Palin Was a Director of Embattled Sen. Stevens’s 527 Group | The Trail | — This can’t be good. That said, this woman must be an insufferable ball of energy.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin began building clout in her state’s political circles in part by serving as a director of an independent political group organized by the now embattled Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens.

Palin’s name is listed on 2003 incorporation papers of the “Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc.,” a 527 group that could raise unlimited funds from corporate donors. The group was designed to serve as a political boot camp for Republican women in the state. She served as one of three directors until June 2005, when her name was replaced on state filings.

Palin’s relationship with Alaska’s senior senator may be one of the more complicated aspects of her new position as Sen. John McCain’s running mate; Stevens was indicted in July 2008 on seven counts of corruption.

Palin, an anti-corruption crusader in Alaska, had called on Stevens to be open about the issues behind the investigation. But she also held a joint news conference with him in July, before he was indicted, to make clear she had not abandoned him politically.

And now apparently Bristol is pregnant! She’s not married and already suspected as the mother of Trig Paxon Van Palin, Sarah’s fifth child. This is all going downhill fast. It’s something to see!

Can you imagine what breakfast was like when Bristol told mom she was pregnant? Ha. I’m sure Mom was just ever so happy.

OK, so how is this for a theory. Bristol is not pregnant at all but she did have the baby Trig and that story is becoming unraveled. Sarah is going to have to leave the race and the party needs a fall guy. The fall guy caused the problem in the first place: Bristol. Palin will exit for the “sake of the family” No harm, no foul. This is too much of a weird coincidence otherwise.

Meanwhile the Dems have already showed they are sexist and ageist. The Republicans can bring in Mormon Romney for the bigotry tri-fecta and guilt-trip them to death. Genius. Palin was a red herring!


  1. Paddy-O says:

    This is gong to be fun. Lots o ‘dirt.

    Almost as bad as Obama’s friendship with a known terrorist.

  2. moss says:

    #1 – Statement of attainder from someone who probably couldn’t spell it or define it. Yawn.

    Meanwhile, Palin looks more like an imitation Libertarian – and opportunist – since she endorsed and supported Stevens’ Bridge to Nowhere in 2006 and then canceled it when Congress voted to shift the funds to the state.

  3. They can still get rid of Palin. Obama is already in. The hurricaine is a blessing in disguise.

  4. McCullough says:

    #3. Really? Flip Flop now? I dunno.

  5. bobbo says:

    #2–moss==thanks. That now makes sense. Palin acted consistently as all “good” State Officials do==get as much money from the Feds as possible and screw all the other states.

    I don’t see much of anything that qualifies McCain for the Presidency, BUT his record against pork spending is entirely admirable, remarkable, unique. Why he doesn’t structure a campaign around that kind of fiscal responsibility is beyond me.===wait==he’s got to get elected first doesn’t he? Can’t win an election based on economics. No sizzle on that steak.

  6. JimD says:

    Rack another one up in the LONG LIST OF REPUBLICAN FAILURES (bush/cheney/ …) – “Abstinence in Sex Education” !!! Pre-Marital Pregnancy is a TOTAL MORAL FAILURE !!! You have to wonder – WHERE WERE THE PARENTS ??? Out Campaigning or Soliciting Donations for the 527 Group ??? Priorities ???

  7. Don says:

    I think they short changed the vetting process with this one to keep the surprise till the last minute. They are going to find all kinds of hinky stuff going on unnoticed way up north there.

    They will then use the “Stop picking on the lady” line to try and quell all the criticism that it will generate.


  8. Mister Ketchup says:

    #3 – I’ll take her! 🙂

  9. QB says:

    If the Democrats are smart (and who says they are), they’ll leave this alone. It was a dumb move by the McCain campaign to announce it during the height of the hurricane. It will “feel” like a cover up.

  10. Fair Trade says:

    Does she come across to anyone else as being deeply untrustworthy?

  11. bobbo says:

    #4–McCullough==I agree. Has anyone dumped his VP first choice and won? Don’t think so.

    “The most important decision the Pres Candidate makes before assuming office.”

    I do kinda wonder what the “vetting” process was. I thought it usually included the direct question “Is there anything in your background that would embarass the campaign/need to be explained if it comes out?”

    If she did explain all to McCain then he did want to polish the Maverick image. If she didn’t, the vetting effort didn’t even include a google search?

