! You want to drag your kids out as a prop and play the “we have family values” bullshit you better have your shit in order.

  24. bobbo says:

    #50–Thomas==again you are bested by Mustard. Indeed, have you no shame? No short term memory?

    Her family is not being attached, SHE is being attacked. What–negative campaigning should only work for the Repugs?

    How can any VP debate be interesting much less incredibly so? Do you think sugar frosted flakes is gourmet dining?

    Dems are ahead all the time until the dirty tricks of the repugs are pulled and they are too slow to respond, thats true.

    Funny, didn’t Gore win the popular vote? And lost the electorial split by only (pick a number) in Florida, Ohio, or even Tennessee? Yea, act like a razor thin win is a landslide.

    You repugs got nothing. How you have a base beyond 5% is beyond me==and isn’t that a major fault of the Dems?

  25. Jägermeister says:

    #49 – soundwash – as for the website register..i think its a safe bet, given how tighltlipped they managed to keep the pub’s VP pick right up to the day of announcement, that only a campaign insider could have regged it.

    I still have my doubts. Both and are hosted by, but is hosted by The two first sites doesn’t have the “Paid for by John McCain 2008” message at the bottom of the pages. Perhaps they want John McCain to buy the domains for a nice price?

    As for any potential mudslinging… it’s another day in politics.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    #53 – BryanP

    >>If the dems have all this ammunition then
    >>why do they feel the need to attack her

    I guess it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Or maybe payback for the attacks on Clinton’s family. Who knows?

    It’s kind of ironic though, that the farthest-right holy-roller to ever grace the GOP ticket should end up with allegations of extra-marital sex, lies about lineage, and the like.

    Personally, I’m happy to vote against McBush/ Palin just on what they stand for. And there’s WAAAAY too much monkey business going on with that Palin family. Where did the “young trigg” article go? Somebody’s got a whole lotta ‘splainin’ to do.

  27. Steve S says:

    “Sarah and her husband, Todd Palin, issued a statement saying they are “proud of Bristol’s decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents.”

    “Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family,” they said in a statement issued by McCain’s campaign.”

    Makes you wonder if they would have been as supportive if Bristol announced she was having and abortion…..

  28. Fair Trade says:

    Dvorak, what happened to the Wiki post?

  29. Paddy-O says:

    #58 “How you have a base beyond 5% is beyond me==and isn’t that a major fault of the Dems?”

    You hit the nail on the head without knowing it.

    The dems stay out of the White House as much as they do because of the perceived arrogance of the Dems towards everyday American’s.

    Obama almost tanked it when someone exposed what he said about middle class American’s behind closed doors. He had to back pedal like mad.

    If Dems would just realize that they aren’t gods gift to the masses and ACTED like they realized it, they’d get elected more often.

  30. Jägermeister says:

    #56 – J – SHE PLAYED THE FAMILY CARD!!!!!! You want to drag your kids out as a prop and play the “we have family values” bullshit you better have your shit in order.

    Well said.


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