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – QB – It was a dumb move by the McCain campaign to announce it during the height of the hurricane. It will “feel” like a cover up.

    More skeletons:

    ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) — A senior adviser to the McCain campaign confirmed Monday that Todd Palin, husband to Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, was arrested for driving while intoxicated in 1984.

    “Yes, 24 years ago he had a DWI,” senior McCain adviser Steve Schmidt told reporters in St. Paul.

    Schmidt was asked if he was worried about the news, and replied, “I was not.”

    I bet McCain wish he wasn’t such an impulsive guy.

  13. jeremiah256 says:

    John – after the dust has settled, you really need to address how blogs have (1) been consistently ahead of MSM in uncovering information and putting it out there, (2) made/contributed into making this into the election year from hell. Has any election in our history been this crazy?

  14. soundwash says:

    17 and pregnant in this family…sounds like palin’s “stubborn christian code” is brewing all sorts of rebellious acts in her family. either that, or she brainwashed her kids and they don’t even know what contraception is…*shrug*

    i’d see it as just a normal 17yr old being a teenager…in the 70’s when i was 16, i had to take my g/f to have an abortion. (they still cost $125?) -to me, this all means nothing in regards to the presidential race..

    husbands DWI 24yrs ago…?? this effects the campaign how?

    sounds like typical pointless/meaningless mudslinging…yes, the campaign has truley begun… ;p

    i’m sure the repubs have rebuttals for most of the (known) dirt on palin -they registered on jan, 29 2008, so they’ve at least had time starting a few months prior to that to start on their campaign battle plans..

  15. Peter iNova says:

    The Republican Way (repeated):

    “Ooo, you want me for VP? Cool. I’m all yours. Loyalty to the Party. That’s my Prime Directive. Here’s a salute!”

    “No, there are no–repeat, NO–skeletons in my closet.”

    “Woopsie, pregnant daughter. That’s none of your business. This is the Party of Business, but that’s none of your business.”

    “You didn’t ask about a pregnant unmarried daughter. How the hey am I supposed to know what you want? I thought you meant the OTHER kind of closet.”

    “Five months. No doubt of it. I said FIVE.”

    “Those pix of me at seven months pregger; those are REAL!!!! I just don’t get very big when I get pregger.”

    “My daughter had mono for five months before my delivery of sweet little Trig. And now she doesn’t, but she’s pregger.”

    “We are cashing in a lot of chits on this one, getting the whole story off onto page nine. You think the Repubs are powerless? Look around.”

    “Any more Qs?”

  16. Esteban says:

    This is Harriet Myers all over again. The GOP picks a completely unqualified woman, waits for the shitstorm to hit, and then goes with their “real” choice, who will seem mild in comparison.

    Sarah Palin is a political strawman.

  17. Judge Jewdy says:

    Is Bristol the community pin cushion?

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – soundwash – husbands DWI 24yrs ago…?? this effects the campaign how?

    sounds like typical pointless/meaningless mudslinging

    It’s the republicans themselves who dump this information. So, I guess they like mud.

    i’m sure the repubs have rebuttals for most of the (known) dirt on palin -they registered on jan, 29 2008, so they’ve at least had time starting a few months prior to that to start on their campaign battle plans.

    Who says that it’s their site? The registrant info is hidden.

  19. Awake says:

    Lets see…

    Today is Monday, Palin withdraws her nomination on Tuesday, McCain announces a new VP candidate on Wednesday and he speaks at the convention, and everything is peachy-keen by Thursday.

    Reason to withdraw: “To spend more time with the family.” Where have we heard that before?

    FWIW, Ms Palin has a newborn baby and a pregnant teenage daughter… she really does need to spend more time with the family… now is no time to go on the campaign trail.

    (We all welcome Mr Romney as the new VP nominee)

  20. Akakie says:

    With all the nonsense flying around about our Gov., the real winners in this election are likely to be the Alaskan Independence Party ( And yes, their platform is exactly what the name implies.

  21. Lou Minatti says:

    Meanwhile, in the real world, a few million more women are now voting GOP in November.

    “If the Democrats are smart (and who says they are), they’ll leave this alone.”

    They won’t. Million of women were slapped in the face by the actions and words of the the Obama camp/Kos crowd. This news has made Palin a person many woman can sympathize with.

    ““Yes, 24 years ago he had a DWI,” senior McCain adviser Steve Schmidt told reporters in St. Paul.”

    BFD. He was 19. If that was a real issue then Donks wouldn’t keep reelecting Ted Kennedy. You DO realize that Palin’s husband is a Donk, right?

  22. JimR says:

    #11, “I do kinda wonder what the “vetting” process was. I thought it usually included the direct question “Is there anything in your background that would embarass the campaign/need to be explained if it comes out?”

    When you’re 77 years old, sometimes you forget.

  23. JFetch says:

    Regardless of who is the baby’s mom, there are way too many questions about this family. From her trying to ruin her sister’s ex husband, to her teenage daughter getting pregnant, and her putting her baby at risk by flying to Alaska after her water broke.

    She belongs on TMZ, not in Washington.

  24. Buzz says:

    From an Alaskan Blog-

    And then there’s the matter of her behavior just before the birth:

    On Friday, April 18th, 2008, Sarah and her husband Todd were in Dallas, Texas for a Republican Governor’s Convention. They had been in town for three days already, but Sarah had yet to give her keynote speaker address on energy policy. Then early Friday morning at 4:00am, Sarah began leaking amniotic fluid. Instead of checking into a hospital, she instead made a call to her doctor, and delivered the keynote speech…
    The oddities only grow from here on, as instead of rushing to a Dallas medical facility that could treat a mother who’s amniotic fluid has been draining for hours on end (made even more crucial due to the fact that this is occurring a full month prematurely), Sarah & Todd instead opted to… Fly all the way back from Texas to Alaska. A dangerous choice, as with each pregnancy (once again, in this case after four previous), a mother’s window of labor to delivery grows shorter and shorter…

    Eight months pregnant. A 6.2 pound fetus. No one notices a visible trace. By the third trimester, a perfectly fit woman not wearing anything less than a space suit should be easily spotted as pregnant. Not in Sarah’s case.

    The plane then made a landing in Anchorage, Alaska. Does Sarah then visit a medical facility that can accommodate a premature birth in Alaska’s most equipped city? No. She drives 45 minutes away, to Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, right outside the small village she used to govern as Mayor, Wasilla. Trig Palin is then delivered one month premature, Friday night…

    The inherent need to absolutely have Trig delivered in a remote and possibly ill-equipped facility for premature deliveries, where Sarah would likely have numerous contacts and pull, does not sit well. The doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, approving of all of these actions borders on malpractice. Not treating leaking amniotic fluid causes infections, and time is of the essence after water breaks.

    And then there are two other facts – that her daughter Bristol was out of school during that entire time, allegedly with mono. Not to mention the pictures of her daughter where she definitely looks like she’s pregnant during that time.

    Does all of this prove that the baby is really her grandson? No. But it makes a pretty compelling prima facie case.

  25. Gov says:

    Turn it around. Chelsea gets pregnant April 1, out of wedlock, so Fox News does what to Hillary?

  26. Jägermeister says:

    #20 – Illuminati – Million of women were slapped in the face by the actions and words of the the Obama camp/Kos crowd.

    Instead of putting out more empty statements… tell us how millions of women were slapped in the face by people questioning Sarah Palin’s incredible pregnancy story.

    You DO realize that Palin’s husband is a Donk, right?

    He’s an independent. I think it’s time you back up your claims.

  27. Andre says:

    This is silly. Palin will NOT drop out. If you have followed the news, she issued a statement saying that her daughter is due in late December and that while her daughter made poor choices, she will be marrying the father of the child and she will be a proud grandmother. To think she’ll drop out is silly. This is yellow journalism at best.

  28. edwinrogers says:

    #27. I agree.

  29. obilon says:

    Interesting take. Could be true. But sounds very much like a conspirosy theory to me. If she needed an “out” this would be a good way to go. We’ll see how it plays out.

  30. Michael Auerswald says:

    Btw. I wonder what the father/husband-to-be thinks about all this. He’s probably not all too happy about the situation (otherwise they’d already have been married, wouldn’t they?)
    About the conspiracy theories – tried to google them, but all the postings seem to have disappeared from google cache. Someone hand me my aluminium foil hat please. And there have been those black helicopters in my flowers again, damn them!


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